Survivor personalities you notice in-game

It’s not just me right? All Yun-Jin Survivors are heartbreakers.
Whenever I come across another Ada, me and her are inseparable, and will work together to make the killers life miserable, or any other Resident Evil character I come across.
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Oh my gosh that’s incredible. Adas I play against always seem to be a character lol
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James and Maria players are so funny
I main both but usually switch between them for fun
And usually when I see a James or a Maria in a lobby I usually switch to the counter part
And usually when I play James I tend to take protection hits for Maria player randoms in soloQ
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Everytime I see an Ada and Leon in game, I will act like I tunnel Ada just to see if Leon gives his life for her.
Lore accurate, Leon almost always try but fail most of time.
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Then Ada will usually pull off some crazy Flashlight save because Leon gets caught up in the mess trying to save, it's very adorable and lore accurate considering the amount of times Ada saved Leon.
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It's funny, there's some survivors that when I play them I just naturally feel more confident making risky plays (and they usually pay off too). Ada is one of them
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Leons ether don't want to get found at all and die relatively fast OR are overconfident to get chased and also die pretty fast. I've rarely see a leon being good, most of them wear the re4 outfit interesting enough xD