Cross Progression - Switch

We Nintendo Switch players still have a lot of questions to be answered. For example:
1 - The characters I bought with my irisdent cells will be on my steam? If not, will my cells be returned to be bought again? Because if not that will be completely unfair, since I played for days to just buy a dlc character, for example: Mikaela.
2 - The cosmetics I bought with auric cells will be on my steam?
3 - If I buy a DLC character on Steam I already have on switch with the level 50 will my character be on that same level 50 on Steam after I buy it? Example: I already have my Lara in level 4, will that level be applied on steam as well if I buy her again?
There are lots of questions unanswered, tbh. I have the same question for iri purchases too, since I have Jane / Felix / Yui / Elodie / Zarina and Mikaela unlocked on Switch but not on PC (I play more Survivor on Switch and more Killer on PC). I think I bought most of them with Iri shards, so they should be sharable across other platforms, right?
I also want to know if Auric Cell purchases actually count as "DLC". I've got cosmetics and one or two Survivors on Switch that I don't have on PC (Iron Maiden / Halloween T-shirts and charm bundles) and I wonder if they will be sharable.
I feel a bit like Nintendo will be shooting themselves in the foot on this one if Auric purchases can't be shared with other platforms. If this is true, I'll never have another reason to buy anything on the Switch again because it will always make more sense to buy things on my Steam account, since that stuff can always be shared elsewhere.
I do think character levels will carry over if you purchase them again on another platform, though. That counts as progression.
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BHVR has not answered any questions or clarified anything about Switch cross-progression. It's frustrating.
There are two main types of purchases in the game: purchases made in the platform's store and purchases made within DbD itself. We have no idea if those two types of purchases will be treated equally when syncing.
There are also two main types of content, licensed and original unlicensed, and we don't know if limitations in what transfers applies to only licensed or also to original. A lot of us expected limitations on licensed content transferring.
And BHVR says that when you sync your content you'll get 4500 iri shards for DLC bought twiceā¦
but will this occur after syncing as well? For players who already own content on Switch, sync with PC, and then re-purchase any non-transferred content on the PC account, will they receive those 4500 iri shards? Or do we need to make all necessary repeat purchases prior to syncing to receive the shards?
Nintendo Switch players were told "sorry, we're not giving you what we've been promising for four years," and have then been left in the dark about what exactly that means.
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Yea, just make sure you keep the blame for this on Nintendo and not BHVR. Remember, they tried their best to get it all transferred.
Honestly, I thought Sony would be the hold out, so that Sony is on board finally but Nintendo is the hold out was not on my bingo card.3 -
I wrote a long post with sources already explaining why BHVR is on the hook for this:
I refrain from speculation when it comes to who's at fault for what behind the scenes with contracts and negotiations. But when it comes to who made public promises to existing and potential Switch players since 2020, encouraging people to buy and put up with a port that started off questionable and whose performance has only degraded over time, that's BHVR. I'm sorry BHVR's left holding the ball here when there were two parties involved, but making statements to customers and accepting money means they have obligations.
They could start with answering questions and clearing up confusion.
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Is there anything other fellow switch players can do to help try and get answers?
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I can kind of understand not transferring the purchases made through Nintendo's eShop. But there is no excuse for not transferring the characters unlocked with Auric Cells.
Also, yesterday when I played I received a prompt asking permission to share my Nintendo Account information with BHVR. And progress is also transferred. So again there is no reason why characters unlocked with Auric Cells can't be transferred.
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I have the feeling that, right now, BHVR might nothaveanswers to a lot of our questions. Because, theyareanswering questions, just notthesequestions. See here, posted today:When I try to think ofwhythey're not answering questions, the only reason I can come up with is that they're still working out the kinks. Giving us a definitive answer when they don't know would cause them no end of headaches, and telling us they don't know the answers would be a whole other can of worms for them to deal with. So it's silence until they either get it working or until they run out of time.If I'm wrong about this, cool, great, I look forward to being corrected and to finding out the answers to our questions. This is simply speculation because BHVR has given usno information.Edit: went ahead and crossed out everything since it was speculation and was cleared up by a dev in the next reply.
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I have some answers!
- Yes, those will be transferred.
- Cosmetics will also be transferred; they are considered part of your inventory.
- Your progress will be transferred even if you don't own the DLC. If you don't have access to that character on the other platform, you will of course need to purchase them again in order to play them, though. Additionally, if you've prestiged them, their unique perks will be unlocked on other characters even if you don't have access to the characters themselves.
Was actually in the middle of typing out an answer as you posted this! No, it's mostly just been a busy week and we're prioritizing ongoing issues. The kinks have been worked out, but sometimes we need to poke our tech teams for help answering some of the most specific questions. Hoping to get more answers out when we get the chance.
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That's great to hear! Glad to know I was wrong. I'd really been wondering. I have a related question about what transfers that I was wondering if you could find out the answer to:
Will chapters received via giveaway codes transfer over? It's a full chapter, but it wasn't purchased, it was redeemed in the DbD in-game store (on Switch but not in the Nintendo eShop) with a code given away by Fog Whisperers.
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can't say for certain, but from my understanding yes that should transfer over with cross-progression.
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Thank you!
It's been stated that if the player owns DLC multiple times over, they receive 4500 iri shards. Is the 4500 iri shards a lump sum or is it for each DLC that's owned multiple times? If it is per DLC, is that per chapter or per character?
Also, if I sync up my Nintendo Switch with another platform account, see what didn't transfer, and then purchase the chapters that I already owned on Switch but don't own on the new platform, will I receive the 4500 iri shards? Or will I need to purchase any chapters bought on Switch on the new platform before syncing up? The FAQ makes it sound like it only occurs when the accounts are first synced, which is kind of (or very) inconvenient if it means checking each and every character owned on Switch to find out if they were purchased in the eShop or with shards or received via code to figure out what needs to be purchased on the new platform before syncing up, and it could easily lead to re-purchasing something that would've transferred.
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Im trying understand what will happen with offerings and itens, because i asked via email and someone from BHVR said "the highest number" and another email said me " itens and offerings will be merged and combined . I would like know definetly what will happen, for example. If i have ā¦
Nea (Steam) = 50 medkits
Nea (PS4) = 25 medkitsAfter sync i will have 50 medkits or 75? please BHVR clarify this, because in emails they just confuse me more than before i asked
I dont know if anything will be posted about other clarifications. would be nice if a Q&A on live or reddit only about crossprogression. This feature is huge and noone can have doubts.0 -
the 4500 Iri Shards is a one off, no matter how many DLC's are included and it's for the whole DLC.
It would need to be done before the sync goes through not after.0 -
I would like to ask for 1 clarification. When Peanits here says "Yes, those will be transferred." He is referring to characters bought with iri shards as per the OPs question. But is this also the case for characters bought with auric cells using the in game store, (Not the Nintendo E-Shop) or does the cross-progression have a way of determining which are bought with iri shards/auric cells and only awarding the iri shard purchases among sync-up?
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It would be the highest number, so the 50 medkits. They do not combine.
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Thanks Mandy. Thanks a lot
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So, that means if I own three chaptersālike THE SAW Chapter, Curtain Call, and Shattered Bloodlineāon Switch and I also own those same three chapters on PlayStation and I sync the PlayStation and Switch accounts, I'll get a total of 4500 Iri Shards for the three chapters altogether.
Meanwhile, if the only chapter I own across both platforms is Curtain Call, I will still get the exact same sum of 4500 Iri Shards?
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yes that is correct
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Thank you so much for answering my questions. I appreciate both you and Peanits taking the time to clear up some of the confusion we all have on these matters.
In response to the answer itself, though (and I'm not looking for an explanation or even a reply, I just want to share my feelings on this): Ouch. That's not great.
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Just FYI - there's now an option to link our Nintendo accounts in our BHVR accounts š may as well get in early
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completely understandable <3
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That cleared out things for me <30 -
I have..
Deathslinger P10 and zero survivors puddings offerings Devotion 24 account
Deathslinger P5 and 50 survivors puddings offerings Devotion 7 account
after sync i will have a P10 deathslinger with 50 survivor puddings right?0 -
Another question occurred to me: What about the characters that came with the game? I bought the Silent Hill edition on Nintendo Switch, which came with numerous characters who don't come with the PC version. Do all of those characters transfer over from Switch to PC?
I guess this question actually pertains to the other consoles, as well. Will ownership of the characters that came with the PS4 and Xbox versions of DbD be unlocked on PC?
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Thank you!! I just linked now and ready!
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Iām very curious to know the answer to this
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I was just thinking... does this mean for Twitch rewards, we can just use the Switch codes and we'll get it on our other platform/s too? Or are they counted as Switch exclusives?
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So you added emphasis to a phrase, then proceed to completely ignore it? It says right there in the part YOU EMPHASIZED that exceptions could come from external licensing requirements.
"Exceptions might have to be made to accommodate for some external licensing needs."
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I didn't emphasize that, it was italicized by BHVR in the original post. Between that statement and the problems with Freddy's chapter (he was delayed reaching Switch, right? I think he was), that statement was the reason I was expecting licensed DLC not to carry over. I didn't expect non-licensed original DLC not to transfer.
Edit: The next statement in the post I wrote once again says DLCs will transfer. That's the quote I added emphasis to. It's from an announcement made in 2021 that Switch cross-progression was done and going live. Not a promise or a "we're working on it," but a public statement that work on Switch cross-progression was finished.
Post edited by TragicSolitude on0