Circle of Healing

Here is a suggestion for Circle of Healing… Yes, it should have been nerfed. However, it's worthless now. I suggest making it so that people who heal themselves in the Circle of Healing range only heal at the same speed as self-care (or even slower). Then it might be worth running again.
It's still very good perk for SWF. It's bad just for soloQ.
Giving it self-care with same speed doesn't make sense, you would again give survivors additional perks and infinite self-healing.
If you would want that for whatever reason, then it should be definetly slower than self-care.
Buffing circle of healing is kinda an issue after Sloppy and STBFL nerfs, there is not really a good way of countering mass healing now.9 -
if self-care is allowed to exist as infinity slow healing, COH should exist as well. their poorly constructed killer changes on killer side is a killer issue.
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if self-care is allowed to exist as infinity slow healing, COH should exist as well.
No, there is difference if it works on 1 survivor or on whole group. That would be We'll make it, Self-care and Empathy for all survivors in one perk…. Just no
You would have any survivor running there and just start healing, everyone else can see them and just go there finish it faster if they are nearby or keep working on gens and let them self-heal.This would be stronger than prenerfed version.
their poorly constructed killer changes on killer side is a killer issue
There is definetly no need to make those issues even worse.
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Sounds like you are a killer main. Consider snuffing out the totems?
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Consider snuffing out the totems?
Yeah, you can just go do some research on original CoH posts, I can't be bothered go for this again.
Maybe run Self-care, or Strength in Shadows if you want to heal yourself? No need to bring this broken perk back and your version is stronger than before.
Sounds like you are a killer main
I play whatever has BP bonus right now, which are mostly killers at time I play...
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It is worth it, but only if everyone uses it like they should, that's mostly only possible as swf.
It still shouldn't get the selfheal back, it just makes injures worthless for only one single perkslot xD
So it's for solo-q mostly worthless: yes xD
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Why not make the game fair so that SWFs and Solo's have the same advantage? It sounds like discrimination against people who don't have friends to play with.
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It wouldn't be making them have the same advantage it would be a huge buff to both solo and swf, so it wouldn't be discrimination to be against it, it would be common sense to be against a free across the board buff back into an already despised meta that has already been tried tested abused and nerfed several times until they gave up because it can't be balanced around
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Because this wouldn't only buff solos but swfs too. Old coh was broken because it allowed infinite selfheals for anyone for one single perkslot of one single survivor. It made injuring people worthless and made the people on gens just stay on gens because the person heals themself anyways, this took any preassure injuring someone would give for basically nothing.
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I agree with @VomitMommy. Circle of Healing is still a good Perk but easier to use in SWF than in SoloQ. The Perk shouldn't have a Self-Care effect as it would give the other three survivors a fifth Perkslot. I had matches against good SWF that used the Perk fairly good while I also had some success with this Perk when I used it in my SWF matches. The missing communication makes it difficult to use it in SoloQ. If we had a communication wheel or something like this, I'm pretty sure it would be much easier to use in SoloQ. SoloQ has also the issue that some players just spam the boon without thinking if it makes sense to setup the boon or if it wouldn't be better to spend the time on a generator.
Overall, Circle of Healing does not need a buff, it might be rather SoloQ that needs a healthy buff. If the developers would buff Circle of Healing they would missing the point but also do the same mistake again (Which wouldn't be all that unlikely considering we're slowly moving back into the pre 6.1.0 meta)
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CoH is still a solid A tier perk. It does not need buffs. Let’s focus on buffing all the actually bad perks instead.
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They should bring back circle of healing with 50% self healing speed and make the anti boon perk basekit.
It is completely useless currently and the self care aspect was the only thing going for it, because it is simply not worth to run longer to the boon than it saves you time.
It would make matches last longer in a healthy way.
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Since when is healing yourself infinetely and therefore making injures worthless a healthy way to extend matches?
The problem on old coh wasn't the speed of the healing but the fact you could selfheal infinitely. No one had to leave gens because everyone could selfheal at any point, so injures didn't create any preassure anymore.
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It's solid for SWF's, but a lot more situational for solo queue.
I'd say increase the healing speed to 125%, and reveal the auras of any survivor when in the Boon's radius, even if their healthy or injured. (Rather then just injured).
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All of the complaints about team self care for one perk are completely solved by:
Having Circle of healing equipped is what enables the survivor to self care in any circle of healing boon.
There. If you want 4 survivors to self care in a boon, everyone has to run the perk. And it's no longer a complete waste of a perk for solo q anymore.
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The only change I would like for B: CoH is the ability to see ANY survivor aura inside the radius instead of only injured survivors.
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I would be fine with this, issue is that's not how they made boons to work. Boons don't have any personal bonus.
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This would make it a lot better for solo queue players, if your injured and if you see someone in the Boons radius thats healthy, you can go there for a heal, when before you couldn’t see them because of the injured requirment.
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That argument didn't work on PTB CoH and it doesn't work now either. The killer can't run around the map in search of a totem. Every second they lose doing so is 4 seconds that survivors can spend healing or doing gens. Maybe if boons were like hex totems and couldn't be used once they're snuffed (without Shattered Hope) but definitely not when they can be reactivated infinitely.
There also isn't any indication for the killer to know where to look (the sound cue only plays when you're already right next to it) and there is no possibility of them spawning next to it and removing it before it even came into play either.
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Sounds like you're a survivor main. Why don't you go play killer and take your own advise? I play both and prenerf that perk was the most broken thing in the game. I both used it and played against it. It was way too good. Unless they make shattered hope base kit in which then I would say every other boon except coh would be worthless. Coh can be compared to nurse for balancing. If it's too strong, all the other boons suffer. They'd just be balancing all healing perks around coh and then everything would suck. I'm glad the healing meta is gone. Go use a toolbox or something instead of free heals that a medkit could only dream of.
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For the record, while I heavily disagree with OP's assessment of this perk, the problem with old CoH was ABSOLUTELY the speed, not the infinite self healing.
Survivors currently have a source of infinite self healing, and it's borderline throwing to try and use it because of how bad it is. Speed matters, and the situation with old Circle of Healing was that the whole team got to heal themselves faster than someone else healing them as long as they met the exceptionally accessible criteria of "also bring a medkit". That was the problem, the already too strong medkits being supercharged by CoH, which on its own was still pretty alright.
That is what made injuries not matter. If everyone was actually spending 22 seconds in a boon healing, after the time spent setting it up and the time spent running to it, your injuries would've still been a (fairly weak but noticeable) form of pressure because that forced survivors off generators for longer. However, everyone spent between 8 and 12 seconds to delete the pressure of your injury, which is both almost certainly less time than you invested to get the injury and barely any time to set up a snowball.
This was also the problem with old medkits, which didn't require CoH to delete pressure from injuries. The two together were just a complete nightmare.
Current CoH is pretty good. It's exceptional in SWF, and pretty alright in solo queue. It doesn't need the self healing back, especially if that self healing could be made faster than someone else healing you, which was the old problem. While that's less likely now that medkits are properly balanced, there's still no reason to buff CoH in that way because it's already pretty good.
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It wouldn't matter at all, while it's of course better if it takes less time to selfheal than getting healed by someone else, it doesn't change the fact that you don't preassure 2 people at the same time anymore. Even if you just use botany you're at the normal 16 second heal, so you have just one single survivor that heals himself at normal speed, while the other survivors still do gens without getting off.
Of course the old version would be much more insane, but it wouldn't be less worthless to injure people with this version.
That being said, I see your point and I agree it was stronger than that version would be.
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I wish they would just turbo buff the boons and limit them in some way to balance them out.
I'd rather have a strong boon with limited use, rather than have bunch of meh boons, that aren't worth using most of the time.
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It would be a great help to SoloQ
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Actually, that's not true anymore. Illumination grants the user, and only the user, bonus speed to cleansing and blessing totems while Illumination is active.
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Oh, you are right. I completely forgot that perk exists...