Oppression Buff + Knight's 2x Banner Spawn Multiplier is Making 3-Gens a Nightmare

NotJared Member Posts: 479
edited July 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Flat-out, the 2x Banner Spawn multiplier was a really bad idea.

The Jailer can chase for up to 36 seconds with the new hunt duration multiplier, and it normally would take 12 seconds for the banner to spawn... But with the new 2x Banner spawn multiplier, that's TWENTY-FOUR seconds of guaranteed occupation with every use of the Jailer?????????

I'm sorry, but this is absolutely not okay.

I'm already getting game after game after game where Knights are only sending out Jailers to protect 3-gens, since Jailer almost always guarantees a chase thanks to his massive detection radius, and then it guarantees AT LEAST 24 seconds of occupied time (which is an absurdly long time to try and evade 2 killers at once, too).

Additionally, the Oppression buff has already skyrocketed his ability to find a loophole past the anti-3-gen system, since Oppression does not count as a Regression Event, meaning he can regress a single generator within a 3-gen 24 times!!!! And then send out Guards to protect his 3-gen while regressing it remotely from afar.

I love The Knight so much, but saying this from a very dedicated P100 Knight player, these buffs have gone overboard in a way that is enabling incredibly miserable and unfun 3-gen defense playstyles and is making his guards nearly inescapable.


  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,206

    Yes jailer can chase you for a long time. And? Knight has to do something with that or else they're just chasing as an m1 killer while half the team is on gens.

    It's essentially the same thing as taking Victor hostage vs twins, which was considered optimal play. Is it worth two survivors off gens to make the killer not have a power? Absolutely. Knight has to commit to who is being chased or he's playing optimally on behalf of the survivor.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Coupe might be valid perk for him now... That's basically secondary power for chase.

    Yeah, when I saw how Jailer is going to affect the gameplay, my first thought was on Victor hostage situation.

  • NotJared
    NotJared Member Posts: 479
    edited July 2024

    The problem is that it doesn't matter if he doesn't have a power while Jailer is chasing you; the issue is that Jailer allows him to guarantee to keep Survivors off of generators for just shy of half a minute infinitely, on top of the insanely long patrol time.

    He doesn't need to full commit to downs, he can take picks and hits every now and then, chip away at resources until the entire map on the side of the 3-gen is a dead zone.

    It's the same issue on-release Skull Merchant had - the Jailer changes are allowing Knights to stall games out of attrition rather than get kills and end the game. Just constant half-minute intervals where Survivors can't touch generators.

    Not to mention the new Sharpened Mount addon which increases the duration of flag-spawning, and it makes it nearly impossible to escape a Jailer hunt without getting hit. It's just absurdly, impossibly long with no chance for escape.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    Because Wraith can only pressure one survivor at once? Knight can do two.

    But I can't even blame Knights for doing this because BHVR just stripped his kit raw of anything except gen denial, so how else are they supposed to play? If nothing else, everyone complaining about horrible stall games with new Knight might get them to look at him again in another 6 months instead of leaving the killer broken in a corner.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,480
    edited July 2024

    And wraith can find survivors better, burn resources faster, and can ultimately down survivors faster, they can also protect gens better with mobility too

    Seems much better than knight, especially with ambush capability he has

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,022
    edited July 2024

    So instead of trying to play Knight in new ways, even if that learning process is unsuccessful or just switching to a different character, the answer is to hold games hostage? Again?

    If people try new things that don't work, it'll show in kill rate stats and BHVR will be more likely to 'fix' whatever people are unhappy with. Because it's clearly unsuccessful.

    If people switch killers, it'll show up in pick rate stats and BHVR will be more likely to notice.

    So by holding games hostage, knight players are both boosting pick rates and kill rates, and sending BHVR the message that everything is ok.

    This is the exact wrong way to go about asking for changes.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    Oh, I'm not denying that. I'd much rather play Wraith than Knight - Wraith is underrated and Knight just got stripped of any chase power. But Knight is better at holding a 3-gen than Wraith is. Wraith's map mobility comes baked in with the uncloak cooldown that survivors can greed and he's bad at pressuring multiple survivors at once with the Sloppy nerf, while Knight's power is literally just 'make a survivor waste ages running from a guard while Knight isn't nearby', which is terrible for damaging or catching survivors but excellent at slowing down gens.

    You're not hunting survivors or committing to chases when you're 3genning, you're just patrolling a small area and whacking people whenever the opportunity cost is less than ten seconds.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,480

    What's the point in playing the wrong way though

    The only "proper" way to play the killer is the one which grants highest kill rate, you are suggesting basically same thing as "just 8 hook and let survivors go so you'll get a buff"

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    I don't like it, everyone already said what needed to be said and BHVR didn't listen, but I'm not sure what new strategies you're hoping to learn from a killer who's had his kit slashed of everything except area denial in an area the killer can't be in, and whose power already has built-in safeguards to prevent hook camping.

    I strongly disagree that an uptick in 3-gen games will send the message that everything is fine. Look at how quickly BHVR reacted to Skull Merchant. That was a much faster address than anything they've done in order to balance high or low kill rates. Unanimous complaining that a killer is miserable to play against gets faster results than stats.

    And ultimately, if Knight can't do anything except 3gen, he's not going to have low kill rates, he's going to have low pick rates. Which isn't something BHVR seems to feel the need to address much - it took Twins years to get a rework (that was promptly scrapped), and other low-pick killers like Hag and Artist have remained largely untouched.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,206

    You cannot hold an entire game hostage. You get eight kicks per gen.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,206

    After all the map resources are gone, which wraith burns through faster by your own admission, uncloak is a free hit unless the survivor has sprint burst. If you're keeping survivors injured, which wraith is better at due to mobility and uncloak hits then you're pressuring 3-4 survivors by forcing resets constantly.

    So if the idea is to sit in a 3 gen from the start of the game wraith is better at it. Knight can keep two survivors busy at once but cannot guarantee health states. Wraith can. Knight cannot burn through map resources more quickly than wraith, thus making the 3 gen unsafe faster. Also knight can only keep two survivors busy..... There's still two full health survivors tapping out the regression limit. Wraith is way better at this than knight.

    And I just picked wraith because he's B tier. Nurse is better at it than either of them. So is blight. Wesker. Etc etc.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,022

    You don't even have to kick gens to hold a game hostage.

    According to the game rules, and the devs have confirmed, you only have to 'not progress the game for an extended period'.

    So even just camping a 3 gen, without attempting to down or hook survivors for an extended time is holding a game hostage. No kicking, or regression events required.

  • NotJared
    NotJared Member Posts: 479

    The difference is that Knight can keep pressure on multiple survivors at once; Merely being in an area his guards are patrolling will almost guarantee a Hunt, especially with how incredibly easy it is for Jailer to start hunts with his faster patrol speed and large detection radius.

    Jailer can guarantee 24 seconds of any survivor being incapable of touching generators at any given moment, AND continue to pressure the generator being touched by other Survivors during that duration. Wraith can only pressure and chase one survivor at a time.

    Pressure an area for long enough - don't need to get downs, just chip away at a pallet here, a pallet there… slowly, but surely, the area will become a deadzone that you can't even enter because merely getting near a generator means you're forced into a 24-second-long chase with a Guard.

  • NotJared
    NotJared Member Posts: 479
    edited July 2024

    The Knight rework has skyrocketed Knight's ability to stall games out into something unprecedently powerful, comparable to early Skull Merchant if not worse.

    These issues are exponentially worse when The Knight tunnels a player out of the game. His ability to chase 2 survivors at once and Jailer's long Banner spawn duration can guarantee entire 24-second-long durations where one or fewer survivors are able to even touch a generator.

    Content creator CoconutRTS has taken advantage of what I've been warning about and demonstrated what I've been seeing in games here:

    Even if he isn't successful in every match, he still demonstrates Knight's ability to stall out matches to painfully long durations - 46 minute long matches should not be normal with any killer!

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    without attempting to down or hook survivors for an extended time is holding a game hostage.

    Really stretching the meaning here...

    How exactly you are holding 3-gen without attempting to injure / down a survivor? That would mean survivors are free to work on gens in front of the killer.

    Otherwise if survivors refuse to come close to the killer, aren't they the one holding the game hostage? They refuse to work on gens, which is their objective...

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    I don't think it's an issue, but main difference would be Wraith has actually good chance to win the game (get hits/downs)

    Knight same as old Skully can just stall the game, but is unlikely to actually get downs on survivors unless he gives up 3-gen, survivors give up or make massive mistake.

    But that's what they get with a bad rework...

    Luckily I don't think it's an issue with 3-gen feature limiting this.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,022

    This isn't a stretch, it's literally the devs own words:

    This applies to extended 3 genning, specifically when the killer isn't trying to hook anyone, but just holding gens until the game closes.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257
    edited July 2024

    Yeah, but how use it is a huge stretch.

    "not progress the game for an extended period"

    Well, generators are survivors objective... That's what they need to do, if they want to progress the game. So is it really the killer who holds the game hostage?

    Generators are definitely something killer should defend.

    If I never see survivor in position where it's possible for me to down them fast, why should I commit and lose the game? I can just keep waiting for a mistake...

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,480

    Except knight guards CAN injure people, which means you can't call him "purely for stalling the game", you can't differentiate the knight who is trying to make enough time for guards, and the knight who is just trying to stall the game

  • NotJared
    NotJared Member Posts: 479

    We saw exactly how this is not a stretch. We saw how on-release Skull Merchant was able to stall games out: Despite being an M1 killer, all she needed to do was create scenarios where approaching generators would cost you health states. With her instadown, this meant throwing pallets was incredibly important to not going down. Eventually, the generators would become deadzones and there was nothing Survivors

    Knight recreates a very similar situation, but because he doesn't instadown, he chips away at health states and pallets until deadzones are created, and merely entering an area that Jailer is patrolling results in either a hit if you stand still, or 24 seconds of chase while you wait for a banner to spawn.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    We saw exactly how this is not a stretch

    It's a stretch because it's not holding the game hostage. Survivors can give up at any moment.

    You can just keep working on gen in front of the killer and they have to kill you, or slug you.

    Survivors have options.

    It's holding the game only when other side has nothing to do about it. Like blocking survivor in corner, or staying in spot which killer can't reach etc.

    You can either try to combat 3-gen, which because how save you need to play, we can as well consider survivors holding the game hostage, or survivors can simply give up.

    At no point is that holding hostage situation.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Have you actually watch the video?

    First game he simply lost, quite fast.

    Second game he had best setup possible (salloon, ruin inside 3-gen), yet he lost when he tried to hold 3-gen from start. So knight with best possible setup can't hold 3-gen against 4 survivors...

    So in third game he had to tunnel from first hook, which gave survivors an option to break his 3-gen, or cleanse the ruin. They didn't do it, then they tried combat 4 gen as 3 survivors against ruin and almost actually did it...

    That's not just Knight. You had first hook tunneling, one of best maps for 3-genning, optimal ruin spawn and survivors who didn't try to break 3-gen early, or cleanse ruin.