How do you feel about the new UI changes?

Personally I… really don't like them. I know some of the dislike is simply having to get used to the changes but I really don't see why they needed to move the customization tab INSIDE another tab, it just boggles my mind.
I agree, I dont like it personally.
13 -
I start to hate it.
No direct button for cosmetics anymore - when i go into customisation i am always on the head and not on the outfits.
No Previous and Next button - which is awful. I level up Lara and with one click i would be at Sable to level her up.
Now i have to go to all Survivors - go to Sable - go to customisation.
So unintuitive and complicated. Really takes away the fun for me right now.
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They are awful. I really hope they revert it.
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Oh, also I much preferred having the characters I don't own just greyed out at the bottom, now they're just scattered through the character list which… yeah they wanna try and get me to buy them but it's just kinda desperate I dunno.
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I like how the score screen looks (except for the small size of the addons). The other changes I don’t mind, or actually kind of like. They’ll take some getting used to, for sure. I do think the search bar is too big and the images are too small. The whole thing just needs a bunch of little tweaks.
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very unnecessary change honestly
always seems like the ui and menus just get unnecessary changes
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Want to change your outfit or charms?
This UI change is horribly stupid. If you change something, it shouldn't make things take longer!
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i don't like it.
7 -
Terrible. It loses functionality (I can't customise mid-lobby), it puts characters in the wrong order (I do not want the newest character in my top left, thank you very much), it's harder to actually find the functions I want because they're not listed neatly on the sidebar but instead I have to dig around the character to find out how to change their outfit. You can't see nearly as many charms at once. Not greying out and grouping together characters you don't own at the back is much less attractive than the previous system, and of course putting a price tag on them is a bit like waggling a shiny key in front of an infant. And the in-match UI now has the survivor icons off-center and that's driving me a little bit insane.
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I agree with everyone else, incredibly hard to look at and read what I'm seeing too. From an artistic stand point it looks awful and doesn't feel streamlined and nicely published at all. I would much rather the old one than any of the new versions of the UI. The perks and add-on UI after matches is so badly done, I can't tell what add-ons the killer brought by just looking at them anymore. And don't get me started on the font sizes and the outlines they have, makes my brain do a double take at what I'm looking it.
Feels like DBD is both trying to be easily read by people with low vision while also being the hardest thing to understand with low vision.
We need the old customization store back, I need my back and forth buttons and I hate having to click on the character I want then click on the fact I want to customize them. I loved being able to click on the survivor I wanted and then having it automatically show me the sets and outfits. I also hate having to choose whether I want to look at killers specific or survivors specific instead of getting to choose between both on the same page.
Overall, I think it just needs some proper sizing guides. Make it possible for people to either change the size of the fonts and perks to their liking or make a unified size for them since right now it's incredibly hard to look at the endgame and in game UI, it's just too small. And as for the store, just some more buttons and presets on what cosmetics to start on would be great.8 -
Yeah they should revert it, thought i was bugged in the shop until i realized it was the character selection screen. Went to the main menu 2 times because i couldnt differ between shop and character selection anymore.
The greyed out instead of auric cell display had a huge advantage. You had it organized. Now everything is thrown together and why anybody would hide the cosmetics tab is mind boggling. Its a god awful change that noone has asked for.
Its not even a "getting used to" thing btw, i actually liked the last UI change before this one, was a huge improvement to the old UI. But this is a downgrade.8 -
Yeah I think it's fine except for the customisation option. I'll adjust but yeah, not a fan right now lol
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It all looks visually nice, but functionally it makes no sense. Why wouldn't order of release be the default sort on killers/survivors?
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Honestly its even less intuitive that we can "buy" them. Ofc you know which characters you own but previously you could look at the bottom and see who is missing in your collection, now you cant just glance through with your eyes and have to actually look closely, makes it less likely for me to buy new characters when they are not in the featured tab on the store. And im not gonna buy every character right away, like i skipped vecna and alien. Those are sitting somewhere in between the list and it feels annoying to have to search for them instead of just scrolling down at the bottom.
8 -
Yes, forgot about this. Was weird seeing Lara before Dwight. I'm hoping it was a mistake and will be fixed later.
6 -
Less intuitive than before, everything is scaled down now and feels much less coherent. Sure there are a lot more killers/survivors nowadays than there used to be but we don't need a search bar or filters to find our characters, the perfectly fine cosmetic/charm screens have lost all functionality and are confusing to look at. It all just feels very unnecessary.
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Oh, another thing I really dislike about the new UI. When creating your #1 - #3 outfit presets, it no longer shows you the three outfit pieces you have selected for those outfits. You can only view one piece of an outfit at a time. And because there isn't actually a screen for the outfits you've created, clicking on 'customisations' (which is already a nuisance to find compared to where it used to be) takes you to all the sets you own instead.
The old interface had so much more functionality and relevance. Like, I'd grumble about change anyway, but there's so many steps backward here.
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Very clunky
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They made things more complicated, more frustrating, and more time-consuming, all three of which go against what UI/UX designers are supposed to do.
The new order of the characters throws everything off, the game doesn't save which filter you prefer for the lists, it's more difficult to adjust your outfit, the hotkeys to go to the previous or next character are gone, selecting charms has taken five steps backwards, everything is worse.
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I hate it.
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Not a huge fan. Primary complaints are the new item notifications now appearing in the character select menu and the new font size in game being too small
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"If its not broken dont fix it"
A lesson BHVR has never learned. This UI is just over complicated rubbish another unnecessary change no one asked for.
Why they're working On awful UI changes like this instead of fixing genuine issues is just beyond ridiculous.
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for any console players, i just figured out - even though the on screen labels are gone, indicating the hotkeys for dailies, friends and settings - they do still work. so you can still hit left on the D pad to get to your dailies, etc.
unfortunately, this does not extend to swapping to the next character in lobby/when leveling the bloodweb, etc. etc. that has just been completely removed.
1 -
thought i should add some feedback i gave on another post here - the new menu/ui update is terrible on console.
(prefacing to say: i have about 800 hours on console and 3,800 on pc. however after the ue5 update, i've been playing more on console becuz it runs better. ANYWAY…)
this latest UI update removed a ton of QoL items that hurt console players (using only controller) more than PC. as others have mentioned, customizations are now inside of another menu; they removed the ability to swap characters with R/L thumbsticks, which is even worse on controller because you have to move the terrible on screen cursor to move around menus now to go to the next character; and some shortcuts like directional pad to go to the dailies, options, etc. (update: these DO STILL WORK, but they removed the UI text telling you on console, very weird!)
removing some of this stuff from console was a bad move.
additionally, as i also mentioned elsewhere, typically people have their consoles under/near their TVs, and a lot of folks sit on the couch or whatever, not right in front of a monitor like at a desk w/ a PC…so, why on earth would the in game hud have been made smaller and more compact? and this isn't even taking into account accessibility or vision impairment. i already have my settings all to max/largest, etc. on console and i keep having to get up and lean in to read the end game screen.
and i don't even wear glasses! 🙃
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My thoughts just from playing a few matches earlier today.
The pros:
- Switching between characters now feels much smoother on PS5 than it did before.
- Slightly smaller icons means less scrolling when selecting survivors/killers.
- No way to quickly swap between survivors by just pressing a button.
- The search bar is conspicuously large.
- Swapping out charms is incredibly clunky.
- Characters you don't own are no longer greyed-out at the bottom.
- Names are ridiculously small on the HUD inside of matches. I could just barely read them on my TV before, but it's impossible now.
5 -
I don't like the new design at all. It's totally inconvenient to switch between survivors and customizing outfits is a pain. Please undo this and give us back the old button and the menu for the cosmetics!
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They did the literal most bare minimum they could have done so they could say they "listened to community feedback". And they even screwed THAT up.
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It's bad. They might as well remove the store now since they put it in the character selection screen.
Why is this even a thing. Your 3 equipped charms overlapping the charms you can choose from, the search bar needlessly hidden underneath a few layers, and clicking on a charm does not automatically take you to it on the page unlike before.
That's just one of my complaints about this new UI. More steps to do something instead of having a simple overview..7 -
Going to jump in and say that I can't stand it either. It scrunches everything together way too much, and I hate that it constantly shows the characters I don't have, like the game is trying to get me to buy them constantly. Please, PLEASE revert this.
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Nothing good to say about it, at all.
Also they made the text smaller within trials and it's throwing me off
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It’s honestly remarkable how I can’t find a single good thing about it.
It’s overwhelming at first glance. It messes with the order for no discernible reason beyond “here’s what you don’t own yet :)”
Navigation was made counterintuitive and way harder. (Why hide two of the screens behind the character select screen???) (why change the icon as well??)
Everything is smaller, adding to the feeling of “there’s ######### everywhere”
The !-marks when there’s new store cosmetics is distracting, gross and reeks of corpo-greed. You removed the “owned” tag, remove that as well.
I’m sorry, but these changes are so very blatanly prioritising sales over usability.
13 -
It's free-to-play mobile game UI design in a paid PC/console game. Immersive horror games don't throw gaudy advertisements at players because those hurt the game's atmosphere. The negative mobile-game-adjacent feeling created by seeing the tacky UI in the lobby persists beyond the lobby and into the game itself, infecting the entire product. The couple times I started up Fortnite I couldn't stand it because it felt like one big flashy advertisement. I'm not a teen, I'm an adult, DbD is rated M and is designed for adults… except that the new design is less mature and adult-tailored and more targeted at 2-second-attention-span teens who are prone to buy garbage if they're constantly reminded they don't own said garbage.
I don't like it when my experience in a game suffers due to the company's desire to promote paid content. If my experience is suffering, I will not want to spend money, and I will spend less money than I had been before. When a game prioritizes my experience, that creates a loyal customer.
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I am not a fan but not overly concerned either.
What I never understand is why all these companies and companies like Microsoft or social media companies etc, all make UI changes to fix things that aren't broken as if they do it just for the sake of doing it.
I wish they would leave things alone and fix issues that actually matter
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Literally nobody likes it. It's awful, clunky, makes customization less straightforward, and looks like predatory mobile crap designed to advertise and promote you using the store. GET RID OF IT, NOBODY WANTED IT AND NOBODY'S BUYING YOUR FAKE EXCUSES.
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Really bad. Functionality took a nose dive. Before you just clicked once, now you have to do more steps just to get where you could go on one press of a button.
Also, I don't like how they try to force people to buy unowned characters by putting them first. Before they were on the bottom and you could see that you didn't own them
7 -
good to know I'm not the only 1 that dislikes the new UI elements :3
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I’m also not a fan Unfortunately, My OCD kicks in seeing all these exclamation marks on my characters because I haven’t viewed all their new cosmetics. The green tick showing you’ve selected a character isn’t that important for me. It feels really clunky :( wish I could say something positive about it but I can’t.
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Yes! Those red exclamation marks... please devs get rid of them (or just use them for the latest cosmetic releases)
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I am also not a fan. When something isn't broken there really is no reason to "fix" it.
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Getting changes that nobody asked for is a very common theme with this game. But player counts remain strong and people still spend a lot of money on the game, so from BHVR's perspective there's no reason to change course.
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Yeah, I don't like it either. I also felt like it wasn't communicated well inside the game. The first time I tried to change my outfit, I literally couldn't find the menu and I was just confused.
I have a feeling they're ultimately going to merge this with the store — in fact, maybe they said something to that effect at some point. I can't remember.
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Oh sure, I've been around a long time and spent way too much money in my opinion but I love DBD. It's not like a deal breaker for me or game breaking or anything I just preferred it the way it was. I felt silly right after I posted because I went through and actually read everything everyone else said instead of just doing a cursory glance and realized my exact statement had already been made, lol. Thanks for not flaming me. xD
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Leave an upvote and comment to advocate for a revert if you see this ✊
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It is really, really bad.
Perhaps nothing was learned from the time BHVR made changes to a perfectly functional UI that had been in the game for years without a single complaint about it, because they just did the same thing again and it looks awful.
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So far, I really dislike how you have to filter just to see the ones you own. I like the idea of the characters I don't own having their prices on them, but it shouldn't be the same as the shop UI. The ones you own should always be at the top of the list - it's just tedious the way it is now.
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They put the new characters on top so that you see that you down own them and are more inclined to buy them. In general, the new UI is fully designed to make you spend more money on the game. The goal was not to give improvements to the player, the goal is to trick the player into buying stuff.
As basically everyone has said - it is awful. And it is the same as changing the UI in Trials - someone with years of experience thought it looks good. But here it is also sinister, because it is designed to go directly to the wallets of the players.
And the worst thing for me - 0 communication at all from the Devs. They dont seem to be open to feedback when it comes to money.
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I hate it. I hate the forced perception that there's A NEW OUTFIT in the shop for each character as denoted by a glaring !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on their pic. I hate how all the character icons moved just because the newest one is prominently shown first, like BUY ME.
Behavior is trying to scream in your face that they're after a dire cash grab with these UI updates, and it's honestly disgusting6 -
I have to give credit to BHVR, though. For once, they made a change that EVERYONE (dis)agrees upon unilaterally.
Bravo, BHVR! You finally got every player on the same page
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This is an accurate assessment of the situation.
Any BHVR excuses about "technical limitations" are complete fiction.
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The only thing better is that the menus are smoother to scroll through on Switch.
Everything else is worse. Navigation, appearance, it's all worse.