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Developer update for changes to 8.1.0 live update is out

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  • Member Posts: 355

    I guess they just said screw it, let's just give stridor an iron will treatment 😂

  • Member Posts: 2,652

    I'm surprised they are leaving babysitter as is, i thought the time could've been adjusted

  • Member Posts: 355

    I'm surprised that it didn't get a DS and OTR treatment 😂

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    But that, in and of itself, is a problem. I'm sidetracking from the actual question of Iron Will here (to answer, I hate it because I can't see well and have always relied on sound tracking more than scratch marks or visuals, and it gives too much value for free when comparative perks always have conditions or time limits), but nerfing perks just because they are used is a terrible development philosophy. It concerns me that they seemingly nerfed Iron Will just because it was meta and buffed it back just because it was underused, because if there's no meaningful difference between its state now and then, the only thing that ever mattered here was stats and that bodes very ill, because now actual perk balance is not the goal. See the Self-Care nerf.

  • Member Posts: 242

    shame that singularity didn't get more reverted and the fact that they're bringing the auto aim back later??? xddd bad players really got too much influence man

  • Member Posts: 3,015

    I'm disappointed with the lack of knight changes but everything else is fine.

  • Member Posts: 9,716

    I guess it's time to take advantage of Iron Will until the devs inevitably nerf it again.

  • Member Posts: 625

    Does anyone know if the silence from Iron Will and No Mither are additive?

    I use No Mither almost permanently, and as such hrun Iron Will with it. I don't think that having the silence even through Stridor is too strong considering I'm always one shot

  • Member Posts: 347

    This is one of the most disappointing updates ever.

    You'd think that after 8 years, BHVR would understand that a perk removing one tracking aspect is unhealthy, but apparently, they don't. And no, the fact that it doesn't work while exhausted is inconsequential.

    The UI changes are the worst in years, but they are stubbornly releasing them anyway. The loss of the current customization tab will haunt everyone forever, serving as a constant reminder that the game is losing everything that makes it look unique and is instead becoming a mobile game.

  • Member Posts: 663

    Specialist should be at 4 charges. 6 is excessive if you bring purple coin offerings no?

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Hm. I follow your logic, but I don't think I really agree with it. Like, I run Quick and Quiet and Head On fairly often and that's two perk slots that are not giving me any value for the majority of the match, and they're not applicable in most chasing scenarios because I need to break LoS, have a locker at the ready, Q&Q can't be on cooldown from a previous fast vault, and I need either a previous small loop around the structure or enough leeway so that I can double back a bit and my scratch marks won't be obvious.

    I can't always use them, and they come at the opportunity cost of other perks that could have given me value (ex. Lithe.) And like your IW + DH example, they disable themselves - I can't use the combo again for the rest of the chase, and for a while after that when I successfully lose the killer. But when they do give me value, that value is huge, and that justifies bringing the perks. Such is the case with Iron Will, and it's applicable in far more of the match than those two. If you're injured, the killer is nearby, doesn't have clear line of sight or aura read on you, and you're not exhausted, you're getting Iron Will value. That sounds like a lot of conditions, but it's most of the relevant time, whether you're in chase or not.

    Agree about the meta shakeup, though. I thought most of the changes were good, Iron Will among them, but there were a lot of weird ones in there or ones that were clearly trying to kill a perk dead, like DS and Self-Care (and the immediate landscape following 6.1 was the worst I ever remember the state of the game being.)

  • Member Posts: 9,716

    Don't forget you get charges from scavenging a chest via a perk like Appraisal as well.

    Ultimately if someone wants to run around to find 3-6 chests to open and/or scavenge for a slightly better BNP, power to them. But this perk conflicts with other survivors running the perk unless they also dedicate an extra slot to appraisal. Ultimately I don't think this perk will see much use after a few weeks of people messing around.

  • Member Posts: 4,918

    I swear if the customisation tab is exactly the same as it was on the PTB i'm going to be annoyed.

    Apart from that, good changes all round I think.

  • Member Posts: 1,165

    It’s better to do a gen instead of wasting time opening useless chest on the map.

  • Member Posts: 355

    Specialist is just meh perk imo. Might be good for SWF, but for SoloQ this perk is just killer sided. Like it's better to do gen instead of traveling the entire map for chests

  • Member Posts: 663

    Hw does it benefit swf? Also why not increase gen time reduction instead of adding more charges?

  • Member Posts: 355

    SWF is just better at coordination, while in SoloQ you're most likely never gonna get a chance to get 6 tokens before you all mates die

  • Member Posts: 1,845
    edited July 2024

    Knight's passive hunt time reduction for being near a guard wasn't eased a bit, which is a bummer. I think it should be there, just not at the rate it is currently.

    Edit: Apparently they removed swapping guards when one is active, which was a highlight for me. Very disappointed.

    Singu's changes seem fair enough.

    Specialist having 6 tokens is going to be annoying, but not for gen rush reasons. I see it like I see Potential Energy, but a little better. Having gen progress that can't be removed is terrible for killer and great for survivor, but the time to get it/amount of chests/needing rummage perks to get the best reduction is a lot of wasted time. I've seen people say it will be used to break 3 gens and I highly doubt it. Deja Vu was changed to break 3 gens and I just see it being used to snowball the last 3 gens no matter the gen spread. Killer or Survivor, it's just going to be annoying.

    Stridor is a good buff.

    Character selection looks a little better, but honestly still seems wonky to me.

    Post edited by ChaosWam on
  • Member Posts: 1,781

    I don‘t like the fact that they give the pods auto aim. At this point they could make the killer player just an AI, when they don’t need to do anything.

  • Member Posts: 355

    On reddit they said that the reason they pushed the new UI update is because they couldn't improve or add new upcoming features for it when it comes to old UI, because it was outdated. Which is okay understandable and reasonable, but at least they could make the new UI visually the same as original.

  • Member Posts: 2,047

    So we're really doing this, huh? I can't say I'm surprised after they went through with the last awful UI update too, but it's still disappointing. I don't need to see the newest character shoved in my face until I buy them, BHVR.

  • Member Posts: 521

    All this looks good to me, kinda wish they made Lara's perks not named finesse more meta but I suppose most survivors only get 1 good perk if that.

    Much much better compared to the last PTB.

  • Member Posts: 566

    Knight could be in a much better spot… i think they could at least give full Map of the Realm to Carnifex and Assassin (12m patrol) and Call to Arms speed partially basekt.

    Aside from that, i think Knight will be better to play than the current live version. Lets see how the new Knight plays and what they will be doing for the next weeks

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  • Member Posts: 8,328

    It bothers me that this has become a pretty popular outlook on 6.1.0. It makes me feel like I'm the only one who actually remembers before that patch, and the very clear reasons it happened.

    Prior to 6.1.0, a large number of players (not completely new ones, but hardly only small-percentage top tier players either) would be seeing four of the exact same six perks, almost every game, on almost every player, on either side. Not only was this observable, it was also something people were getting sick of. From places like the forums, all the way up to content creator videos on the topic. People had asked BHVR to fix the stale meta for literal years.

    We can defend or criticise any individual change made in that patch, but to act like it was an anomaly that came out of nowhere for no reason is really misleading.

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  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Nah, I think it's the opposite. It's profits driven. All of their UI changes this past year are pushing towards shoving the shop in the player's face.

  • Member Posts: 1,011

    I feel ripped off and sad about the missing changes. I wrote a hole wall of text with facts, experiences, and examples of why Iron Will should not be buffed in this direction and many other players had the similar opinion. There were zero reasonable argument why this buff is good. The answer from Mandy in a different topic was more like we have to push the pickrate of perks that aren'tused very much. Fine but then buff them in the right direction and not buff them stupid strong that nearly everyone will use them which results in other perks get lessed use. However, in the end the developers ignored us. It makes me also sick that they buffed Stridor with the idea that this perk should now counter Iron Will. We had a similar situation two years ago when everyone said that Circle of Healing was too strong and instead of nerfing it directly, they introduced Shattered Hope. Why can't the developers learn from their mistakes and listen more to the community or rather to facts.

    I'm also disappointed about the Knight. The PTB Bug was actually really good and many players said that this should become a feature while the Guardfeature that was mentioned as a bug should be removed. They also ignored the fact that Knight needs Map of the realm full basekit and not half and that he needs calls to Arm Addon also basekit. Many players told them this but nothing happened. It's also sadthat their buffed Darkness Revealed I'm the wrong direction and gave I'm all Ears a better buff byddecreasing the range.

    And I don't wanna talk about the new UI...

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited July 2024

    We'll of course test it more but this looks like a side grade at best if not arguably a nerf. It seemed like the primary focus of this entire update with him was not to fix his issues or make him better to play, but to instead just make him more fun to face.

  • Member Posts: 1,781
    edited July 2024

    Actually I tried him today, because of the coming changes and I did mostly get 3/4ks. Probably my mmr was low on him, but I never got problems to aim with him (controller by the way,PS5).

    There is no need for automatic aiming in his pot, that do all the work for you, except of players not wanting to put any effort into him. The only problem I‘v got with him is the shooting at survivors while walking, where I place cameras everywhere instead of hitting the survivor, but suprisingly this worked just fine today.

    Another problem I don‘t like is the placing of his cameras and that it often doesn’t work and why can‘t I place them on the ground or the ceiling.

  • Member Posts: 31

    I'm just upset that the bug that we Knight players hated has been turned into a feature, and a bug all of us Knight players called a FANTASTIC QoL change was considered just that. A bug. 🥺

  • Member Posts: 302
    edited July 2024

    Disclaimer: I'm on console, so I didn't get hands-on experience with the PTB.

    KNIGHT: In theory, it seems like this change should be good for him, but the fact remains that the guards that aren't the Assassin are horrible at getting hits. Hopefully, the banner fix helps with this, but feedback on the Knight rework hasn't been good so far.

    SINGULARITY: A a Hux main, I feel like this was the best of both worlds. He's getting all of these buffs, without the compensatory nerf. I am able to get fast lock-ons even now with high sensitivity, but making the auto-aim activating on button press should hopefully allow us controller users to get more flicks more consistently.

    SPECIALIST: I don't think this change is going to help it much. Time spent getting charges is time that could be spent making normal repair progress on a gen.

    STRIDOR: I'm pretty sure this is mainly to make Spirit playable against Iron Will users.

    CHARACTER SELECTION: I also think this looks like a mobile game UI. Feels like a downgrade design-wise.

    I'm disappointed that the Iron Will changes are going through. It feels like that hurts newer players the most. New killers won't be able to find survivors for chases, while new survivors are going to be caught out for not having it.

    My guess is that Languid Touch (Vecna's Crow Perk) is going to be even more popular now. It was already good for most situations and killers, now it just counters another good survivor perk.

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