General 2v8 Strategies?
Despite how little we know about the upcoming 2v8 mode I’d like to ask you: What are some general 2v8 strategies you can think of?
At least how many Survivors will be needed to make complete saves? Four? One for each Killer to chase, the hook, and the unhook?
Which would mean that the remaining four Survivors NEED to hammer out gens ASAP right?
What other strategies are there to think about for the new mode?
2 killers tunneling 1 survivor.
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I can’t imagine a chase lasting more than 5-10 seconds.
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Survivors found a way to juice in My Little Oni I'm sure they'll cook something up :P
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plague support for perma broken
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- Pick Nurse and Billy 2. Play normally 3. Profit
- Pick 8 beamers 2. Equip background player 3. Profit
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8 vigil+Sprint burst = 10 second sprint burst cooldown.
A killer strategy that might be common is 1 killer camping hook/hooking, 1 killer chasing. Given that only first 5 killers are available, you'll see Billy get played every match+Huntress who proxy camps and face-camps hooks. Machine guns anyone who tries to save.
When they allow you to use all killers, you'll probably see Legion+Oni every game Or Mori killers like Sadako+Myer's.
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I don't want to break something but… Survivor in this mod CANNOT take all the perk, it gonna be some "class" survivor with some perk
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Isn't billy better for camping than huntress, especially when there can be like 5 survivors swarming a hook
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Thankfully I doubt that'll work... 7 survivors unaccounted for? Even 20s to down hook and walk anywhere is gonna be a lot of time to waste 😅
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yes but billy is faster killer and can get more muti-downs compare to huntress. Huntress is slow killer so hook camping and putting people onto hooks that billy down is more appropriate.
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Didn't the 2v8 trailer show there wasn't hooks killers just tp survivors to cages like pyramidhead when downed?
Also camping might be harder cause of the cages and 6 survivors cranking gens who knows survivors could have tied lives for all we know to prevent tunneling
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Survivors will have their perks divided in archetypes, so you cant freely choose from all perks.
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Yeah, I imagine the hooking takes like 1 seconds or so… I would imagine there are still flashlight and pallet saves? If so, there must still be a "pick-up" mechanic that then throws survivors on hook ala the remote hooks in the event.
Of course Saboing is not a thing… so maybe flashlights and pallet saves won't be a thing either…. in which case I would probably expect some kind of anti-tunneling mechanism.
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No I genuinely don't think there will be saves of any kind. Pickup mechanic is completely gone so I assume pallets and flashlights will just be used while looping cause I think in testing they had to remove the pickup mechanic and remove saves cause having 8 fly's buzzing for saves would be SO unfun
I rewatched the trailer killer just does the boon snuff animation on the survivor and blood engulfs them they pop out in a cage.
Finally I believe that the only anti tunnel will just be a second chance perk in the preset classes
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Maybe people get the basekit DS that they always wanted xD
EDIT: Obviously not DS, but you get what I mean ;)
Double EDIT: Maybe Tryks steps in and interrupts the Entity's attempt to hook the Survivor
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Vigil doesn't stack
...does it? I'm second guessing myself now
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But what about 2 killers camping 1 survivor. That might work.
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One killer focuses on running survivors off gens, one kills said survivors.
Huntress playing sniper while Wraith or Nurse cleans up.
Billy or Huntress chasing survivors down into Trapper territory.
Couple survivors play medic while the rest swarm gens
Every survivor running flashbang and head on.....
...We're going to stop now...
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I can't believe they're finally adding TCM (the game) to DBD.
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The game uses a class system with pre-determined builds I'm pretty sure, don't think you'd be able to have all survivors using the same perk/items
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imagine 8 head ons and 8 vigils on the red forest locker spawns
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You can only use Trapper Wraith Hillbilly Nurse and Hag in this mode bro.
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My plan is just to play Nurse.
I don't have to feel as bad with 8 survivors running around.
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Well we know the limitations that the mode is going to start with
2 v 8
10 generators
larger maps
and original 5 killers
caging survivors instead of hooking them
So in general we can assume anything that gets fast downs is going to be much better than objective defense so billy + nurse is easily the best combo but you can also do a lot with huntress + wraith or any combination of them. A good trapper can carry their weight but with 8 survivors I wouldn't doubt someone can take the role of follower and just disarm every trap he sets 24/7
Basically 2 meta killers, 2 good killers and 1 bad killer but not too much fancy combination between them, maybe if there are passives on each killer it might but who knows.
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Depends, do we know if licensed Killers are allowed or not? Considering nothing changes for the killers, right? (E.g. they don't get shrunk or turned into a giant etc.)
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Only Trapper, Wraith, Billy, Nurse, and Huntress are in the mode. Though they've said they plan on adding more killers later, I don't know if that will ever include licenses (given usage in different modes is evidently a problem given the absence of all licensed content in My Little Oni.)
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I'm just calling this now when they add the rest of the killers Legion and Plague are gonna be S Tier in this mode
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2 Mechanics (toolboxes or Maps)
2 Medics (Medkits)
4 Runners (Flashlights or Keys)
1 Chaser
1 Spotter/ Proxy Camper (rather it be Gens or hooks)
Seems that perks are going to be split into premades it wouldn't make sense to
Since it's going to be the first 5 Killers: Trapper, Wraith, Hillbilly, Nurse and Huntress It would be up to whomever you play... PC gamers and Console gamers will each have their own style of play and preferences
But that would be my best guess
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I'll play Nurse so I'm going for hits and kills.
My hope is that the other killer will help to fend survivors of gens and/or hinder their movements.
Let's see:
- Trapper: hinder movement, catch unsuspecting survivors.
- Wraith: fend off gens.
- Hillbilly: fend off gens and kill.
- Nurse: kill
- Huntress: fend of gens and kill.
I wonder if being two chasing one survivor won't make it harder (because less predictable)
I wonder how it'd go on Discord for two killers. Too bad none of my friends are playing anymore (except one on/off survivor-main that'll never play killer)
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I actually didn't think about how the survivors would organize.
Oh I'm so eager to try.
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Plague and Nurse: one-hit downs. 😋
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Beamers only work if the killers intent to hook before downing a fair amount of survivors.
Although in this setup a couple of survivors with some form of dying recovery would rule.
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They absolutely would be - Freddy would be pretty good too, because he'd make everyone Oblivious and the other killer doesn't have a lullaby. But I suspect killers with mechanics like that will be the last ones to enter the mode, for exactly that reason - they're balanced within themselves but adding a chase killer on top of their macro power would get pretty nuts.
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The thought of an army of eight Survivors seems so cool and so fun.
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Two distract killers, the rest doing Gens.
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…. My Killer partner is going to report me aren’t they.
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It's Huntress not Hag.
But I can understand the confusion when everyone keeps saying first 5 killers and she did release before Huntress.
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Personally just think how annoying its going to be to keep track of hook states.
Don't think i'll bother i don't have anyone i want to 2v8 with so ill just stick to normal mode.
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Huntress, not Hag
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I’m so excited!!! Aahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!
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8 people tea bagging at the gate????? I CAN'T ALLOW THAT
We gotta team up and double tap survivors with a M1!! kinda like knight and his guard. When I give a head nod that your q to attack
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Just pick Nurse. That's about it.
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🤣🤣🤣 LMFAO! That’s hilarious!
The head nod 🤣🤣🤣
You have me thinking that there are so many funny things that Killers can do in this mode 🤔😆
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Can you imagine having 7 survivors Bodyblock to prevent one survivor getting downed?
8 players is gonna be absolutely insane to see, It's exciting.