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Hot take: pyramid head is worse than skull merchant

Member Posts: 34

I would rather play against skull merchant than pyramid head. He has a way more boring anti loop. it's basically a free hit if ur at a pallet or vault since if u fake it he can just cancel and get a smack. And if you do vault or drop a pallet ur get hit with the m2. He also the best killer to camp and tunnel. He's just overall a boring killer to face and can basically speed run kills. At Least with skull merchant you can actually use pallets and vaults and anti tunnel perks.

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  • Member Posts: 1,060

    I don't like Pyramid Head either, I'm always confused on how people find him fun. Like you mentioned, his power results in lose-lose scenarios and results in getting hit either way, also dodging his power doesn't feel rewarding considering he can reuse it instantly.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    skull merchant isn't that bad. the killer is more engaging than most killer in dbd.

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    Pyramids boring to me because it'd all just the same playstyle with the same add-ons with no build variation. Zzzzz

    Love him or hate him, Myers is a way more successful killer to me for this reason. Who cares about power level when you're just boring

    At least Skull Merchant has build variety which appeals to the killer

  • Member Posts: 1,520

    Tbf pyramid head has 3 good addons, not much to choose from.

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    He moves at one 110 while charging Punishment of the damned which is crazy to me. Literally the best zoner in the game at short range.

  • Member Posts: 1,579

    I used to despise going against him but I've begun to adjust myself against PH over time.

    He's a versatile killer in short-medium distances so it's best not to let him near you in the first place. He has great zoning potential but it's manageable if you don't corner yourself in a loop. Always have a backup route when looping him!

    The only thing I still despise is the minimal option to remove the torment since there's only one.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    There's still at least 2 FlickHeads on these Forums don't you worry 🫡🫡

  • Member Posts: 5,502
    edited July 2024

    Dang, I suck at reading survivors items, never got the hang of it, but it seems to be THE skill I should invest in, as I play Pyramid Head so much.

    For me, the zoning part is useful and its fun to block a pallet that a sneaky survivor just wanted to run back to and dunk on you head, only to smack them what feels an eternity later, but this is also the part that survivors can easily predict. I rarely get hits at short loops these days, as some survivors are just that good and patient, knowing full well that they have all the time in the world unless they step on the line.

    But blind prediction shots, this are the ones where I get so much payoff, because most survivors aren`t adept at evading them, as they are just running their regular loop.

    EDIT: oh, and flicking? I tried it one eveing and got nowhere, so I dropped it.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    Fun fact, playing on lower framerates makes flicking easier, because for some reason the time between the turning rate being slowed and being locked into POTD is linked to your FPS, so while on 60fps you can get to like 45-90 degree flicks fairly consistently, playing on as low as 30 can easily allow 135, and going even lower can get the full 180 (at the cost of playing on an awful framerate).

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    That's right about how best tp understand them. Understanding their strengths and weaknesses makes it far less daunting when facing them.

  • Member Posts: 6,025
  • Member Posts: 10,286

    No. It's so not easy to hit with his power, unless you're locked in animation or going down a straight hallway. Even then, there's just enough time and space for wiggle room. I'm more confident with Clown than I am with him. Despite being 115% Pyramid Head feels slow.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    Well, it should feel rewarding on the first miss, and especially when it misses multiple times. How do you think the killer feels, being in position to use their power multiple times and not getting anything from it? So this idea that just because a killer can use his power more than once every 30 seconds makes him bad to play against, is ridiculous. The game is literally designed for you to feel good as survivor for having close calls with the killer, often times with way less effort and skill than would be required in other games, and you don't even appreciate it. In fact, you call it boring. So what do you want?

  • Member Posts: 3,448

    I'm a fan of a match against a PH, what I don't like about him is that the majority of the people that main him play in the most miserable way possible, a ranged attack that can injure multiple people is a tunneller's dream. Luckily he's not all that common of a killer to come across I suppose.

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    Did you even read what I posted? It's the lose-lose scenarios at pallets or windows that's boring, not when I'm dodging his ability when looping, and since you are so offended by my own opinion, let me tell you something, not everyone has the same experiences as you, I'd be appreciative if you'd stop putting words in my mouth, I have my own preferences.

  • Member Posts: 822

    I have my Nvidia settings on high performance and low quality while my in game settings are high + 59 fps

    It works really great for flicking and better turn rate overall

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    I've just never upgraded my monitor from 60hz and I can't be bothered to now so I've gotten used to my limited flick range, as soon as I try and go above or below it completely messes with my muscle memory so I just stick to 60 haha

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    Pyramid Head? More like tunneling head 99% of matches.

  • Member Posts: 706

    That's exactly why I use him. Perfect way to beat him tho is don't loop. I know this mindset is crazy to many survivors but there is actually more to the game than deliberately trying to get the killer focus on them so others can do gens. It's really not difficult to lose line of sight and get away to a safe location.

    I admit I go overkill with my pyramid head purely due to the sheer number of toxic players that I seem to go up against. I use no where to hide and noed every time, tunnel, camp, slug and make damn sure that I take out the loopers. Some might find it boring to go against but that's not surprising given that he stops the 1 thing that many survivors go into a match to do....loop...not do gens or escape but loop...all match. I don't find it fun to go in circles like its some sort of scooby do sketch so no offensive to the people that think pyramid head is boring or my play style is boring... But like you don't care about the killers fun in a game, I honestly don't care about the survivors fun.

    If the looping meta and toxic players were gone from the game then I would happily change my play style accordingly but until then my way is fun for me and it works

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