Pyramid Head's Cage of Atonement Should Grant The Basekit Unhook Endurance/Haste

Pyramid Head is the best character in the game at tunneling out a survivor. With his cage of atonement he can ignore perks such as Off The Record/Decisive Strike/Borrowed Time. This on it's own is enough to make Pyramid Head's cage mechanic useful. Where the Cages start to become frustrating is when a survivor can be hit by Punishment of The Damned before they can even move.

This ability to instantly hit survivors out of the cage also bottlenecks some of the killer's design space. There was a PTB a while back where Punishment of The Damned afflicted survivors with the torment status. The idea was scrapped because of how effectively the killer could tunnel one survivor out of the trial. If survivors had the base unhook protections out of a cage then Punishment of The Damned could easily come back as an add-on (maybe replacing the iri goblet).

Solo-q survivors wouldn't be as punished for getting farmed out of a cage in front of the killer (it would still suck(but it would suck less)) and it would free up some ideas for add-on buffs/tweaks.


  • PogbertChamperson
    PogbertChamperson Member Posts: 141

    pyramid identity = hit survivors out of cage before they can act? I'm not sure if this is what you are trying to say.

    Pyramid head can still chase the survivor who gets uncaged without worry of perks such as DS/OTR. He just wouldn't be able to down them before they have a chance to move, so one could chase the same survivor twice with little consequence.

    P-head staying near the cage doesn't have to be good for it to be unhealthy/frustrating.

    This game isn't exclusively played by good survivors/survivors in a VC. You can't design things with only that in mind.

  • Nightram
    Nightram Member Posts: 155

    What if we just make all the basekit BT on the cages. And let perks activate while getting cages. Sadly unhook perks dosen't work.

    But tbh I rarely see pyramid tunnelers, or hear of this kind of behavior for that killer. But yeah I see your worry. But we just need the basekit protection as all hooked surviviors get.

    Plus the cages should be more random. After a survivor get caged, the next one get caged in the same place.

    And the caged survivor body out of the cage bug should get a fix soon.

  • D0NN1ED4RK0
    D0NN1ED4RK0 Member Posts: 822
    edited July 2024

    here’s a better solution

    We do other types of nerfs to cages and if those don’t stop his tunneling ability then we add endurance as a final solution

    So it’s better off to look for other solutions on his tunneling without nerfing his cages

    cage rng is designed with the idea that they spawn at the furthest point of the map away from pyramid head. But random spawns could be needed because of how easy it is to memorize the spawn locations

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    This game isn't exclusively played by good survivors/survivors in a VC. You can't design things with only that in mind.

    You can't balance around bad play.

  • PogbertChamperson
    PogbertChamperson Member Posts: 141

    This isn't a harsh nerf. The killer can still continue to tunnel the uncaged survivor off hook. The survivor is only given a chance to move first. Basekit endurance was added to hooks so players could have some agency before getting hit. Many survivors play solo and this mostly helps them and even then not that significantly. Getting caged will still deny a bunch of perks.

    The bad play will still be a bad play. The 'rescuer' loses a health state and the survivor coming out of cage is deep wounded.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    I would say it is substantial nerf. every little bit of time in this game is massive for killer. pyramid head ability is time efficiency. His lack of mobility, lack of instant down, lack of any 4vs1 is mitigated by his ability to skip entire hook-states. His mori would need to be buffed to work on 1st stage hook for his power-level to remain the same.

  • Tits
    Tits Member Posts: 506

    The initial idea behind him sending players to cages was simply like the anniversary event's ability to quickly hook someone and move on. I have no idea why they never added the cages as a form of hook with the same defences, or counting as unhooking or hooking players. But mostly it was for a quick way to avoid flashlight saves and wiggling out etc. I dont think they ever intended it to be used entirely as a tunnel mechanic, perhaps like victor its hard to code in changes to the cages themselves as a power.

  • PogbertChamperson
    PogbertChamperson Member Posts: 141

    Not working with unhook perks is intended. It was def a noteworthy part of his power since his release. DS was way better then. As long as the killer cannot use Pop Goes The Weasel and other hook perks with cages then it's fine that survivors don't get perks too.

    I'm just advocating for something to protect the survivor when they are initially uncaged so they can try and play the game for a bit.