reduce violence in some killers Mori!

hello .. i hope everyone is doing great
about the topic .. i know what some people will say
go play childish games and that stuff!
no please i'm adult man with almost 35 years old .. but i have a point my opinion
i play horror games and watch horror movies and my favourite games are silent hill and alone in the dark 4 and the evil within 1
but there is something that i think Dbd should consider while developing the game
i think the characters of the game are mostly loved because of appearance and voices
making a loved characters to be executed in some way isn't a good idea
for some feeling reasons and mental health reasons for those who about to have relationships
lets be honest .. most players are early twenties .. and this generation want to be more like fiction than reality ?
what he like .. he will wish to do or at least in his imagination will do
we are all safe because of the fear of the system .. once the society collapse for a revolution or any cause
the imagination of the groups will be possible in reality!
history said that many times
so why we don't take action from now to be sure that if the system collapsed we still have the respect of innocence in our people minds?
i'm not asking to make the game very cute or something
i just want something that don't seems to be effecting .. for example
the Unknown mori have that sense of Japanese ######### that end to kill in their deep dark pornography
the robot mori is very intense .. the character face get exploded in painful way that make you feel sad for the character you love
that's the what i mean about the unwanted violence
lets make the game return to it own root when it starts
safe with normal possible horror
thank and please forgive my english
it’s a horror game. 🤷🏼♂️
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I think the early killer Mori is fine as entertainment.
The newer Moris are a lot more unpleasant.
I especially hate Knight's Mori because it's like #########.0 -
I definitely want a simpler mori with maybe simple headcrush with weapon, mainly because the time it takes to mori can sometime be problematic
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If anythinf most of the community was hoping to make the older moris more gory. I get the idea as my main is rebecca and it kinda hurts to see her get a harpoon up the ass from deathslinger. But trapper and wraiths simple nongory moris not only feel boring to see, but also feels more like the killer just wanted to abuse people even more by making them watch a mori nobody likes lol. Most of the killers in the game are cpable of much more gore then they alredy do so id say its in a decent spot alredy where its violent but not jist gory for the sake of gore.
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The only mori I find too brutal is the singularity mori. It‘s very unpleasant to look at.
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Honestly, the moris are fine. Nothing too disturbing going on here, considering that DBD is a horror game. Maybe Singularity's mori is a little over the top but the rest is fine. Some are even pretty mild like Legion's and Pig's.
Your argument is basically that people shouldn't see this kind violence in video games because they might mimmick it in real life. But that's what we have age ratings for. A healthy adult will be able to tell the difference between reality and game and know that these things are a lot different outside of the game and the people that do have some kind of disability in that regard are responsible not to consume these products, which they are told contain graphic displays of violence.
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It's a horror game, of course there's going to be violence.
Honestly, the Moris are relatively tame in comparison to other modern horror media. Minimal blood/no dismemberment (with the exception of Clown, I guess) in most cases.
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The Unknown's mori is insensitive because it resembles Japanese pornography? Didn't expect to hear that analysis on a Sunday afternoon.
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It's own root? Hag eats your organs and clown cuts your finger off, licks and collect it.
I really love the mori of singularity because it's so beautifully unnerving with him saying "your death will be quick possibly painless" in a complete neutral and calculated tone. I personally like horror-movies with a lot of blood and violece like terrifier so I'd love to have more moris as brutal as that.
Besides that it's rated 18+ in germany, so I don't see a reason to censor it or keep it low, that's what 16+ or lower is for.
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Go play something else, don't ruin the game for us.
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Leaving aside the fact that you are playing a game about slasher-like killers hunting down people to sacrifice them to an eldritch entity, the truth is that most of the moris are not even that violent or gory.
In fact, I'll argue that the moris in the game need to be more flashy and brutal, as it is the only moment gameplay wise where you can have that "slasher movie" feeling in the game. In other words, they need to be more like the ones in DbD Mobile:
About your other points, DbD is a game about fictional characters. A game that nobody is forcing you to play, nobody has lied to you about what the game is about, and is rated PEGI 18+ / ESRB Mature, meaning it is for adults. If somebody is unable to separate reality from fiction, they are the ones with the problem, which has nothing to do with the contents of the game.
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Are you suggesting that Wraith's gentle spanking mori isn't brutal enough?
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Well, not as brutal as Trapper's back massage, at least.
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Wraith players are gonna have to wait for BHVR to release a furry suit for him.
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The more isn't intended to be efficient. It's them expressing their art of animation to you and matching it to the killer's lore and personality. It gives the game personality. They belong as they are and should not be changed.
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Pls guys don't be disrespectful, having an option to censor moris wouldn't hurt anyone, people are sensitive with a lot of things and i can see why he wants it (it's called empathy)
I honestly don't care about a bit of blood, but I honestly would like to not see unknowns mori because I find it so disgusting and disturbing haha (I can just look away btw)
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Me when I sprout 3 fleshy tendrils out of my back and start disintegrating people once society collapses because I saw someone do that in a video game
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More brutal moris are fine however mobile moris aren't it, they just come off as being too Mortal Kombat-esque over the top for the sake of just that rather than feeling like they actually fit the characters and their personalities.
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I know, but I use them strategically than anything else so I always wishes for any buff for it
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This logic is reversed. It's not brutal games producing brutal behaviours. It's brutal nature finding it's way out in games.
If for some reason society collapse, then it does not matter what games people was playing, they will do what nature sais, including public executions for entertainment.
It's good games are brutal, same for movies and books. It's good people can release they inner shadows in harmless way.
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To some degree, I agree with you. On the other hand, they are flashy and brutal indeed, so I think they are a good example of what Moris should be, and if they import them directly to the main version they can always modify them a little.
But yeah, a more "lore-friendly" Mori for Trapper would be the one that he had in For Honor, for example:
But talking about Mortal Kombat and "over the top" kills, either of the Fatalities of Freddy would be a much better Mori than what he has right now:
In short, I agree that some of DbD Mobile's Moris doesn't fit the characters, but I don't think that having them be a little "over the top" is bad either.
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Except Core DBD is doing a decent enough job at making brutal moris as well while remaining true to the characters themselves, so i don't think there is any need to look to mobile moris in general. Not to mention that not all moris needs to be flashy and over the top brutal like mobile moris are if it doesn't fit the character.
Gonna have to disagree on the bit about Freddy, i think his current mori works well enough as it is since it is a direct reference to Jesse's death in the 2010 remake. It is also one of the first moris in the game where it changes based on if you're awake or asleep and that's something i don't wanna potentially lose with a new mori.
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Used strategically there are certain killers that are built for it and have a shorter built in mori. So onryo may be a better option for you if you want to mori strategically.
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I would like to see new purchasable mories. Especially if this would remove p2w aspect from the game
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This in an interesting direction for a discussion... unfortunately we will have to agree to disagree, as I doubt we'll ever see eye to eye.... but to get onto my philosophy box....
Gore tends to invoke intense fear and disgust in humans; our natural survival instincts try to steer us clear of it and avoid such things, as they signify danger. Fear and disgust are not pleasant emotions, they are inherently unpleasant... so why do horror fans like experiencing them?
It's because the sensation of horror is a very unique and interesting insight into your own brain, and it speaks specifically to you. Your most powerful fears, disgusts, and anything you find disturbing is a challenge for you to overcome, and not something anyone can address for you. Your reactions and coping mechanisms are something specific to you that you need to discover.
Games have a unique ability to place you the player actually into a horror scenario, not just watching from the sidelines like a film. DBD is far from the scariest game out there, but there is something organic about it where the Killer is another human consciousness you are trying to survive against, not just an AI with scripted rules. Games allow us to experience things we would never experience in real life, and I remember when I was new to DBD (and still have it now), where this game can downright frighten me. Despite that there is no pause button, I have to control my nerves to handle the situation that I'm in immediately, and that can create some intense rushes, and the gore, and your aversion to it is part of that.
So while I understand you dislike Gore... I would argue that is the entire point... you're not supposed to like it... the imagery is supposed to provoke and upset you into wanting to avoid that fate, and create a unique experience for you to challenge yourself and overcome.
So in a weird way what I'm saying is... enjoy your discomfort... a lot of horror and DBD fans would like to have that feeling back... 😁
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Some folks here might be too young to remember, but we've already gone through a societal uproar over video games making people violent. There's never been a link found between video game violence and real life violence. It turns out that our brains can tell the difference. So this concern that violent games are influencing us to become worse people is just not true.
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Except Core DBD is doing a decent enough job at making brutal moris as well while remaining true to the characters themselves
Yeah, in the last few killers. Before that, there are a few exceptions, but like I said most moris are pretty mild.
so i don't think there is any need to look to mobile moris in general
I disagree, even with the "out of character" problem (which, to be honest, is mostly the Trapper and Wraith ones) they are so much better than many of the moris in the main version, especially the old ones.
Not to mention that not all moris needs to be flashy and over the top brutal like mobile moris are if it doesn't fit the character.
They can be flashy, brutal and fit the character. DbD Mobile's Spirit or Nurse from that video, to name a few. Also, they are "finisher moves" in a game inspired by Slasher movies: They need to be flashy and brutal.
Gonna have to disagree on the bit about Freddy, i think his current mori works well enough as it is since it is a direct reference to Jesse's death in the 2010 remake
If Freddy's Mori works for you, that explains a lot. It is the most boring mori of the whole cast, followed closely by Skull Merchant, Trapper and Wraith. I don't know if BHVR were limited to the 2010 movie to make everything about the character, but if not, they had eight movies to choose from, and they chose the most boring-looking kill from any of them.
On the other hand, the Freddy in MK9 is also the 2010 remake, but his fatalities are based on scenes from older movies (to be fair, NetherRealms belongs to WB and they own the license, so I'm going to guess they had more freedom):
And if someone is wondering, yes, that is young Johnny Depp in his first movie role.
It is also one of the first moris in the game where it changes based on if you're awake or asleep and that's something i don't wanna potentially lose with a new mori.
They could add more moris that had that characteristic as well, but the thing is: What exactly changes depending on the survivor being awake or not? The background? Real question, I don't remember that being a thing.
TL;DR: Not all moris need to be "over the top" flashy, but as finisher moves they are, they need to be flashy and brutal. Some of the last killers mori (Knight, Alien, Unknown, Singularity...) are good, but there are still a lot of killers that are in need of new, better moris.
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Yeah, in the last few killers. Before that, there are a few exceptions, but like I said most moris are pretty mild.
It's not just the last few killers, it's quite a handful before that and if they can look like how they did, then bhvr would have no problem giving the oldest killer's moris a proper glowup on their own.
I disagree, even with the "out of character" problem (which, to be honest, is mostly the Trapper and Wraith ones) they are so much better than many of the moris in the main version, especially the old ones.
Absolutely agree to disagree, the majority of them don't fit the characters and they most certainly aren't better than many of the moris in the main version imo, because the moris on core at least fit their Killers and isn't created to look like they're in a fighting game.
They can be flashy, brutal and fit the character. DbD Mobile's Spirit or Nurse from that video, to name a few. Also, they are "finisher moves" in a game inspired by Slasher movies: They need to be flashy and brutal.
They may be finisher moves, but that don't mean that making them over the top gory and flashy fits every character as not all of them kill people in a flashy over the top gory way. Not everyone is Art the Clown from Terrifier and neither should other characters be treated as such with their moris if doesn't fit them.
Also agree to disagree once again, all of the mobile moris with the exception of the Bottle mori for Clown, the Legion mori and maybe the Twins mori are anything but fitting for their characters.
If Freddy's Mori works for you, that explains a lot. It is the most boring mori of the whole cast, followed closely by Skull Merchant, Trapper and Wraith. I don't know if BHVR were limited to the 2010 movie to make everything about the character, but if not, they had eight movies to choose from, and they chose the most boring-looking kill from any of them.
On the other hand, the Freddy in MK9 is also the 2010 remake, but his fatalities are based on scenes from older movies (to be fair, NetherRealms belongs to WB and they own the license, so I'm going to guess they had more freedom):
- The license extends to the remake only and the mori is in line with fitting that version of Freddy. (Yes, i am even going to say it fits better than the Mortal Kombat one.)
- Boring is subjective.
- I can say the same about how if Freddy's MK Finisher works for you, that too explains alot.
They could add more moris that had that characteristic as well, but the thing is: What exactly changes depending on the survivor being awake or not? The background? Real question, I don't remember that being a thing.
If a Survivor is awake, Freddy flashes in and out of the dream world when he performs his mori, while when Survivors are asleep, he can be fully seen during the mori, at least that's how it was last time i checked.
Not all moris need to be "over the top" flashy, but as finisher moves they are, they need to be flashy and brutal. Some of the last killers mori (Knight, Alien, Unknown, Singularity...) are good, but there are still a lot of killers that are in need of new, better moris.Again, agree to disagree, the majority of moris in core are fine enough as they are, they don't need to look like something from Mortal Kombat just because it's a finisher move. If it doesn't fit a character to be overly flashy or gory with their kills in their source material, it shouldn't be that in DBD either and i firmly believe that mobile moris are inferior because of that, as their moris are just trying too hard to look like eye-candy regardless of whether they actually fits their characters or not.
Post edited by Smoe on0 -
What does it means mori fit the killer?
Those are killers and you can find multiple reasons of why one killed survivor in a specific way.
Which mori fits and which not the trapper? He is most "human" of the killers that do what he does by force, serving Entity even if he dont want to. I would agree if someone said that no mori, neither even hooking survivors fits this character, and yet he does that.
I would agree with statement that SM mori do not fit her, because size of her and survivor do not fit, when she lift one at least few cm an they are on her level even tho before that lift they was her size already, also survs seems like being unaware of her presence… how? But this does not fit her not because of her character but because mori is flawed0 -
i know .. but its about how we enjoy our game with it characters :)
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thank you so much :)
i agree with you!
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thank you everyone for sharing thoughts
i hope we keep enjoy the game together in very long time as we wish :)
i hope also more opinions share about this later ")
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more violent please