Does anyone else feel like Knight should be able to manually choose what Guard to use?
Playing as Knight feels monotous and brainless. Most of his gameplay is just dropping a Guard at a loop and cornering the survivor. It's the same thing in most loops. It's too boring. I feel like they need to add more decision making to the killer and allowing Knight to manually choose his Guards would achieve this.
The guard cycle is an integral part of his gameplay.
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How so?
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You need to manage his Guards and be prepared for the situations you may find yourself in. You need to think ahead and cycle Guards when necessary.
You can smack them if you want to cycle.
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Uh no. Cycling 1 guard wastes 5 seconds and has an addition 3 sec CD. You can't go around constantly wasting time cycling the guards. Typically the pay off for potentially having the best guard isn't that much better than having any other guard.
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If the payoff isn't impactful, why make this topic?
I understand that the smacking method isn't usually viable, which is why I tacked it on.
You need to think ahead and understand what situations you may find yourself in, in say, 45 seconds.
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The pay-off isn't worth it compared to the time wasted. Constantly wasting 5-10 seconds to potentially have the best guard isn't worth it. The payoff is definitely worth it if you could cycle Guards without wasting time.
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It's unnecessary.
Most really good a Knights don't really need that.
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Imagine being able to cycle to the Guard you need for the situation you end up in.
Breaking gens & pallets instantly, wasting time with the Jailer or being able to keep the Assassin for every chase.
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I would pick 90% of the time assassin and carnifex only for pallets. Jailor would never see play.
In any case i would change Jailor to be less trash.
(Also base map of the realm bhvr pls)
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I'm currently in the process of writing a complete overhaul of a Knight's power. It's going to be incredibly long and detailed because Knight's power cannot be easily fixed by just allowing him to choose which guards to use on a whim. That would only compound how un-interactive he can be to play.
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If you've read my thread, I said the suggestion was because Knight was boring to play not because he was weak.
Good. That sounds like fun.
Jailer is actually useful due to the massive detection range. There are many loops where I prefer Jailer. Also, there is an addon that grands 10% MS when using Jailer. Also, Jailer is useful for guarding a high progress gen while letting it regress.
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I think Knight's pallet break should work like Anniversary pallet break. Look at pallets ->pallet breaks->power goes on cooldown.
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No thanks. I'd rather not deal with infinite instabreak carnifex's at his disposal. Carnifex is only kept in check by the guard cycle anyways with how strong it is.
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People would just use the carnifex every time.
I'd rather behaviour just make the other two guards have utility
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Look like I was right all along. BHVR will implement the change I suggested, as mentioned in the latest developer update.
Knight has been a failure all these years and currently has the 2nd lowest kill rate. Knight wasn't "fine as is".
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I respect the sheer amount of petty
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haha. your post last year comes true. knight rework to have more decision making incoming.
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Ladies and gentlemen, this is the biggest "I told you so" in history.
Congratulations on the W.
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Well i keep what i said.
I will be using Assasin for chase.
Carnifex only for pallets.
And Jailer is now good for chase.
0 Regrets. And glad Knight have some attention and Jailor is usefull.
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not the dbd forum clout ;-;
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"Look like I was right all along. BHVR will implement the change I suggested, as mentioned in the latest developer update."