Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Chucky's changes in the 8.0.0 update have ruined the character for me and many other players

Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1
edited June 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Chucky in the Vecna ptb had their scamper ability removed when it came to vaulting pallets but their window vaults were still intact. This kept the character feeling fun with the new shortened cooldown and people loved how the new Chucky felt. No one complained about it because they assumed this would be the new normal.
Fast forward to today where the live chapter finally releases and Chucky gets his window scamper removed. With this, not only did this nerf Chucky further, it has also has the consequences of making certain add-ons like the Yardstick and the Running Shoes completely useless, but also gets rid of content like removing the voice lines Brad Dourif gave when he scampered. They were small details but it felt like Chucky. This new Chucky Behavior have given us does not feel like Chucky.
Many may not be bothered by this but the many Chucky players including myself are devastated by this change. Instead of Chucky feeling like Chucky, he feels like a downgraded 110 Wesker. I no longer want to play Dead by Daylight because my favorite killer no longer feels like Chucky. Please revert the window scamper, the window scamper was never the issue, it was always the pallet scampers. Sincerely, a Chucky enjoyer

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 619

    Awesome. The quirky nerf may be the number one nerf ever done to a killer by BhVR, beyond the folly of adding the overheat system to hillbillies and the folly of making the hug trap disappear by hand. Has the person in charge of the adjustments that allowed the demogorgon's special attack to break the board already left the company?

  • Member Posts: 4,624

    Scamper at windows should absolutely be possible.

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    Agreed! I was wanting scamper under pallets removed but NOT windows. That was fair. They pretty much ruined my favorite killer… I’m done playing him for now.

  • Member Posts: 4,624

    I'm so sorry...

    As an OG Sadako main, I understand how you feel.

  • Member Posts: 4,624

    New one is pretty similar. I love that they at least reverted her a bit.

    I can play her again. That's more than Freddy mains can say about their killer.

  • Member Posts: 2,951

    probably just a bug

    It’s not in the patch notes, it only says pallet scamper was removed. It will be patched next update

  • Member Posts: 5,947
    • Scamper is now only available while performing a Slice & Dice.

    That is from the official patch notes. So it is intended and not a bug.

    Anyway, I stopped playing Chucky when they removed the flicks because it already made him very bland for me and this only makes that issue worse. The only thing, that's special about him now is the 3rd person view and that honestly isn't enough to get me to play him when the rest of his kit is so generic and boring.

  • Member Posts: 2,951

    but in the ptb he could still vault fast.
    scamper was the pallet scamper not the window.
    I read the notes on both patches and it doesn’t say anything about removing window vaulting.
    scamper is for the pallets not the windows

  • Member Posts: 29

    Chucky is unenjoyable to play as. He was one of my favorite killers, but now that's ruined. I'm an average player, regardless of the killer. I'm not top-notch on chases. I loved Chucky's former ability to counter loops with Scamper not being tied to Slice & Dice. Before, I rarely got hits, but the chases were fun. Today, I played one match with the now-forced usage of Slice & Dice to Scamper pallets. After performing a Scamper, the survivor must be next to the pallet to get a hit from the forced end of Slice & Dice. Now, survivors can drop a pallet, miss the hit attempt from Scamper, and get distance with a higher probability of escaping when Chucky loses sight of them during the Slice & Dice attack animation. I refuse to play Chucky like every other killer who has to chase survivors around a loop with a down pallet or take the time to break the pallet. There is Zero enjoyment in playing as Chucky. I will never play him again with the state that he is in. Thank You, BHVR, for ruining Chucky.

  • Member Posts: 5,947

    Scamper is Chucky's ability to quickly vault windows and pallets in hidey ho mode. You cannot use scamper on windows either now. This is what is discussed here. Scamper is now tied directly tied to slice & dice, which means no more faster vaults for Chucky outside of it.

    The patch notes are clear on this.

  • Member Posts: 131

    He's just boring now. This isn't even a case of whether he's stronger or weaker, but the main reason I bought him was because he just bypassed god pallets which shouldn't even be in the game, but apparently god pallets which give the killer no counterplay are fine but the killer having an ability to get a hit at those very same pallets is problematic.

    It was never a free hit on other loops, it was a mindgame and part of your toolkit giving you options at a loop with how you wanted to approach it. Now you approach literally every single loop identically. Take the pallet side, slice and dice 50/50. Take the pallet side, slice and dice 50/50. Someone comp drops the pallet? Break the pallet, slice and dice.

    There is only 1 passable place I've found to use slice and dice scamper and that's if the survivor shut themselves on the inside of shack with the pallet drop and they pre-run it instead of standing to the side or if they comp dropped the shelves on gideon. Otherwise again, break pallet slice and dice.

    This excuse of "un-counterable hits" for removing the entire mechanic while god pallets are not only in the game but actively being added to maps that didn't have them like Hawkins is quite frankly, a joke. Where's the killers counterplay for someone comp dropping 90% of Gideons pallets? Just play Nurse 24/7 I guess.

  • Member Posts: 15

    Yo, your second paragraph. Well said man, well said. I love to see and hear it, ppl need to know that Scamper into M1 wasn't an actual thing.

  • Member Posts: 15

    Hello everyone, DZM here (Chucky Main). To my knowledge Chucky wasn't changed because of the Scamper into SnD, y'all (BHVR)  actually encourage using SnD more. States that he was changed because of the Scamper into basic (M1). Which wasn't an actual thing, all the survivor needs to do is run back around the pallet and they don't get hit by an M1, only way it's a "Free Hit" (M1) is if you have the Running Shoes add-on. Otherwise you don't get hit by an M1 because Chucky is too slow. Do the testing and you'll see. Wesker and Vecna actually get free hits (M1) when Vaulting and lifting pallets. He was fine just the way he was before the change. The removal of window Scampers also wasn't asked for and wasn't needed. A few people are saying this is a buff with the cooldown (which actually doesn't matter that much when survivors just predrop, you can SnD around but they'll just vault) and why this may be right to an extent everyone's missing the point. They have removed everything about the killer that made him fun and unique, (180 Flicks, Scamper Cancels, Scampers) and apparently some of his voice lines according to Mr. Smithsonian. He's just boring and doesn't feel good to play anymore, and I don't think anything needed to happen to him. Could have changed Running Shoes add-on. That's my take on the changes, please feel free to inform me or correct me if I am wrong about anything. Chucky is my favorite killer in the game and I don't think it's fair that he gets massacred because the community can't learn counterplay. In my opinion these changes killed Chucky.

    My Suggestions: These are mainly gonna be Quality Of Life and Slight Buffs (Because he was fine the way he was, the Scamper had counterplay)

    - Revert changes (Manual Pallet/ Window Scamper and Voice lines) make the Scamper a bit slower, more in tune with Wesker or Legions Vaults.

    (Revert because once again Scamper into M1 isn't possible)

    - Change, starts the trial with power off cooldown and Increase Hidey Ho mode cooldown to 15 Seconds

    (Starts Trial with power off cooldown because Blight, Billy, Nurse, Spirit and various other killers start the trial with their powers. Cooldown to 15 Seconds to give Chucky the ability to use SnD as a map mobility tool because he currently has none, and to use power a bit more frequently because hitting someone w SnD then doing nothing for 20 sec felt so bad.)

    - Change (Mirror Shards, Pile of Nails and Running Shoes)

    Pile of Nails: 7 Seconds of Undetectable after manually exiting Hidey Ho mode. Mirror Shards: Turn rate add-on for SnD Scampers.

    (You're giving up SnD which is a strong ability and usually results in a hit for 7 Sec of Undetectable which I think is fair.)

    - Bring back the Scamper Cancel because it was fun and gave no competitive advantage.

    These aim to bring back the fun and uniqueness of Chucky while giving survivors a bit more counterplay.

    Edit: I love to see the community coming together for Chucky and realizing that the Scamper into M1 wasn't an actual thing. Lmk what y'all think of my suggested changes.

  • Member Posts: 24
    edited July 2024

    I loved how Chucky could scamper under pallets. For me, it was the main reason I even played as Chucky. The way he'd scamper was hilarious, and made me laugh every time I did it. Anyone who's enjoyed Chucky movies, knows it's the comedy that makes the movies better, and you just killed the comedy of Chucky by removing this. Stop being so lazy and fix the scamper instead of fully removing it. This is just pathetic and lazy. You ruined him by being lazy.

  • Member Posts: 3,085

    Agree, being able to vault windows and pallets while in Hidey-Ho mode was a core part of his character's identity and the removal of it makes him feel incomplete.

    Hopefully they'll change their minds and revert the change to scamper, even if it's release Scamper speed, the ability should be available during Hidey-Ho mode no matter what.

  • Member Posts: 298

    I feel like Chucky can still have an identity by adjusting his scamper during slice n dice

    Right now you rarely scamper pallets during slice n dice since it's very limiting to move around while survivors can go behind pallets thus avoiding being hit

  • Member Posts: 3,085
    edited July 2024

    Slice & Dice, Hidey-Ho Mode & Scamper during both Hidey-Ho mode and Slice & Dice are all the main core parts of what makes Chucky truly feel like the character himself and without all of those elements of his power together, he doesn't fully feel like that and adjusting his Scamper during Slice & Dice won't change that.

    In fact, i'd say adjusting Scamper during Slice & Dice will only make it worse as that to me just feels like doubling down on removing part of Chucky's core identity just so he can be turned into yet another hyper-mobility killer, something we already have more than enough of already with other killers and don't need anymore of.

  • Member Posts: 298

    While yes, chucky manually scampering was absolutely his identity, but an identity that was not enjoyable as he just gives free hits without making any cool play,

    It's why I want Chucky's slice n dice scamper to be buffed and while yes there's killers like blight and wesker that do those types of mobility, but this is gameplay that Chucky can maneuver by dashing through pallets by not kicking them but use them to their advantage

    That's an identity I want to see in him going forward in my honest opinion

  • Member Posts: 1,669
    edited July 2024

    Scamper was his only cool thing. His dash is so boring and got in my opinion less counterplay than scamper had.

  • Member Posts: 3,085
    edited July 2024

    Then put a slowdown period on his scamper speed where his scamper speed is slowed down to his release scamper speed for 5 second after Scamper has been used already while in chase to prevent him from spamming pallets like before or something, i don't care what, i just don't want his scamper removed from Hidey-Ho mode no matter what, that to me is a complete and utter deal breaker, same way removing Slice & Dice or Hidey-Ho mode completely would be a deal breaker too.

    Save the maneuvering while dashing for another Killer, because it is not what Chucky is nor should mainly be about and he should most certainly not be reduced to become mainly that either.

    Also i'm just generally sick and tired of hypemobile killers, it's a power type that's been done to death at this point and offers nothing new or interesting gameplay wise, we don't need every killer to become that just because it's a popular playstyle.

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited July 2024

    on release, i suggest that chucky either becomes 105% killer or his scamper is nerfed to 2 seconds. Scampering in Hide-oh is boosted by 100% when using S&D. they didn't really need to remove manual scamper. just weaken enough that vault →m1 is uncommon/not effective.

    another change that i do not agree with from PTB chucky to live was reduction of his m/s when missing. I think they should boost his m/s for missing to 95% but increase missed cooldown to 4 seconds. This allows chucky to use his dash for mobility without losing much m/s but doesn't allow him to miss and m1 a survivor in chases.

    Pile of nails is add-on that makes you go undetectable when you cancel your ability for 5(now 3 seconds). this add-on should be changed to grant undetectable after missing a S&D for 10 seconds.

    Their changes while in good spirit could been more refined. pile of nails add-on didn't need nerf. Cooldown m/s for missing makes it less attractive to use his ability for mobility. The scamper vaulting at loops could been address differently.

    He is still fun to play. probably my favourite dash/chase killer in the game. Just that he could been a bit better off. The lower cooldown is a good change that makes him more fun to play. Chucky is able to go for more risks and make more plays with his ability. It is just that other balance changes he got were not thought out correctly in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 3,085
    edited July 2024

    I would rather have Hidey-Ho stealth mindgames be the main strength of Chucky's power instead of Slice & Dice being the main focus so that his main identity isn't reduced to that of yet another hypemobility killer as we already have too many of them, however at this point i just want Manual scamper back, so i'll take anything at this point in time as long as it means that it returns again one way or another.

    Also i feel like Slice & Dice should be more risk/reward heavy by giving him a slightly more noticable penalty for missing Slice & Dice but a better reward for hitting someone.

  • Member Posts: 65

    Manual scamper clearly was hated. If you don’t like Chucky new rework don’t play him. Manual scamper was also horrible design and it was slow and clunky. New Chucky is way better than old you just don’t know how to use him so play someone else.

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