2v8 is hilariously heavily Survivor sided it aint even close
Major elephants in the room: Escapist and Scout class are the meta classes for Survivors having old Mft and permanent wallhacks for the entire team is ridiculous.
For weird unknown reasons Billy has been demoted to a m1 killer and his Chainsaw no longer 1 shots he has been horribly nerfed and has to build up exposed like a Myers but Nurse has been Gigabuffed longer blink range with additional blinks like huh? Also nobodys gonna play Trapper since he requires setup time and 8 survivors can disable traps 8x faster then Trapper can place them. Wraith Nurse and Huntress are the only fun options.
8 Survivors have to complete 13 gens and Killers have to down a huge 24 times and since Killers are basic m1 killers with no slowdown and can only pressure 2 survivors at most Gen efficiency is gonna be insane matches will last 4-5 mins at most.
Final thoughts after 2v8 mode comes to live Killers won't touch this mode after the 3rd day cause i genuinely believe the escape and killrates will majorly flip 40% killrate and 60% escape rate even if Devs wanted this to be a unbalanced chaotic gamemode its really only that for Survivors while heavily balanced to Killers especially Billy
You say that like it's a bad thing. This isn't meant to be a super competitive game mode. If 2 killers are chasing the same survivor then the chase should last more than 10 seconds. With no real counter play for survivors in a chase, this game mode would be dead on arrival if survivors didn't have other advantages. The whole cage system is a tie in terms of advantages to both sides. Killers have no travel time to hooks and survivors can not rescue downed survivors. Survivors have easy rescues and no camping.
Gen completion time might be an issue but bear in mind this is the first iteration. There will no doubt be some changes. I think it would be a good idea if gens lose .5% progress for each living survivor when a survivor is sent to a cage. The numbers might need tweaked but considering how fast survivors should be getting downed, 4% lost progress per gen seems a reasonable amount to extend the game length a little while keeping the focus on killers chasing and downing survivors.
15 -
Why don't you simply wait for it to go live and try to have fun…? Not every single thing will be competitive, no need to 8k every time lol.
23 -
they only need to repair 8 generators actually
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i say it cause its heavily one sided if it wasnt meant to be competitive they should've just added every killer without these ridiculous nerfs then especially to billy
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Dont tell me what to do and on official stream killers couldn't even get 4 downs let alone an 8k be fr my guy it was dogwater
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When you play the game enough you can tell from footage and notes something is gonna be busted
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9 gens would have been fine. Did the devs mention why it was 8 gens, not 9 or 10 in the livestream?
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The only footage we've seen is 2 devs vs 8 people that literally play the game for a living. The skill difference is already out of whack there. It's best to reserve judgement until people equally skilled at the game can give it a go.
Furthermore, the previous special modes have been killer sided. It's just the nature of these modes, they can't dedicate time to making it so perfectly balanced for a short 2 week run.
The final thing to consider is that it will require 8 survivors. If you made it easier on killer or too unfun for survivors, you're gonna have a hard time even finding a lobby with 8 people willing to play. In this instance it is probably better for it to be survivor sided if it is at all, just from a sheer numbers standpoint.
12 -
disagree you said it yourself the other modes have been killer sided yet queue times are unaffected in them however queue times for killers will be affected since you need two and with miserable its gonna be i can expect 5 to 10 min queue times for survivors
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I'm quite certain that you are absolutely incorrect. People have been begging to kill with their friens since this game was created. No amount of balance issues is gonna keep people that have wanted that from spending the entire time it's available doing it.
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I'll reserve judgement for after I try it, but yeah, I highly expect full lobbies of Escapists.
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killers will be affected since you need two and with miserable its gonna be
2v8 allows 2 killers to gang up on a single survivor and put them in no-win situations, then immediately cage them with no chance of a flashlight or stun save from teammates. One of the biggest complaints people make in this game is about no-win situations. It's why Decisive Strike has been changed so many times and doesn't work in the end game anymore. 2v8 mode is basically centered around 2 killers getting to create no-win situations repeatedly in a single match.
The fun for killers here is getting to team up, whether with a friend or a stranger, and get funny tag-team moments that were either meticulously coordinated or accidentally perfect. Survivors, meanwhile, are being asked to have possibly the shortest chases ever, and chases are the fun part for many survivors, plus no chance at saving someone off the killer's shoulder, which is the other thing survivors mainly enjoy, so there better be something for survivors to look forward to if you want them to queue up for a mode that lacks two of their three favorite things. That means survivors get to have a high chance of escaping.
The queue has a high likelihood of breaking because it requires such a high number of survivors for a single match. Killers are going to play because they finally get to play killer with a friend, but survivors? There has to be real incentive for survivors to queue up, otherwise killers are going to be waiting an hour to play a single match. If survivors went into 2v8 with a high likelihood they'll die early and then have to wait for who knows how many of their friends to finish the match, survivors wouldn't queue up for it. If survivors went into 2v8 expecting to end up in no-win situation after no-win situation that ends with their death and damn near no Bloodpoints, they wouldn't queue up for it. So, by design, the majority of survivors in a match are going to escape. That's predetermined. BHVR needs short matches with the majority of survivors escaping for the queue to function.
Anyway, those are the conclusions I reached after reading/listening to/watching yesterday's live stream. Maybe some of the conclusions I reached are wrong: the information we received is limited and I haven't played the mode, plus I can't make any judgements from watching matches featuring 8 people who play the game for a living vs 2 who do not (just because devs work on a game doesn't mean they're good at playing it, those are different skillsets). It's also possible that, because the 2v8 matches which were shown were meant as demonstrations, the devs playing killer were encouraged to focus on showcasing the tag-team aspect rather than on getting kills. I'm not saying that happened, I'm saying we can't say "look at how those matches went" as any sort of argument or proof.
tldr: If you need to get kills to have fun, 2v8 probably wasn't designed for you. If you have a friend or simply want to experience team play as killer, then 2v8 is for you.
7 -
The gamemode isnt even out yet?
8 -
agree to disagree
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Showing y gamemodes aint being permanent with bad takes like that
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I look forward to high-fiving my friend when we down a survivor after coordinating an awesome pincer movement (or more likely accidentally getting a down after tripping over each other).
Meanwhile, if I play survivor and get the snot beaten out of me by 2 killers trapping me each time I attempt to use a pallet or vault and end every match with no BP, then I'll be swearing off 2v8 as survivor before the first evening is up. I can have a miserable time as survivor in normal 1v4 mode and at least there I'll have more opportunities to earn BP and I can play the lute.
There are numerous reasons game modes aren't permanent. Saying my take is bad looks like an attempt to hurt my feelings or get a rise out of me, which sorry, not my thing. However, you have made it perfectly clear you don't wish to have a discussion: whether it's because you just want to rant and vent your feelings or because you only want an echo chamber, either way you should've made that clear in your original post.
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It will be fun to try no matter how it turns out.
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Since this isn't a solo game mode, people played SWF for the most of the time might play it too, results in much less skilled killers with vastly more popularity
Not sure if they can have fun at all, though
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Killers get a heavily killer sided anniversary event, a heavily sided mid chapter update, and now a second killer in a separate game mode - and they still complain. Are we still wondering why gamers all across the board refer to dbd killer mains as babies?
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DBD killers specifically?
I'm sorry, but survivor and killer mains are and always have been two peas in a pot. If one is a baby, the other is crying right alongside them. The sooner we stop associating each other with meaningless stereotypes and start understanding we're horror fans with invested interest in the same thing, the less salt there'll be all around.
Then again, it is Year 9 and half of the complaints I hear regularly around here could've been applied to Year 1 in some way, so who knows, maybe we're doomed to eternal childhood.
2 -
OP has a time machine. They've returned from the future to warn us..
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I'm just gonna be planting a Trap garden while Hillbilly is popping off with exposed and haste buffs 😁
Gonba be like an old man chasing troublesome kids stealing strawberries from my garden.
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It's gonna be a struggle to get a 4k, which would equate to a draw, especially if survivors wear the same skins.
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Fun fact its always gonna be survivor sided
Even now its headin to it with over buffs to toolboxes and now endurance (babysitter)
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Not possible. Only two survivors per class allowed each match. This is a perfect reason why you play the mode before you start critiquing it.
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It would have been competitive if they left other killers in as some of their powers are super strong compared to others. Removing all perks, add-ons and making nerfs and buffs to certain things is why it takes the competitiveness out of it. It’s literally meant to be fun chaos, that’s it
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Killers will have to tunnel someone out asap. Also trapper will be pretty much auto-lose if someone picks him. Probably the most effective combo would be a good Nurse and Billy. Huntress and Wrath could also work provided at least one of them is competent.
Without tunneling one or two survivors asap, I can't imagine getting 4 or more kills here. Spreading ''cages'' is certainly a no-go if killers wish to win the match.
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So its fine that killers have 60% kill rate but its not fine if survivors have 60% survival rate in a fun mode? Talking about being biased.
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I mean, 2 v 8 was probably always going to end up a balancing clownfest. And if it were the other way, it would end up like deathgarden's hunt with friends. Just as much of a joke, but massively in the hunter's favor.
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This is the funniest ######### thing to complain about right now. Some people really are that miserable.
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I hadn't heard that part actually. That's very good to know. Though I wonder if that will effect queue times.
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No, you're the only who refers to killer mains that way, and it's incredibly divisive and immature.
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Were you around to remember how long survivors queues were when kill rates were closer to 50% than the 60% they are at now? Nobody wanted to play killer because of how stupidly survivor-sided the felt to play as killer, and that was at 50% kill rates. At 60% (if that's what it ends up being, which is pure speculation because nobody knows what it will be), good luck finding anyone who is willing to play killer after the novelty of the first few matches wears off.
This mode is likely going to be very imbalanced because the devs don't have any experience trying to balance a 2 v 8 mode. It's going to take time, experience, and many adjustments to fine tune. The early days will be frustrating but will hopefully get better.
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Heres like a super crazy idea: we could just wait until the mode is out, play it and THEN complain about it being unbalanced, if it even is. Not the other way around
3 -
Peanits was lowkey cracked at Huntress I'm ngl. He was hitting some good shots.
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I did that when chaos shuffle came out saying its very survivor sided and people didnt care but once lights out or anniversary event happen everyone complained saying its killer sided
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I'm actually kinda interested in Billy now seeing as he seems to be a support character.
Nurse doesn't seem like she'd benefit a whole lot from support but I'm sure nobody is sad about that
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This is the DBD forums, ma'am. It's fueled by knee-jerk reactions, not common sense.
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I think the Devs know what works/doesn't work for a mode they created from scratch for the same game they created from scratch and even played it/showcased it.
At the end of the day, it's supposed to be a fun new game mode, not your daily sweatfest. If people are already whining this much, without having played it whatsoever, they might not make this mode permanent and just put it to bed. So come on, have some patience, and be a bit more lenient and open-minded. We don't know until we know.
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Did you play it already or you just felt like bmc-ing about something you haven't experienced. Most normal people don't care wether they win or lose, they just want to experience fun with friends. You should try it.
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Am I the only one who doesn't care if it's balanced one way or another? I think it'll just be a funny mode to mess around in
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Bro already had a whole manuscript about the game mode before it was out lmao.
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My SoloQ games have not been very survivor sided so far.