Was "The Unknown" a great killer all along?
I've finally started to play The Unknown. I've spent some bloodpoint and used a build I'm using on another killer.
I expected to get my backside kicked while I'm learning its powers.
My first match went better than expected as I had no idea what his powers were: a 4K with decently prestiged players.
Naturally, after a win, the next lobby had to be stronger …
And yet …
I'm expecting a stronger lobby and I get four flashlights … sounds like trouble.
Or not …
Naturally the next team has stronger players and after one look at the p100, I feel like crying …
… but it went pretty fine.
How is that possible? I barely understand the killer …
Is it a "S" killer or have I been incredibly lucky?
I really like The Unknown, but I wouldn't say it's S tier. Very solid killer though. Not a common pick so the counterplays are less known in general.
I'd say high B tier.
The one thing I'd love to see for it is Blurry Photo basekit. That addon seems pretty much mandatory for using your TP mid chase.
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- You’re likely a good killer.
- You like have decent game knowledge.
- If you’re good at tp killers he’s no exception.
- If your decent at plague or huntress it makes playing him easier so you’re probably patient with your shots.
- Great job! :)
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Not S tier but much better then a lot of people on here give them credit for. People underestimate how disorienting Unknown can be to go against with how instant the teleport is as well as the projectiles going through walls.
As long as you're hitting your shots Unknown can get downs in scenarios 90% of the roster can't. People like to brush off the goo like oh they'll just loop wide and you'll never hit them but as long as you're aware of it all that means is you get survivors looping unoptimally for free.
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He can be good but sometimes you feel hopeless. Survivors can totaly have lot of windows to counter you if they try but you can still do some damage.
High B tier or bottom A if you master him.
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I said this since his release, he feels strong because survivors don't know how to counter him, now that people are adapting since he is quite popular (atleast for me), he feels weaker. I'd say he isn't S or A tier, but more like of a B tier, he is strong, but his power requires good aim, while also dealing with survivors who are good at dodging, holding W, and avoiding hugging walls.
I've had survivors remove their weakness even when their not in my line of sight, which prevents me from getting certain downs, sure he still has his teleportation ability, but they can remove it fairly quickly.
He is still a good pick though, he has his downsides, you just have to keep an eye out for more experienced players, but once you adapt to how they play, Unknown becomes even stronger.
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That'd be an explanation. Even the higher prestige seemed to have difficulty handling it.
A decent killer, maybe : good is hard to say. And I'm a Nurse main with my second being Huntress. I didn't realize it translated well with the Unknown.
Thanks 😄
I certainly had several survivors running into me while fleeing the image at my last position. (That's hilarious.)
That's the best part playing it.
I'm guessing I'm still far from the level that would give me these survivors. I certainly feel like training a bit with it.
I don't even know if I'm supposed to directly hit them or splash damage them.
Some of the survivors I've versed were good at avoiding splash damage (or I'm just not good enough at it) but sooner or later I was able to corner them, usually by dropping a husk (which I assume is out of my control) and "pincer" them.
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He is kind of fun.
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Those who aren't familiar with looking behind them in chase will probably struggle against him. That's how i see it anyway
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Yeah very strong solid A tier, a lot of people struggle to play him tho but I guess you're just better so good on ya :D
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No. People just suck at looking behind and don't understand that he has cooldown for firing. you can remove over 50% of weaken state before he can shoot again.
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Has decent chase power and has teleport, definitely not a bad killer
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Of course Unknown is a strong Killer. And it is quite obvious, IMO. The teleport alone is enough to put him in the top third or so of the Roster.
IMO Unknown is high A-Tier, I never had a really bad game with them.
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congrats on the fun matches. I thought the consensus was unknown was a pretty strong killer.
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I though the Unknown was maybe abnormally strong until I got my butt handed to me by a good survivor team who made it difficult to keep them infected. Either way, he's one of my favorite to play.
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I’ve definitely faced some u known players who were just gliding through the match, such was there phenomenal pressure and use of TP and power - even as a survivor only player I had to applaud their incredible fluency and grasp of the killer’s potential
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The Unknown was always a good killer. Not S-tier and probably not A, but solidly above average and certainly able to contend with good survivors if you can use his projectile well. Also if you learn how to manipulate his clone spawns he can have decent map traversal too.
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Just like dredge he can be a monster vs people who lack map knowledge and aren't familiar with the optimal way to counter their powers. Once you play vs a solid team who know his mechanics well it turns into a very different experience.
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He excels at a lot if you know how to arc the projectile. The problem is more so getting everyone Weakened since that’s natural slowdown if they want to get rid of it, and that take a while against coordinated survivors. That’s why Vanishing Box is a requirement for him and possibly Captured by the Dark for early game.
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Captured by the Dark sucks. The downside is too significant.
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There's several boxes that have to be checked to be considered a top tier killer , I would place him at B tier personally because while he does have sort of a way to traverse the map it's also not always guaranteed if it's dispelled while you're carrying another survivor, he has some anti loop but it's situational meaning that he doesn't just ignore all safety and can be somewhat looped if the survivor plays it right, he's got all the things that make a top tier killer but their limitations prevents him from being S tier in my opinion and being able to remove his effect mid chase also prevents that it would be like if i could look at nurse and take her second blink away that wouldve been a down otherwise
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I don't think people ever thought unknown was a bad killer, however certainly far from being a top tier one
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Being susceptible to the grenade launcher early game, forcing slowdown to delay early injures, and potential to snowball is not worth the fourth hallucination you’ll likely never get if they dispel?
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Yesterday I only got 2 hooks. I hit all my initial shots but not my second. Ugh.
I was on garden of joy against a swf.
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Unknown is a killer where the more a survivor understands the killer power, the weaker he becomes as it's not a skill issue you can improve against.
Survivors who remove his hallucinations and path correctly around walls will heavily limit the strength of the unknown power while there's not much unknown can do in response.
I don't think he's really a great killer as being good against survivor who don't know how to play against your power is every killer.
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Unknown is definitely strong, and ridiculously fun. Matter of fact, I think he's (it's? IDK.) the closest killer to a main I have right now just for the fun factor. That said, I'm kinda donkey cheese when it comes to consistency. Sometimes it's a great night of 4Ks and letting goofy players go, and other nights it's just me getting absolutely obliterated (no matter the killer).
I say all that to just say this: it seems like you're just a skilled, consistent player, and to that I gotta give kudos.
To go back to what I said about Unknown being strong earlier… I don't think he's S tier, but he's definitely A tier, if not a top 10 killer.
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If you just land all your shots without removing Weakened, Unknown has options to deal with almost any loop in the game, capable of damaging you from...unknown angles that lots of killers could never hope to make.
In execution this is much harder said than done, I'm not trying to be facetious. But when he works, he works. It's when he doesn't work that he really doesn't work :P
1missed UVX can lose games, so there's an insane amount of pressure to not miss, which can lead to safe gameplay, perhaps making one want to lean into Blurry Photo but I say reject Blurry Photo, it's overrated. Embrace the chaos and silliness!
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I agree with Bagels here. There's also the fact that Weakened speeds up Hallucination production so even in the off chance that 3 hallucinations matter(very rarely) you at least go net neutral in value by being able to place a Hallucination nearly immediately upon the match starting.
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Yeah agreed I rate him high B tier too and he can be oppressive agains't casual players. But as you need two hits with his power good players will make you have harder time. It's pretty easy to get the weakened status away. Many survivors just come look at you when not in chase.
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The Unknown is really good, Idk about S-Tier (I generally find it hard to rank him).
He can definitely have some really strong chases, has good mobility, and is really fun to play as and against; which cannot be said for a lot of the Killer pool, so they are definitely ranked higher than most.
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Yeah I agree. Unknown is like a good gatekeeper into higher level Survivor play. Like the 3rd gym leader or something.
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2nd one decisely, this killer is awfully bad aganist good survivors (those survivors were bad players probably)
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So two things with this. The first is if the survivors actually look behind them I test to see how good they actually are with that because many players will just run into walls and objects and I'll just go for the m1 in that case.
If they're actually very experienced and can look behind them without running into anything I tend to loop very unconventionally and hide myself behind objects while chasing and even just that throws off many survivors and they'll often just leave the loop if they don't know where I am or at the very least be confused enough to stand still to let me get a shot off.
A lot of Unknown's counterplay has it's own counterplay so it really does just become a knowledge game atp assuming you can hit shots. As long as you're mechanically good with unknown almost every situation with unknown becomes a 50/50.
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Any killer works in pubs 90% of the time
Unknown is no exception.
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That's why he is not solid A or S tier to be that level there needs to be very little counterplay. I think he is good spot fair for both sides. I have used the add on which cause weakened after doing gen or go for long shots to get survivors weakened so when I chase someone else or carry someone to hook. Survivors come looking at me to get it away. In chase it's mostly 50/50 if you get them injured with it I also get lot of m1 as some survivors literally run to me.
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He's good, but not that good. Once you go against a team which knows how to counter your shots, you basically won't be using your power. You'd have to be waiting at hook with it to get the double hit, and that's about it.
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I would love to play him but he's too clunky for my liking. I wish it felt smoother to use the power.
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Idk, I'm glad so many people like Unknown, but I feel like he is too inconsistent and clunky. Using power punish you way more often than giving you value, in 80% of situations it's too easy to dodge and almost all Unknown I went against gave up on m2, because it's too punishing for every tiny mistake and too much efforts to reach something at the same time.
Honestly, for the first time in my life I don't understand for what community loves killer. It's not "not my cup of tea", I'm sure that killer barely worth to waste time on him and even best Unknowns with streaks on him didn't change my opinion on it.