8.1.0 Singularity Update Changes Feedback
I have been playing Singularity off and on since his release. I play on console with an XBOX controller.
I appreciate the changes that were made to Singularity. The changes seemed to be in a good direction for the character.
Here are a few of my ideas to help improve:
I would revert the UI colors back. The previous green and white was cool. This update randomly added a red colorway to the mix that can be a tad bit confusing.When shooting or holding the gun out to shoot survivors it’s now red when you can slipstream to them. It makes sense for emp’d cameras but not a valid slipstream on a gun.
Killer Instinct should either be way longer OR only start once you exit a camera. It creates the opportunity where it activates and you are still in a camera and can’t even see it. It lowkey defeats the purpose sometimes.
The camera and targeting someone has always been a little finicky. Now by increasing the time it takes to lock onto a survivor, it makes using the power even more difficult.
On control RT or L2 could be used to shoot the survivors from the cameras, but now since there is a destroy camera button we can no longer just point and shoot with our cameras. We now have to look and hold the gaze on the person while they are obviously running trying to not get slipstreamed. On controller now we have to control the bipod stare at a survivor until the bar completely fills up on its own. That takes entirely too long.
The destroying of the biopods even takes a long time. It may be better to just get rid of the destroy function all together. Especially since it gets rid of the ability to manually shoot the survivors.
Can we remove the anti-camping mechanic from Singularity all together? If i’m trying to infect the person doing the unhooking, then let me. Literally every other character can use their power at the hook. Why should Singularity be special?
I hope you all find this critique/opinion informative <3
"The camera and targeting someone has always been a little finicky. Now by increasing the time it takes to lock onto a survivor, it makes using the power even more difficult."
It has been reverted, is now 0.6 sec like before, and it's good. 0.8 sec was too long on the PTB.
For the color, it's change nothing but give information if the survivor you chase is infected or not, and helping you to see if you are able to teleport on him or not. It's purple, not red. The red color it for the desactived biopod.
- For the biopod destroy, maybe switch the time to 0.50 sec instead of 0.75 sec on the current.
- And about the killer instinct, i dont think it will change something, with this adding the information is very very HUGE, and absolutely insane if you use the 2 add-ons who give you the aura of someone who is infected or take an EMP.
- And dont worry, BHVR will add an option to activate the Auto-aim or not when you control an biopod on the next patch/hotfix patch, to activate it, you just need to keep pressing the R2 button to activate that. It will change nothing for ppl like me who dont like the aim, if i dont want use this aim, i just dont need to activate that. It will be a very good qol for Console player like u :)
- And i'm agree, the biopod anti-camp system need to be reactivated ONLY when you are in chase around the hooked survivor.
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The time to lock-on someone has been reverted, and if you talk about the gauge who gradually rise when you lock-on someone, it's the same like the old one, but now, instead of losing all the progression at once when you're aiming for a survivovr but lose sight of them in, the bar goes down slowly, and you can move it up again when you find the survivor. It's literally much better than before, you have much less frustration if you miss a lock-on
I'm agree about the biopod near of a hook, the ability to infect someone you're chasing close to someone hooked sould ONLY be enabled when you'rte in chase, otherwise, it would stay active, or yes, maybe reduce the time it takes to infect someone who comes to unhook a survivor, or simply reactivate it instantly RIGHT after unhook. You always have to wait almost 10 ######### sec before having the possiblity to lock on someone with a normal slipstream of 0.6 sec.
for the color, the purple aim on your m2 dont change anything, but help ppl who are unsure whether or not they can target the survivor for x reasons (collision elemnts, invisible walls, etc) and give you information if the survivor is still infected or not.
About the Killer Instinct, na, it's good like that, it give you SO much information if there someone close and infected by the survivor you chase, and above all if you combine it with add-ons like the diagtnostic tool, the crew manifest, or live wires (they scream when they remove the infection), you really, really have a LOT of information during the match.And about the biopod aiming, good news, BHVR have confirmed recently confirmed that they will be adding this option soon: for active it, you will have to hold down a touch (certainly the m2) to activate it when you control a biopod ! it will be a huge qol for console player, and ppl who like this option, without imposing it on players already accustomed to using the biopod manually (like me)
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I forgot, the killer instinct is also activated when someone use an EMP to remove the infection, wich is also very good to know the location of someone
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Thanks for your feedback on my feedback. I appreciate other Singularity weighing in.
I haven’t personally seen killer Instinct when they use an EMP but maybe it does.
The arm gun maybe should be white normally and then green when you can slipstream to an infected survivor. This could be nit picky on my behalf though.
Previously with the Singularity on controller you could control a bipod look around for a survivor and once you found one you could immediately infect them by using RT or L2 to shoot them. This used to be almost immediate. You would then have to wait for the meter to load before you were able to press the button again to either slipstream to them or infect another survivor. But now since the RT or L2 button is now occupied by the Destroy biopod prompt. You can no longer immediately shoot the survivor. You now have to wait for the game to do it for you by continuously staring at the survivor.
This used to be a choice whether to shoot them or let the game auto slipstream. Now with this update you don’t have that option anymore because you’re forced to wait for the auto slipstream bar. It’s not too much of a change but it is very noticeable.
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Okay, haven't played this killer at all, as I do not own it, but as a survivor that has gone against it several times, this is just not fun.
The pods tag you pretty much instantly - there's no more trying to hide behind cover anymore, because 0.3 seconds after you're targeted, you have a thing on your back, and very soon you'll also have an angry cyborg on your back. The cooldown the pods have between shots is also ridiculous now, like 5 seconds? And to top it off, there seems to be a bug at the moment, where if you were already charging an EMP and get a slipstream attached to you, releasing the EMP charge doesn't get rid of it.
Even not counting this bug, the killer seems far too oppressive. Any single pod you don't disable will instantly tag you, and very soon after that - probably before you can even charge your EMP - it will shoot again and then HUX will be right on you.
When you're being chased, this killer's strategy is extremely simple. If basic M1 tactics fail, all it has to do is shoot a pod in the general vicinity of where you are going. You will be tagged. Then it can keep shooting at your back directly, teleporting to you, and with the slipstream buffs, predropping pallets does nothing but wastes resources, vaulting a window buys no time, and landing a pallet stun is non-existent anymore. No matter how much distance you manage to make, or how well you manage to outplay or juke it, it can keep teleporting to you over and over, very quickly, with no noticeable cooldown.
Yeah, I'm sure now that small children can effortlessly use this killer's power ad nauseum and easily secure 4ks that this killer feels more "fun" to play. But as for the other side of the game, I feel like this is going to be another skull merchant situation where more and more players start to DC because they don't want to deal with this nonsense.
The one thing I will say is that the change to the EMP crates seems fair. But I'm not even sure if the EMPs help at all if the killer has found you.