Auto aim on Bipod should be the default behaviour and not the other way around
You now have to hold the ability button for auto aim. It should be the other way around where manual aim is used when holding the ability button. 99% of Singularity players will only use auto aim and never manual aim because it's strictly better than manually aiming. Having the auto aim on the ability button inconveniences 99% of players while only catering to 1% of players who want to manually aim.
Is it really an inconvenience tho, I don't think I'll be annoyed that much in holding or not
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It depends on where your ability button is located. If it's on the default Control key, it's a massive inconvenience. Pressing the control key with the pinkie finger 20+ times per match gets tiring fast. For controller, cycling through cameras will also be annoying.
Also, in the rush of the moment, you may accidentaly not click the auto aim.
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Well probably it'd be different for most people, I'm too used to pressing CTRL with pinky finger multiple times
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Just pressing control isn't that bad but control + M2 causes shoulder strain in mouse arm.
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Consider rebinding to a key that is easy for you to reach like Q or R. maybe C if you like using your thumb.
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They should make autoaim a setting feature, so the ones who really need like it console players can use it, while the ones on PC won't need it as much.
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Depends how they implement it. If you go into the pod at the same speed but holding it will begin to track them as you're going into it it'll be fine.
If it's setup like PUBG where the hold interaction is delayed compared to the press interaction it could be a problem.
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Well, they nerfed duration it takes to target a survivor along this system. They could that bonus duration transfer to holding button, so people who want it control manually won't be affected.
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holding the button to enter manual aim mode would increase the effective time to tag someone even further. Big no-no.
So inconvenience 99% of people just for the 1% who want to manually aim?
99% of controller players maybe, which is probably less than half of total larry players.
I'm a PC player and I would almost never use manual aim. Auto aim is better than manual aim in 99% of scenarios. It removes any delay in finding the survivor, which was why they nerfed the Slipstream tag time, and allows you to rapidly cycle through cameras and automatically find survivors.
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Making people hold the ability button takes no skill. It just inconveniences people.
Asides from base kit Soma (at 3%), Singularity has barely changed. The vast majority of the changes were quality of life and making it easier to play him rather than buffs.
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Your only argument against the default being auto aim is the potential extra input delay. If you just permanently hold the ability button, there is no delay. Therefore, you have no argument.
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My argument would be there should be delay if you skip manual aiming. It makes sense for me..
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That is irrelevant to my suggestion. Your suggestion is about balancing auto aim while my suggestion is about quality of life, which is negatively impacted by constantly pressing the ability button.
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I would expect it to work like lunge attack. That's not an issue, no? Either tap or hold the button.
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In my experience, holding a button and then aiming is harder/less comfortable than aiming then pressing the button. I imagine this is because one of your fingers is being used to press the button rather steady the controller or mouse in your hands.
Its always been a subtle but noticeable effect to me in various games, not just DBD.... it doesn't make that much difference, but for anything precise, given the choice I'd rather aim then click, rather than hold then aim.
So given that, I think its probably the right way round. If we're holding down to auto aim, we don't need to worry about it.
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What doesn't make sense? You are complaining about input delay. If you hold the ability button down throughout the entire match, there is no input delay because the button is already down.
My argument is I don't want people like you to make bhvr do skull merchant 4.0 where you win by pressing m2. If you're too lazy to orient the cameras the way you expect survivors to be in advance - that's on you. Still, we're getting an option for that.
Making auto aim the default behaviour has 0 impact on skill. The only difference is that I have to hold the ability button down to get auto aim.
Your entire argument is "auto aim is strictly better than manual". Maybe they should make unknown's uvx home in on survivors automatically? This would be strictly better than manual aiming.
No it isn't. My argument is that 99% of people will only use auto aim and never manual aim, so auto aim should be the default behaviour. Auto aim or manual aim being the default behaviour has 0 impact on skill and balance. It's purely a quality of life aspect. The same can't be said for your Unknown example.
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I prefer it this way, so the 0,2 delay is not baked on the basekit. This also makes it so you can't quickly swap between cameras in a fraction of a second so autoaim can check their full FoV for survivors. That was kinda busted.
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Making people hold the button for auto-aim allows BHVR to balance auto aim without punishing killers that want to use manual mode.
Requiring killers to hold a button to use manual mode, adds a delay for them to use manual mode, which would be a nerf for manual mode. It’s better for the delay to exist for auto-aim, so that BHVR could easily adjust the delay time if auto-aim turns out to be too powerful and needs a bit of a nerf.
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It has no impact on balance or delay because if you hold the ability button down the entire game, it will always auto aim. Since the button is always down, no pressing is required, so there is no delay with pressing or input.
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Wait, how do you expect it to work?
You control biopod with Ctrl, right? So if you hold Ctrl you get auto aim, if you tap you get it manually.
Basically exactly same as M1 attack/lunge. You can't really hold it in advance, no?
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It seems I misinterpreted how it will work, but the point still stands that it has no impact on balance and delay. It seems that the way it will work is that it will auto aim if you are still holding the ability button after switching to a camera and the time to switch to a camera will not change. The reason why it does not impact balance and delay is that you won't exit a Biopod until you see and analyse what is happening on the screen. The median human reaction time is 273 ms. After adding in time to analyse what is happening, time spent on a camera increases to 500+ ms. This means that tapping or holding the ability button makes no difference in delay since you will at minimum spend 500 ms on the camera.
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You can’t hold the ability button down the entire game, because you can only enter a biopod if you go from “the button not being pressed” to “tapping or holding the button”.
As in, you can’t hold down the button, then turn your camera towards a biopod while the button is already being held down. That’s not how button inputs work in this game.
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Auto aim on biopods shouldn't be an option whatsoever.
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Yes. I corrected myself in the previous comment.
That's a different topic that is irrelevant to this thread.
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You didn't correct yourself. As far as we know, auto-aim is supposed to take 0.2 seconds longer than manual aim, and BHVR is placing that 0.2 second delay on holding a button before the camera mode happens. Auto-aim should have a small delay on it, so that it's not a giant buff for a large portion of the playerbase. Auto-aim is supposed to be a quality of life improvement for console players. It's not supposed to be a major buff, that is massively faster than manual mode for the vast majority of PC players.
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We'll see how they implement it. They didn't mention any 0.2 sec delay in the revised patch notes.
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How exactly do you think the "holding the button to auto aim" feature is supposed to work? The button press needs to be long enough so that people that want manual mode aren't accidentally triggering auto aim.
We know (because of the way button inputs work in this game) that Singularity will need to have the button not pressed, then turn to face a biopod, then hold the button. The "holding the button" needs to be a delay before the auto aim starts happening, so that people that want manual mode aren't having the camera yanked away from them.
There's also the whole point that auto-aim DESERVES to have a delay, for the sake of game balance. If survivors are going to complain that auto-aim is too strong, there needs to be something like a delay on auto-aim, that BHVR can adjust, so that manual mode players aren't being punished because auto-aim exists.