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PC - Repaired Generators sometimes counting as 2 repaired generators instead of just 1.

TiredDBDenjoyer Member Posts: 16

Just had this happen during two Singularity games back to back, one on Nostromo and the other on Dead Dawg. The attached video is the Nostromo game where I was down to 3 generators, a Survivor reparied a generator and it counted as two instead of one, all 4 generators were still on the map but they only needed to repair one more as you'll see in the video. The Dead Dawg game was the same, I was down to 2 generators and a Survivor repaired a generator and it instantly counted as two and the exit gates immediately became powered. The Dead Dawg Survivors confirmed to me that no one else was even remotely close to finishing their gen when it was repaired. I was using Languid Touch, Rapid Brutality, Spies From The Shadows, and Surge with Foreign Plant Fibres and Kid's Ball Glove. The Lara Croft in the attached video was using Dramaturgy, Any Means Necessary, Resilience, and Windows of Opportunity.

40 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review.


  • StellarJay
    StellarJay Member Posts: 3

    Has happened to me in about 6 separate games today as well. Playing on Steam too.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065
    edited July 16

    I'm also observing this in most of my matches, but in my games (playing survivor right now), the ones I directly observed weren't one generator counting for two - rather, the count sometimes isn't updating when a gen gets done, and 'notices' that gen was done the next time a generator is complete. Had a game on RPD where I know we popped 2 gens, as I popped the second one, but the counter did not change and said 4 remaining for several minutes until the next gen got done, whereupon it skipped 3 and went to 2.

    But looking back, some of the times this has happened (on the final gen), I don't think a gen had been missed.

    I'll have to pay close attention and see if I can confirm the last gen 2x in my games, where there are clearly more gens left on the map than there should be. Because that's way worse than just a miscount, that's a gamebreaking bug.

  • Brawler
    Brawler Member Posts: 333

    Yep, happened to me too. There were 4 gens left, one got repaired and the Exit Gates got instantly powered. It's happening on different maps and as different killers

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,238

    2/3 matches for me. Lerys with a double pop (that very well could have been a synchronized double pop), and Macmillain H-map with a triple gen pop.

    The Macmillain one had 2 living Survivors, and 3 remaining gens. I was patrolling 5 gens (with Singularity's Biopods to know for sure), so it counted 1 gen as 3 completions. It might have been 2 remaining gens, but I'm 99% certain this was a triple pop. (I was letting the 2 cake offering Survivors leave, but I wanted to tag them with a Slip-Stream first).

  • brandikyns
    brandikyns Member Posts: 1

    I had the same issue happen to me. also at the end there was no animation for me to open the exit gate

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065
    edited July 16

    Got a screencap of the 1 gen left, 4 gens on map situation while I was testing Wesker's animation bug.

  • Kaitri
    Kaitri Member Posts: 55

    glad im not mental. my past 2 matches i thought the survivors are cheating.

    like how did they do 4 gens in like 2min. (and yes i had terrible chases aswell lol)

  • Jay_K
    Jay_K Member Posts: 429

    Also experiencing this. My killer games multiple gens being done at same time with not enough survivors left (2 survivors, 1 in chase and 2 gens pop)
    Partner also has experienced this and managed to clip the video if its needed. She completed a gen with 2 left and gates are instantly powered. Other 2 survivors left were both with the killer in chase at the time.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Happed twice already in 6 games.

    Thompson House as Ghostface
    Ormond as Freddy

    Both just skipped last gen (from 2 to 0 left)

  • virindi1
    virindi1 Member Posts: 4

    i found this happened to me as well. Game state = 2 gens left. TRAIL OF TORMENT active on 1 of the gens.

    game skipped from 2 to 0 left. I saw my TRAIL OF TORMENT still active although exit gates were powered and ready to go. TRAIL OF TORMENT and that gen still red aura as survivors ran out.

    ARTRA Member Posts: 938

    This literally happened to me a few minutes ago. Survivor finish 1 gen, other gen with no survs(i was with the other) suddenly pop :S

  • AdamLobo
    AdamLobo Member Posts: 5

    Also experienced this multiple times. Two examples below: Trapper on Family Residence, and Huntress on Toba.

  • halcyondays93
    halcyondays93 Member Posts: 24

    I've also had this happen to me.

    I didn't save the footage, but there were 2 generators left. I was on 1 with 60% progress, a teammate was on the 2nd with 90% progress, another teammate was being chased by the killer, and the 4th was already dead. When my teammate completed their generator, mine completed at the same time, even though I still had around 30% progress left to do.

  • Vorahk08
    Vorahk08 Member Posts: 266

    This happened on PS5 as well. I was playing Singularity on one of the Suffocation Pit variants. 1 survivor completed 2 gens. I can confirm this because 1 was dead, another was hooked, and I was chasing the last. This happened when only 2 gens were left.

  • joel84
    joel84 Member Posts: 235

    yes happend on me too. Steam PC. I was repairing and finishiung a gen and than instantly another gen popped on from 0-100. This is absl. Gamebreaking

  • warcrafter3001
    warcrafter3001 Member Posts: 57

    I had the exit gates powered while there 1 gen left, i could even kick the gen and everything while the gate was powered early

  • aimeemorley16
    aimeemorley16 Member Posts: 3

    this is also happening to me on Xbox & PlayStation! All maps and all different killers

  • ArcT
    ArcT Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 90

    This is happening in the opposite direction too. I was just letting them finish because two people DCed right away, and they had to do 6 gens. There's only two unfinished left.

    Wasn't fast enough to load up OBS to go on a tour of the five finished gens, though their lights could all be seen from the middle.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    All I know is I had a game where the gens were all done in 4 minutes.

  • Kessora
    Kessora Member Posts: 94

    This also happened with my friend

  • Nephilia1
    Nephilia1 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    Happened to me and my group as well, sorry for twitch clip instead of imgur not sure how that works.

  • TheBoopyBooper
    TheBoopyBooper Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    Happened to me too

  • skullkid13
    skullkid13 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    Also happened to me with Chucky, with 2 generators left, two survs did one and que exit gates opened

    There was an error displaying this embed.

  • YamamuraVideoRentals
    YamamuraVideoRentals Member Posts: 121

    I had a game where I was running Fired Up. Only 2 survivors left, and I had the gens on lockdown mostly it seemed. No way they'd be able to finish them all.

    Then the last guy manages to pop one gen, and the exit gates powered. Fired Up only had 4 tokens…

  • ranbuta
    ranbuta Member Posts: 90

    If a survivor leaves the lobby, the number of generators required is reduced.
    If the survivor continues to watch the game without exiting the lobby, the number of generators required will not be reduced.
    This can be checked in the custom game.

  • MarbleThrone
    MarbleThrone Member Posts: 423

    Here's an example I ran into today. 2 gens done by doing just one.

    PC, Steam, Windows 11.

  • JocelynAwakens
    JocelynAwakens Member, Administrator, Mod, Co-ordinator Posts: 1,618

    Hello, this is a known issue. Tentative target for fix: Hotfix 1.

  • Druzzt
    Druzzt Member Posts: 31

    It seems even worse - we were two survivirs left and 3 gens to go. We popped one - and in fact three gens got completed, so we could open the exit gates and escape.

    As a killer I had the same issue once - two survivors left - 2 gens popped although one was in chase.

  • magical571
    magical571 Member Posts: 10

    it has happened to me four times in two days.

    once on rpd. there were 3 gens left, and all three popped at the exact same time. i was extremely confused, since one survivor was on hook, and another was in chase with me. they could at best have done two gens, not all three, and at the exact same time, not even half a second of delay? it was phisically imposible.

    It happened two more times at gideon's, and a fourth time in coal tower. That last one was also super blatant, because they had two people dead and one on hook, and two gens left. how did the remaining survivor did two gens exactly at the same time? mind you, none of them were 99 (but even if they were, there was as i said only one survivor alive). i was playing singularity.

  • magical571
    magical571 Member Posts: 10

    i really hope they fix this ASAP, it's ######### up games BADLY.

  • scoser
    scoser Member Posts: 482

    Yep, just lost a game to this when the 2nd to last gen got repaired and instantly went to having the gates powered.

  • MrRetsej
    MrRetsej Member Posts: 60

    This has happened to me on every killer game I played yesterday; 5 Knight games, 2 Singularity games, 2 Wraith games.

    Until this gets fixed killer is unplayable.

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,389

    Yea, I just found out about this bug today, this is unplayable.

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 714
    edited July 18

    Yeah, if any Survivor dies (not DC, the Survivor needs to die/get sacrificed) and leaves the post-game menu then the next generator that pops will pop 2 instead.

    If 2 Survivors die and leave the menu then 3 gens will pop when the next gen is completed.

    Heard some people speculate it's not a bug but the first iteration of a catch-up mechanic to deal with tunnelling & Survivors going next on 1st hook by not making the game automatically lost if someone dies early (it's nonsense, at least I hope).

  • patronsaintofpizza
    patronsaintofpizza Member Posts: 123

    I’ve also encountered this twice today. Was playing survivor, had two gens left, and suddenly both were completed.

  • Herodias
    Herodias Member Posts: 1

    The problem still on going, is there any upcoming fix? I guess the match lasting less than 5 min due to this bug is not as bad as survivors not having endurance

  • Karth
    Karth Member Posts: 190

    I….wow….I thought this never happened to me untill I saw it happen.

    Cost poor ghostie probably a 4k instead of a 2k

    can herby also confirm this bug exists.

  • Morfedel
    Morfedel Member Posts: 231

    Coconut did a video on this; it APPEARS to happen when someone leaves the game and stops even observing.

    At one point he got two people to leave, or maybe three, last person in game finished a generator and it counted as FOUR!

    Speculation that this is some code preparing for the 2v8, but this is really bad! they have GOT to get this fixed fast, and I'm shocked that they haven't yet.

  • sigrace
    sigrace Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    This is day six of this bug being in place. I literally made an account today to post.

    Playing Alien on Midwich. Had each survivor down to one hook, and finally killed one at two gens.

    This bug needs to be top of priority and if it's already solved internally NEEDS to be pushed out on it's own. It's literally causing the game to break it's own rules AND it's consistent. It is no wonder the killer reward buff is active. It really sucks to play killer right now :(

  • PurpleRain322
    PurpleRain322 Member Posts: 1

    This is happening in my games too, and now I'm done with this game for a while bc this is game braking for me. Happens in both sides too often. Behavior needs to do something about this soon!

  • Azaarious
    Azaarious Member Posts: 11

    I was wondering if this was a new base kit, as it is triggered when 1 or more survivors are tunneled out or die, then choose not to spectate. I have seen youtube streamers check this as well as testing it myself with friends. For each survivor dead and not spectating, the next gen completed will add the number of survivors not there to the number completed.

    We didn't know if this was base kit because it counters 3-gen and tunneling all at once.

    As a balance player (both killer/surv) though, I am glad it seems to be a bug, and I hope this gets resolved soon.

  • howl_asura
    howl_asura Member Posts: 2