Do you believe that SoloQ are getting improved?

Do you have hope in seeing Solo Q ever getting improvements? I feel like I have lost all hope in any meaningful changes in regards to making SoloQ better. In my opinion, I don't think it can get improved because it all comes down to the player. I really don't know what Behaviour can do about this. Isn't this entirely out of their hands?


  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,203

    The only thing that's gonna fix solo is better, stricter matchmaking. Yes, even at the cost of longer queues. Solos literally have free info, BT/Haste, and anti-camp, and I've never seen the average player play worse. They didn't improve because they figured the survivor buffs/killer nerfs would have them covered. All that's happened is that killers got mad at the balance changes, and left the role/game or became super elite. It's reverse domino theory: the more who are 'defeated', the greater the threat becomes. And so now on top of survivors being way worse, the average killer is the strongest they've ever been.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    I think next biggest fix would be removal of hook suicide, and probably UI changes to show perks of other survivors

    I don't see any other things they could do, radio chat maybe, but then it can be used for toxicity

    Hell, I don't even think free bond/kindred will break the game, SWF does that as is

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,683

    I think it's gotten better, but the biggest problems of survivor are other survivors and BHVR can't do anything about that, so things don't change that radically. Still, at least slowdowns are nerfed, and we have gen regression limits now, that's nice.

  • jezebelthenun
    jezebelthenun Member Posts: 195

    The only thing that's gonna fix solo is better, stricter matchmaking.

    Literally this. There is 100% nothing else that can be done on the game side of things.

    Bigger issue is that nobody can control what the other survivors do, so it's not ever likely to be a problem that gets "solved", honestly. If you're soloq, and your other 3 teammates are a swf, you're likely going to be a meat shield to them and nothing more. Of course that's not always the case, and some swfs will bring you in like one of their own and even sacrifice so you can survive, but that's pretty rare. And killers being extra sweaty and alphachad about the game isn't going to change for me or any other soloq.

    I play soloq almost exclusively now when I play survivor, and it's pretty rough. I've decided to put my energy into being the best teammate I can be, and playing every game as a soloq as though I'm trying to be a swf, just without comms. I'll stealth unhook and heal you every chance I get. I'll take chases in the later game as much as possible. I'll die so you can escape or grab hatch. And if I accidentally sandbag you or mess you up somehow, I'm going to do everything I can to make it right. It's a much more fulfilling process with this mindset. I used to get pretty PdO at teammates who left me on hook or who sandbagged me, but it didn't effect anyone but me, so I try to see everything differently and be as casual as possible.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,092

    Everybody coming to the same conclusion. solo q really can't be buff much more .

    They are at a gridlock around tunneling. They keep releasing more counterplay to tunneling but never completely nerfing it because of swf. You could fix the matchmaking.....but some players theorize that the system intentionally match you up with players of all different skill levels for the sake of maintaining the kill rates You could give survivors wall hacks (bond/kinderd) but that would be bad in my opinion. You can pretty much problem solve with the hud to figure out is the killer camping most of the time. No one in chase for a while? the killer probably at the hook. You need to be able to observe your surroundings and make a deduction. Adding wall hacks would kill game sense but at the same time u can't depend on people to know what to do when matchmaking consistently giving you at least 1 potato teammate.

  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979

    The biggest fix would be better matchmaking but it seems people value instant queues more.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    And to be honest, stricter matchmaking will make lower MMR hell even more of a hell

  • Yharwick
    Yharwick Member Posts: 521

    We need stricter d/c penalties and remove the ability to suicide on hook. You don't have to get good at the game if you can just run away from any game not going your way.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,709

    Why do people keep insisting that removing the 4% is going to do anything at all?

    If someone doesn't want to play the game, they can't be forced into playing. Instead of hook suicide, they will stand afk, point at a hook, follow the killer, throw every pallet on the map, make noise notifications incessantly, or just sit on a gen and miss every skill check.

    Removing ways to speed up hook stages is just treating a symptom. It doesn't actually solve anything, because the core reasons people want out are still there.

    The only way to fix it is to look at why people want out. Are some of those reasons petty or trivial? Yeah, you can't fix all of them. But let's at least look at why the game is no longer fun, or worth playing for a lot more people than it used to be.

    Maybe it's not worth getting 5k BP for a ton of people to the first one found in a lot of games. Increasing BP gains is a completely harmless and non game balancing way that could have an impact, without nerfing anything at all.

  • For_The_People
    For_The_People Member Posts: 544
    edited July 11

    To be honest, I try to treat soloQ as an exercise in practicing my skills on certain elements such as looping etc (spoiler: it’s going badly lol)

    I don’t have any hope or expectation that I’ll load into a match that I’ll escape often. This helps me to deal with with the matches we get stomped quickly and can move on next (though sadly tunnelling - whether perceive or actual, and slugging can make this frustrating for sure).

    I do however, every 20 solo matches or so, get paired with people ‘on my wavelength’ and we have fun whether we escape or die. Quite often we’ll befriending each other and try to play together when the opportunity arises.

    SoloQ has become something of a recruitment ground for people I can play with going forward and have made some amazing friends this way that makes the overall motivation to play the game increase.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,765

    I think there are two meaningful improvements that could make to soloq outside of voice chat which I don't think the soloq community wants.

    1: Resolve hook suicides like they did DCs.

    2: Make some more perks obvious. Like highlight survivors who have an active deliverance in a different color so others not to know to go for a rescue.

    I'd like them to show perks entirely, but I think they believe that would do more harm than good.

    A voice command wheel is another possibility (example: 'I'm going for the rescue'), but I don't think I've ever seen them discuss that.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,765

    If someone doesn't want to play the game, they can't be forced into playing. Instead of hook suicide, they will stand afk, point at a hook, follow the killer, throw every pallet on the map, make noise notifications incessantly, or just sit on a gen and miss every skill check.

    Then why don't they disconnect?

    Well, because there are disconnect penalties which discourage people from disconnecting.

    You can absolutely encourage players to engage in the game via removing certain elements.

    Also, I don't think people behave in the manner you list in even a majority of cases. When I see people going for hook suicides get rescued, sometimes they do what you list, but lots of times they just go about playing the game. Even if they take on a suicidal approach with the killer, that's still better for the other survivors than them just being out of the game.

    Not to mention lots of people who talk about this want a bot to take over if the player want out so badly; in that case we wouldn't have any of the problems you listed.

    Removing ways to speed up hook stages is just treating a symptom.

    But treating symptoms is an improvement. Even if all we were able to only decrease hook suicides by 25%, we'd have a substantially better game.

    The only way to fix it is to look at why people want out. Are some of those reasons petty or trivial? Yeah, you can't fix all of them. But let's at least look at why the game is no longer fun, or worth playing for a lot more people than it used to be.

    A huge reason is people just rage quitting, especially when we talk about first hook suicides which is the problem people are trying to address. If people didn't have such an easy out that has been baked into their playstyles it wouldn't ever come up.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477
    edited July 11

    Those who don't want to play should be banned/restricted for the game health and hook suicide will make banning them harder

    This is exactly why DC penalty exists and it helps the game without doubt, please stop being dishonest and pretend it doesn't work, no amount of wall of texts can deny a pure fact

  • TerraEsram
    TerraEsram Member Posts: 663

    Pretty hard to buff soloQ survivor without buffing the best swf in this game
    Maybe, some "quick" response like "I'm gonna unhook" or "let me heal you" that the other survivor can see
    and a button for diying when left on the ground for one or two minute

  • vol4r
    vol4r Member Posts: 255

    Nope, we should get rid of reasons why people want their game to end.

    • I don't want to face billy, blight and SM all the time, there should be restrictions about facing same killers, even if queue would be longer
    • Get stricter matchmaking skill-gap, so people who don't progress on gens don't get into lobbys with good killers - so we could avoid 2nd person to be downed before 1st got unhooked
    • Get rid of miserable killers mechanics - getting downed within 10 second of starting the trial against billy or nurse sucks
    • make better looping tiles, get rid of deadzones so people actually have resources to loop the killer
    • insta downing without specific perks should never be a thing

    These are some reasons why people don't want to play matches. We fix some of them and we will have a lot less surviviors to suicide.

    Also, people don't want to DC because they wanna keep playing without penalities that make them wait for next game.

    Also, why killers feel so entitled? You play plague with thana and 3 other regression perks? Of course people will not want to play against it.

    Make the game be better for everyone and get rid of broken stuff and we all will have much better time playing.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477
    edited July 11

    And none of that does matter, if we fix that those people will just make up yet another reason they don't like and ends up throwing the game again, again and again, until eventually they get bored or game is dead

    Changing the game only to please the extremely harmful griefers who deserves to be banned is stupidest suggestion of all

    It's exactly same as "killers will stop camping/tunneling when game is easier for them" only except those killers are not against the rule unlike hook suiciders, literally this is not the way how things work

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,117
    edited July 11

    They could stop making/introducing maps like haddonfield/borgo…., that are unplayable for survivors. This alone would help a lot. We should have more maps that are on the level of eyrie of crows, aka fair. This at the very least is my biggest problem with the game in general, because then you can‘t even play well when you have nothing. Then basically everyone is bad by design.

    I don‘t believe there is way to buff ONLY soloq like most people want it. They would always buff both, which is fine and needed.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    I just want chat wheel...

    From Vecna we know it's possible.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,535

    I don't think so. My thinking comes just from looking at the decision making over the past 12 months and some of the answers given in the AMAs and interviews. Also looking at recent new survivor perks, where most are pretty much only applicable in niche situations or have too many restrictions to bother with, it seems they're pretty content with where survivor gameplay is at and aren't looking to breathe new life into it.

    The recent perk reworks are decent at least, but we don't know if they'll be going ahead yet so I'll reserve judgement on that. I feel those are really only happening though because they feel they won't make too much waves at this point in time in the game (eg Iron Will back to 100% at a time where there are a multitude of aura/screaming/info perks for killers, so they're happy to throw us that bone).

  • SkeletonDance
    SkeletonDance Member Posts: 336

    I hope devs will address this. SoloQ needs these improvements very badly.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 482

    i think they should just settle down on adding ping / chat wheel system and then just telling players "we did everything that could've been done, please get good and stop blaming the game".

  • AggressiveFTW
    AggressiveFTW Member Posts: 1,081

    I made a thread about QOL changes to make generators and healing more fair. These changes could also help reduce the gap between SWF and Solo.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Nothing they implement for solo queue is going to fix the problem because the problem is a skill issue. That’s a hard pill to swallow though.

    The only thing that would improve the experience is better matchmaking. However that would make queue times drastically longer and was overall disliked last time it was tested. Tighter matchmaking would also mean significant buffs for killer but most the people wanting solo queue improvements wouldn’t be down for that either.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,117
    edited July 11

    I think they already significantly have. When I started playing, killers could stand under the hook and hit you down the instant you were unhooked unless your teammates brought BT. As the safe hook rescue condition wasn't a thing, sometimes those teammates would farm you like this for points. There was no camp or tunnel protection, when any counterplay to those things was heavily reliant on comms or otherwise high game coordination which rarely exists in solo, and without Kindred, you had no idea what any of your teammates were doing when they weren't in your sight. You could only tell when the Obsession was being chased, if one was even in your game. You didn't know how far a slug had healed and could only guess via how long they'd been on the ground, so sometimes you'd go to pick someone up and realize with the killer breathing down your neck that that player had given up and not recovered at all.

    The icons are revolutionary. Now you know what's happening on the other side of the map, how many gens are being done and whether they're close to popping. Used to be you'd have all three people coming for the save or none of them, all the time. Nowadays? People can still be stupid or fight each other for points, but usually people see three people are on a gen and decide that someone needs to get off and unhook, and if two people get off the gen, one will usually go back on the gen once they infer someone else is going for the save. Or if the person who got off the gen starts being chased, someone else on a gen will get off and go for the save in their stead. None of this used to be communicated without Kindred.

    MMR is the only thing they've changed that actively made solo queue worse, since MMR punishes you for failing to escape by giving you weaker teammates, which are more detrimental than having weaker killers.

    There's still room for improvement, of course. Like making AFC progress visible to teammates, showing perks, making some perks like Head On or Power Struggle light up the survivor when they're ready to use so that teammates can coordinate with them, a communication wheel. But we really have come a long way.

  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 418

    I think "no" for the near future and "possibly" in a couple of years when the current game designers leave the company and new ones come in.

    The problem with the current ones is that they listen too much to the community and have adopted the common opinion here which is also in the original post, "Isn't this entirely out of their hands?".

    No it's not.

    A good move would be to better separate players like me who have played for 7+ years and have a lot of experience and who want to play well, have fair games and at least try to win, from the complete newbies, folks who just want to mess around and have a laugh while dying and who are terrible at the game but are still having fun. These folks are fine with the current balance as they don't expect to survive (I've played an evening with someone who was so terrible it was impossible to get her out no matter how hard the group tried, she still had fun and loved the game). Put these folks together in a lobby and put me in lobbies with other people who are more like me and I bet it'd be much better for everyone.

    I sometimes noticed in matches with two solos and a 2SWF, the other solo is a great player that the other solo is a really good player but the 2SWF single-handedly wins the match for the killer with a 4k at 3 gens. Put them together with others like them and give me and the other solo two more solos in our league and the killer will struggle to get two hooks all game. It's that much of a difference.

    Stricter matchmaking doesn't help. I feel that matchmaking is pretty consistent. With how much I lost, I must be among the bottom 1% survivors MMR-wise. I'm not the best player, but I am definitely better than that, but I have no idea how to get out of that situation other than doing that boring "Wake Up"/"Sole Survivor" "quickly open door after killer closes hatch" build.

    I don't really care much about this issue anymore, though. I've quit the game for now. I'm on PlayStation and cancelled my PS Plus subscription which is required for online play so I can't play anymore even if I wanted. If the game was still remotely enjoyable solo, I wouldn't have cancelled.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,828

    I don't see how you can at this point.

    You can give SoloQ all of the buffs and players will still lose by not paying attention to their teammates, HUD and killer. Let alone trying to figure out what the killer is running half the time.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,361

    Looking at how the Devs gave Survivors basekit endurance and haste when unhooked, Anti-Face Camp Mechanic, a HUD that tells you who is in chase and what your teammates are doing, removed hook grabs and an anti-3gen mechanic, I have no doubt they’re looking into ways to improve Survivor experience. They just move rather slowly.

    All I really want is a text wheel to indicate who’s going for a save, the bleed out timer to be halved and maybe some more emotes.

    There’s not much more they can do since, as others have already mentioned, the worst thing about the Survivor experience is usually your teammates.