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How do I make my name "unclickable"?

Member Posts: 36

For a while I have hidden my name from other players so as not to have them check my profile and insult me in the post-game chat with personal references stemming from my profile. However, as a player I routinely hate when people hide their name during a match because it makes it hard to keep track of fellow survivors, so I would very much rather not be the kind of player who does something which he is against.

I have seen time and again that the name of many people in the post-game chat does show, but you are not able to click on them. You do get to see their name in-game but afterwards you cannot click on them nor look them up in the "View → Friends" tab on Steam. I would very much prefer this than to having my name hidden outright, but try as I may, I cannot find the option to enable this.

If anyone would be so kind as to shed some light on how to do this, I would very much appreciate it!

Best Answers

  • Member Posts: 16,599
    Answer ✓

    On Steam you can click on every name of every player who is

    a) on Steam

    b) not anonymous

    If they are either not on Steam (indicated by the Crossplay-Symbol) or Anon, you cannot click their name.

  • Member Posts: 16,599
    Answer ✓

    "Oh, that's probably why, then. I know that folks with a globe next to their name are playing on consoles, but maybe those who have no icon next to them are playing on Epic or something, cause I can see their names, but can't click on "View profile" (which is greyed out) on the dropdown menu when clicking on their name."

    Players playing on Epic also have the Crossplay-Symbol. You should be able to click on the profile of every Steam-player.

    You can, as already written, also put your profile on private. This blocks messages and comments. But people can still send you friend requests. Or, you can just turn off comments on the profile.


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