State of Current Matchmaking at Higher ranks R6~R13 (Returning Rank 1 Survivor/Killer)

ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641
edited March 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

After playing a few dozen games I would say this depipping system is definitely broken for both Survivors and Killers.

Killers getting anything above a Black Pip against an organized 4man SWF is basically a pipe dream unless they royally screw up or troll (This is where all the forum love of "Survivors are still OP etc etc comes from"). Most likely you're getting a handful of hooks maybe 2~3 Kills on a good game and getting black pip or getting rickety rolled for 0 kills and -1 Pip.

Going Slug Fest into 4K can still give you a blackpip now if they finish enough generators because you aren't Hooking enough.

Heck even if you hook one at a time and kill them you might not pip if survivors aren't rescuing promptly and you end up 2 hook killing some of the survivors (This is tunneling right because the survivors wouldn't rescue while I'm chasing someone else?)

Now I'm well aware how the scoring system works but as of the patch MURDERING 4 Rank 20 newbies that cannot loop for their life with a 1~2 hook each because they take forever to rescue and then Blackpipping so I get matched with the same 4 ranked 20 newbies should be addressed by the matchmaking system.


Survivors - Pipping is now entirely RNG based on the killer and the other survivors doing #########.

Had a game where I literally looped a baby killer for almost 10 minutes solo without him downing me (it took him almost 4 minutes to hit me the first time, then another 6 with dead hard and a near infinite window loop). He literally tunneled me while my team "apparently" broke all 5 totems and did 5 generators and no one got to heal or unhook anyone that game as I ran into an exit gate.

They escorted me to the exit and we 4 man escaped with maybe a single protection hit. In that game one person black pipped, 3 survivors -1 pipped and the killer -1 pipped (Nice enough to chat after game).

So inevitably matchmaking is saying that I (and people like me) should play against that baby killer again because two games later low and behold there goes that huntress again.

These were about 12 games where I'm not even SWF'd with anyone (especially the pro streamers I occasionally play with) that would probably run this guy forever if they wanted. Run lightsabers and make him uninstall the game by holding the killer hostage until he leaves the game even.

I don't know what forum journalists have been saying but if I can feel this when playing about 10~12 games on each side then the general populace will notice similar things.

Hey Behavioral, If you're throwing away matchmaking like redditors have suggested awhile ago then just say so. Take it a step further and just get rid of the depipping and pipping screen altogether because then players have nothing to go off of and you can just use the veil of "developer algorithms are at work" to placate us.

TLDR: System should separate good players away from bad players so everyone can have a reasonably balanced game. Completely shutting down an incompetent player should not depip both players to stay at the same Rank to continue playing that same matchup again.


  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583
    edited March 2019

    The new ranking system forces all survivors to do all things (gens, totems, rescues, chases, heals, escape): it's not possible anymore to have a specialistic role.

    The killer cannot camp or tunnel or slug all survivors, if they want to pip.

    Both sides must play seriously a complete and hard trial.

  • ZCerebrate
    ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641

    The issue is that in the case when the Killer is garbage unless you're cognizant of your randoms pipping you can "win" a game by playing it as it is designed and depip because the survivors managed to well... "survive". I'm not saying I'm god's gift to this game but there are actual baby killers (or even baby survivors) getting lamblasted and the player wrecking the other person may not be moving on to a higher rank.

    Totems don't go toward emblems, if the person never goes down there is no rescues or heals. One person can get iris evader by looping a bad killer the entire game and never get to touch a generator (black or bronze here) and altruism... meaning they can "MAYBE" black pip (2 Iris exactly) or even depip in this scenario if they get downed and abandoned at the end because silver on Survival at that point.

  • Army_Stich
    Army_Stich Member Posts: 16

    So I was unable to pip but instead got a black safety pip for having light bringer maxed at Iridescent and never downed at iridescent too. I was never chased and no one was ever hooked or injured. I did however do at lease 2 full gens and co op on the others. I would assume I'd at least pip. I was rank 7 btw.