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Survivor Model Glitch

Glitch with the Mastermind (after tomb raider update)
I just played a match against the Mastermind killer and encountered an amusing glitch. When he infected me with the virus my character froze in a weird position and stayed that way for the rest of my time playing the match. It reverted back to regular animations while actively interacting with a generator, unhooking a survivor, and opening chests.
I also know based on the reactions (of the killer and a fellow survivor), and also based on (while hooked and seeing auras) another Survivor in the same funky pose, that also reverted back to regular animations opening a chest and then back to the frozen pose after opening the chest while I was hooked and watching, that everyone in the match could see it, and it wasn't just a funky glitch on my end.
Leon Glitch (before tomb raider update)
Additionally, a day or two ago, I encountered a similar glitch, where (while playing as a Killer, specifically Skull Merchant) a Leon Scott Kennedy survivor was stuck frozen in a basic pose, with his arms by his sides for half the match. It confused me, as the other survivors were animated as usual, he was just effectively t-posing around, even while downed. To the point that I couldn't even find his downed body to hook and ended up giving up to chase someone else.
Hooking Glitch (after tomb raider update)
As I was writing this up (in between games) I encountered another one! woo! while on the hook, some survivor's models would glitch and either be standing below it, or flicker to that pose for a moment before returning to the usual hooked animations.
So I think there's definitely some issue with the Survivor models right now!
Just wanted to report the issue as it could be an ongoing glitch affecting a lot of survivors and/or killers!
Steps To Reproduce
assuming this is a recurring issue and wasn't just from that one game:
Step 1 : Boot the game
Step 2 : Play as Mastermind or face the Mastermind in a match
Step 3 : In-game, Mastermind infects a survivor with the Uroboros virus.
Step 4 : The survivor's character's back breaks and they are stuck in that weird pose while moving, even while downed, temporarily restores normal animations while interacting with chests, generators, and unhooking other survivors.
I also took clips of this!
^ Me initially getting hit with it
^ unhooking a survivor + repairing a generator during the match
I am an avid player right now, so these all occurred as single matches among probably hundreds of matches I've played over the past few days, the Leon one was a fluke and nothing else happened until today when I first encountered the Mastermind glitch, and then the Hooked glitch, so after the new Tomb Raider update the frequency of the glitches seems to have increased.
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Additional Clip:
The hooking glitch: (I was actively playing and only clipped this last one by the end of the match)
This one was only a momentary glitch, but earlier in the match one survivor was frozen like that while on the hook for about 30 seconds, and another Survivor also blipped between normal animations and that glitch pose for a second.
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Also replicated on PC, I got slammed into a wall by The Mastermind, and remained in the awkward pose until I began to heal someone.