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Pc - Gatekeeper emblem not working correctly

Camophlo Member Posts: 104

After a match the gatekeeper emblem wouldn’t go past bronze and when hovered over it’ll only list “exit gates defended” as the only contribution to it despite the trial ending with 5/4 gens remaining

Killers played and tested on;

Cenobite: 4k at 5 gens, only bronze defender with exit gates closed bonus

Unknown: 4k at 4 gens, only bronze defender with exit gates closed bonus

Unknown: 0k, only bronze defender (this was to test if the code was reversed like if all gens got done it would be Iri but same result as above)

Idk if the perks somehow removed the gatekeeper emblem from being updated but perks used between the two characters were;

Corrupt Intervention, Weave Attunement, Beast Of Pray/Deadlock, Surge (similar builds, one just had BOP for challenge)

14 votes

Under Review · Last Updated


  • DarkJokerOfAmuro
    DarkJokerOfAmuro Member Posts: 84

    yeah same on PlayStationI got a merciless kill just now with three gens remaining and the gatekeeper is just in bronze.. like how does that work

    MOONPHASE Member Posts: 134

    It appears that the Killer cannot gain the "Generator Defense" rating until the Survivor completes 1 gen of repairs.

  • MarbleThrone
    MarbleThrone Member Posts: 421

    I have been noticing this too. Even with a 4K with gens remaining, I can't get past Gold on Gatekeeper.

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 677
    edited July 21

    Same on Xbox Series X, it seems sorta inconsistent, whenever I 4k it seems to work (however it seems I just got lucky if other people's comments and experiences are anything to go by) but I'm curious about what could trigger it. (oddly enough, even though there's a few posts from myself and others about this bug, there's no acknowledgement).

    My theory is that, because of the Oppression change (which is a perk that gives passive regression instead of instant regression through kicks/regression events) the game no longer recognizes passive regression (Ruin, Oppression, Legion add-on, regression after initial kick/regression event etc.) as actual time save. The flaw in that theory is that by sheer match time (the emblem states that the first 9 minutes grants points) then even a 0k/2k should give at least Silver if the match lasted long enough.

  • MachG
    MachG Member Posts: 1

    Same issue for me on PC, just got a 4K and would drop chase multiple times to focus kick gens. I had 28 gates closed and no gens had been completed match lasted about 6-7 mins. Was doing the challenge Guardian on Tome 19 page 4.So if it's impossible to reach Iridescent for the challenge I think there might be a problem.

    MOONPHASE Member Posts: 134

    Sorry for the Japanese image.

    If more than 10 minutes pass after the start of the match without repairing a generator, the killer will not be able to earn the "GATEKEEPER" rating.

  • JocelynAwakens
    JocelynAwakens Member, Administrator, Mod, Co-ordinator Posts: 1,589

    Logs and match times would be appreciated for investigation! Thank you!

  • BugReporterOnly
    BugReporterOnly Member Posts: 485

    What about console players that can't get logs? Wouldn't this be easy to test out on your end? Ihave basically given up on reporting bugs because of this reason I don't have logs.

    MOONPHASE Member Posts: 134

    This was taken today

    1:00 Start of the match
    5:05 Result

    Length of the match : About 4 min
    Killer : Trickster
    Kill : 4k
    Gen : 5/5 gens remaining
    Gatekeeper : Bronze

  • JocelynAwakens
    JocelynAwakens Member, Administrator, Mod, Co-ordinator Posts: 1,589

    The latter part of my request was for match times - knowing how long the match lasted can help us determine if Gatekeeper is working as intended! Our QA team has already received the bug report and it is under review; sometimes more information is needed to reproduce the results players are receiving.

  • JocelynAwakens
    JocelynAwakens Member, Administrator, Mod, Co-ordinator Posts: 1,589
    edited August 15

    Thank you, @MOONPHASE!

  • uveka
    uveka Member Posts: 18

    I feel you @Camophlo

    I was trying to get that and description is SO WRONG. All that matters is the regression that you make to the gens. When i 4k at 5 gens I get onbly bronze.. Sometimes I get 10k points on the same category but the emblem is bronze.. That dont makes sense at all.

    What I did to get Iridiscent emblems:

    Use Pain res, pop, and surge. Eruption would work too.

    Apparently they have to repair, and you have to regress the gens a lot, not stopping the repairing, just let them repair and then regress. And I say that because I had lots of matches with 4 and 5 gens left and never counted. But when I had a lot of regression actions and maybe 1 gen left, it counted.

    The spagghetti code my friend.. this game is bad coded, and it also have WRONG descriptions. And don't talk about translation that it has nothing related to what it says in English…

  • YukiYuki
    YukiYuki Member Posts: 4
  • YukiYuki
    YukiYuki Member Posts: 4

    I face this problem ALL THE TIME. Every time I play as a maniac, I always only get the bronze emblem, no matter what I do. The screenshot above shows the game for the Ghost. The game lasted approximately 8-11 minutes. During this time, 2 survivors died from the ground. I finished the game with 5 generators. But I got a bronze badge. Moreover, the emblem does not indicate points for generators (it only says points received for closed gates - this is always 28 points).

    This issue prevents certain tasks from being completed in archives. And also because of this bug it is impossible to increase the rank killer to red.

    I play on PC, Steam.

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,132

    I have been unable to pip up on Killer at all since rank reset. Even if I have a good match that goes past 9 minutes, not a single pip on Playstation 5.

  • uveka
    uveka Member Posts: 18

    It seems nobody bothered to check my answer where I explain how I get iri gatekeeper emblem. Same as the other post xd So I'm not telling again how the emblem how actually work. Of course it's bugged but it's not that hard to get iri while they fix it.

  • Druzzt
    Druzzt Member Posts: 30

    This one is even more fun - yes they got the gate open, but finally all 4 died, Gatekeeper Ash all else Iri.

    MOONPHASE Member Posts: 134

    Still bugged in 8.2.0

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 677

    It's both sad and baffling that even with multiple threads, logs, videos, screenshots & a bunch of people reporting it, the issue is still at "need more info" and not acknowledged.

    Like, this straight up makes a few challenges impossible and makes ranking up in high ranks much harder. It's been more than a full month.

  • WhoSoup
    WhoSoup Member Posts: 172
  • Soval
    Soval Member Posts: 15

    Match lasted around 9 minutes, 40 seconds. Was on Swamp, the variant with the steam boat.

    Had 22 points of generator defense so no Gatekeeper emblem at all.

    Here's the log:

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 677
    edited September 12

    Why is this still marked as "need more info"!?

    There's logs and videos in the thread, in several threads about the same thing in fact (which for some reason some of them aren't marked as duplicate).

    What more is needed to prove that the emblem is broken?

    Edit: Jeezums finally it's marked as "under review" (granted it doesn't mean much, threads sometimes spend months "under review") so at least it's being looked at, took almost two whole months but we're there at least.

    Post edited by Skillfulstone on
  • Kessora
    Kessora Member Posts: 89

    Yeah its bugged, thats rough for killers rushing iri 1

  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,160

    Since a recent update, when the last survivor escapes through the hatch, it closes itself and the gates are powered - could this be potentially damaging the gatekeeper emblem?

    This has to be a bug. It used to be that when the last survivor escapes through the hatch, it doesn't close itself, and the gates don't automatically get powered.