Operation QOL Generator & Healing

AggressiveFTW Member Posts: 1,081
edited July 9 in Feedback and Suggestions

(Some of the things written here are written in a way as if it's already been implemented. That's just because I thought it was easier to write it that way.)

New mechanic: Capped Limits

  • You now have a maximum value regarding how fast actions can be finished as Survivor and also as to what degree you can defend generators as Killer. The affected type of actions are generators and healing. If Capped Limits is active and preventing something, an icon on the hud would be visible to the affected Survivors.

Why?: To prevent overly powerful and unfair things happening. It can be with the use of certain items, add-ons or perks. Combinations also. I don't know which exact numbers are balanced, the devs has to come up with that themselves.


  • How fast a generator can be repaired
  • How long a generator can be blocked
  • How fast a generator can regress
  • How much damage can be done in a single regression event


  • How fast a heal can be finished

Why?: Fast healing can obviously be too oppressive, especially for Killers that's slow and don't have as good of a chance to interrupt a heal. For abuse reasons also, there should be a limit to not make healing too fast, to not make basic attacks and leaving the survivor a completely worthless decision. Autodidact would be an exception I guess. I felt like I had to say something here, the generator ones are pretty obvious why I think?

Other QOL changes

  • You now see a score event showing up when successfully stopping regression.

Why?: Because it directly rewards you for saving your objective. It could also benefit beginners to see the message, letting them know they stopped a regressing generator and a simple way of teaching them what stopping regression mean.

  • Merciless Storm type of skill checks now appear until you successfully stop regression. If you miss, no explosion will be made, but a loud noise notification will show up for the Killer. The progress bar resets to its original regression progress and will not stop regressing until you have stopped regression.

Why?: Because it makes stopping regression not as thoughtless if the Killer is very close. It gives stopping regression more of a thinking and intense experience. Having no explosion and just a loud noise notification is also beneficial to the average beginner. Because it's not overkill but it still makes them feel the importance of learning how to hit those skill checks. It makes generators a little more interesting also and not as boring. In addition to this, it could be cool if BHVR added a specific training ground where you could practice hitting skill checks.

  • You now get the opportunity to hit the skill check when leaving a generator or a healing action, the same way Overcharge works, but if you miss the skill check, the generator starts regressing.

Why?: It makes no sense to have something where RNG decides if it wants to sabotage your action in a way like this. It's also just a logically good and simple QOL change. This is a thing the devs want to do, but they said it's not on the roadmap at this point. I thought this was a really simple thing to implement but I guess not?

  • There's now an increased generator kick damage and increased regression speed.

Why?: 5% is barely worth to kick without perks and the regression speed doesn't make it any better either. So I think both buffing the kick damage and increasing regression speed is a good move. I think doubling the kicking damage to 10% would be solid. I don't know what the regression speed should be, that's a little more complicated I feel like.

Last thing I want to say is that pretty much all boring gen perks that exists solely for the purpose of defending gens by giving more damage to the gens, should all be reworked to do something else. It's time for that era to disappear and we'll be able to use more fun loadouts in the higher levels.