Solidarity / Resurgence buff went the wrong way

Or at least, it's missing a crucial component - full or temporary immunity to Haemmorhage. With how common Sloppy Butcher is, Solidarity and Resurgence very often get rendered useless. Your ability to use them mostly relies on the killer not bringing a Haemmorhage inducing perk or addon.
I would have by far preferred the old 50% values on both of these perks, but with an immunity to haemmorhage.
Of course, anyone is free to voice their own feedback on the buff of these 2 perks.
With how common Sloppy Butcher is
Say what? I can see only new players use it, simply because lack of options...
I would agree with this change before they nerfed Sloppy.
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it is all counter-play to survivors healing perks although i will argue that bring med-kit makes the survivor get the heal off if saved at the right time. the anti-heal perk is not very reliable.
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Did you used solidarity with the hemorrhage status effect?
The heal that you get from healing others will not decrease if you are healing someone, but, if you stop healing, then the heal will go down, the other survivor just need to heal you fast and you used solidarity against sloppy.
Ta da.
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I always say this: tweak Hemorrhage so that healing regression only occurs while running. This lets Solidarity and Resurgence work without requiring special coding, and it'll barely impact the status effect beyond that.
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I think that's an appropriate buff for Resurgence, but not so much Solidarity, especially since it would be kind of weird and awkward to code partial immunity to Haemorrhage into that perk and full immunity would obviously be way too much.
Resurgence, in my opinion, should clear most negative status effects (at least timed ones) on unhook. It only activates twice, and so it's allowed to be strong. With that buff it could go back down to 50% and be in a great spot.
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^ This. I was thinking of some convoluted solutions but honestly this seems much better than anything I came up with.
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Haemmorhage is now temporary debuff, especially in sloppy. Healing after it's effect runs off is a key for it to work
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It's still pretty common, honestly.
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Gift of pain also only activates twice on survivors and doesn't need a nerf.
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Gift of Pain has TWO effects, and the Mangled it gives is the weaker of the two.
Resurgence in this hypothetical would make the perk a little weaker, but only kind of. Someone with Resurgence wants to heal and they want to heal quickly… which means they get hit with the repair speed debuff, the actually desirable effect for the killer, quicker as well.
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Gift of pain activates the debuffs on unhook so it's the most consistent way to apply those debuffs right now. The others tend to expire on hook nowadays.
I think all the debuffs are significant. You either heal and eat the repair speed debuff or don't and be vulnerable. That's good. Without mangled and Hemorrhage you just 99 your heal and do gens.
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Really? I don't remember last time we have seen it and I dropped it from all builds.
I have checked my tracking on Nightlight and in last 54 games we didn't play against it once.
Overall it has 8% pick rate, where I believe most of it are simply new players / fresh killers. Simply because they don't have anything better to use.
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I feel like that's a really specific scenario. You have to be running Gift of Pain, they have to be running Resurgence, they have to be of the mind to not USE their perk and instead 99 a heal to just go crank gens, they have to also have time to react and finish their heal which is heavily dependant on both the killer you're playing and how you're playing in general, you have to then actually chase them at which point they're not doing gens anyway…
I don't know, that seems like an acceptable risk to me. Gift of Pain would be weak to a very specific setup on the survivor side that not many would be inclined to use and that could still result in GoP actually doing its job after a short delay anyway. I'm fine with that.