Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

When is BHVR going to do something about tunneling and camping???

It's INCREDIBLY boring to face the same strat over and over again, and it has no counter. Someone gets picked and its game over for them. Specially with ranged killers that can proxy camp freely like Plague (one of the most annoying and stupid gameplays imo), Huntress, whos hitbox we are not going to discuss today even thought it would seem like she is throwing a freaking refrigerator at you instead of a destral or Clown.

''Just do gens, punish the killer for camping''.

Number 1: It doesn't work. 3 survivors can't do 5 gens in time, people die on hook faster or give up (wich I totally understand and it's a game design problem, not the surv).

Number 2: So you are telling me that it is what it is and that person just doesn't play the game cause 1 person decided to abuse this tactic? Hmm, doesn't feel very fair or healthy, cause that is just going to result on people giving up and then its game over for the other 3.

Number 3: Someone goes to the rescue, the killer is there. That person trades, and now we are in the same situation so that was time wasted.

I really would like to know if people find this fair and i'm crazy or is just a ######### tactic that these killers are being enabled to use. Cause let me tell you; it ain't fun. And don't bring sfw to the discussion cause if this game is going to be balanced around teams when most of the players play solo, again, its flawed.

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  • Member Posts: 2,096

    Problem is, it's just the gameplay loop. That's it.

    The devs have not done anything to change how the game is played, only altered how it plays.

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    At this point it is quite obvious devs still want to have at least a bit of camping/tunneling aspect in the game

  • Member Posts: 404

    I do take the L. Hell when I’m def we all either DC or die on hook so we can move on to a match that isn’t tunneling and camping. Like my goal in dbd is to have fun. Winning is not a requisite of achieving that. And if I have to lose 10000 matches in a row to get down to an mmr where killers play to enjoy themselves and not like they’re in a tournament. I will happily do so, and continue to do so. So long as I have fun during it.

    And yes. When your friend is being camped and tunneled, that affects everyone within that group. Most friends like it when their friend is having fun, and dislike it when they aren’t. Especially when their now negatively effected mood is effecting the goofy positive mood they had.

    The same is for killer. I don’t care about winning. I want to have fun. I play killer to meme and jumpscare and it’s amazing. The post game chat is fun too. Why? Because neither side is being toxic or playing in an unsportsmanlike manner.

    The problem with DBD is dedicated killer mains and dedicated survivor being so obsessed with total victory that they sap out the enjoyment for themselves and everyone in the match. You will not get anything special for the 4k or 4 escape. You will not get anything for having high mmr, nor would anyone even know what your mmr is. Y’all need to chill. It’s a video game. You won’t be disowned if you relax a little.

  • Member Posts: 855

    I would remove ability to fully remove players from the game:
    1. Trial should have time limit.
    2. Hooks makes survs immobilized and usless for some time or untill someone unhooks them; Mories removes survs for some more time without ability to help them.
    2a. If hook time is up, Entity removes surv from hjook, to a random place at least 30m away from killer.
    3. After times up, either survs done their objectives and escapes as a team, or they failed and are sacrificed (good if whole trial is in nighttime, with slowly rising sun untill end of trial times, so that survs can be dead by daylight)
    4. Rebalance of objectives of course, with abiulity to introduce new objectives.

  • Member Posts: 25
    edited July 2024

    If killers want easy games make bots available so they can think they are good playing without ruining the experience for the rest. Tunneling and camping SHOULD NOT be a mechanic, devs of this game do not care, do not play this game and will never fix this things because is more important to release cosmetics and make money than doing something useful. The proof is in the pudding, just see how terrible this patch has been, bugs everywhere… and they are probably going to ban me for saying this but idc.

  • Member Posts: 395

    Honestly I'm getting so sick of this game now. I normally play solo q or play duo with my friend occasionally, we aren't toxic, we don't use flashlights or tool boxes or bm the killer and EVERY single killer plays like thier mom's life is on the line if they don't 4k quickly as possible.

    The devs don't care about the state of the game. The bp bonus is on survivior 90% of the time where I am which indicates to me that survivors are switching to killer or just leaving the game but I don't blame them.

    Maps are getting smaller with pitiful loops and survivors are told "just don't go down" yeh sure let me loops this crappy pallet in the middle of a deadzone for 10 minutes.

  • Member Posts: 25

    Yeah, I know that but that is just cause devs are lazy and do not even care of fixing these things. It's better to release buggy patches, create cosmetics and keep going. Since how long have Skull Merchant been an issue?? Still not fixed.

    That itslef speaks volumes.

  • Member Posts: 855

    What do you mean by that? What pressure and reason yoiu hae right now in game? To win or loose, with chases and gens in between. Is there something else? Is premature death what gives you reason to play?

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    I doubt that, I feel it's more like they just don't want to remove those for some reasons, removing all that entirely isn't really difficult through extreme measure

  • Member Posts: 395

    I think alot of people are getting burned out to be honest. I miss when dbd wasn't so serious and stressful

  • Member Posts: 222


    The camping and tunneling is a problem.

    So are the generator speeds going too fast.

    Fix these problems simultaneously and the game will actually be in a much better state.

  • Member Posts: 897

    never, they don't care lol

  • Member Posts: 897

    THIS! Not to mention that kicking the gens is a joke and a waste of time... It just does nothing... Regression is non-existent

  • Member Posts: 395

    Killers would still camp if each gens took 5 minutes each to do. That's why you see camping and tunneling at 0 gens done. You don't need all survivors dead before all gens are done. You just need to kill the survivors before they leave the match. The difference is applying proper pressure and not going after one person sitting by the hook. The best games are when it's close on each side, not the killer having 3 survivors dead before anything gets done and it shouldn't be encouraged or rewarded which is currently is.

  • Member Posts: 1,206

    The best of every PVP title are close games. Unfortunately it's impossible to make every, or even most games close. People are better or worse against different killers and sometimes you just play poorly. Multiply that by 5 for everyone in the match. It's gonna be inconsistent.

    To the bland complaints in the thread: tunneling doesn't happen nearly as often as you pretend it does and when it does, it's necessary to win. Sorry. People hate being told they're wrong and everyone that complains about this, without exception, either have a very very broad definition of what tunneling is and are suffering from negativity bias. I'm not even sure what camping is at this point. It's inefficient play for most killers.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    I mean I purposely facecamped (before the change) as Bubba with the name "Camp Experiment" and won (3k+) every match with old Deadlock, No Way Out, Lethal Pursuer, and Bamboozle (to ensure a quick enough 1st down). It might still work if I camped chokepoints instead, but also the Deadlock nerf from 30s→25s was most certainly warranted. I was already winning more than 3/4 of my normal (mostly Ghosty, but plenty of variety like Myers, Legion, Dredge, Blight, and more) matches, so my MMR was already well within the top-MMR softcap, so before the facecamping change it was uncounterable (by the Survivors in my ~25 games). Arguably it could still be done with choke points, or slugging a would-be rescuer and dropping them under hook to prevent the facecamp progression.

    Tunneling is a bit different, because often you lose due to tunneling because the team is bodyblocking instead of pumping gens, or rescuing 10-15s on hook instead of 45-55s.

  • Member Posts: 2,257
    edited July 2024

    Before and now with Bubba, against team (SWF) that notice and accept what is going on, the result is going to be either 1k, or usually 2k. Even more so after Deadlock nerf, because survivors are not so punished if they are not playing around it.

    Worst case scenario is bubba camping inside 3-gen... That's an issue for survivors.

    Also most survivors are stubborn and refuse accept someone is best to get sacrificed...

  • Member Posts: 222
    edited July 2024

    Yesterday, I ran into a bubba who ACTUALLY used insidious and camped.. Guess what? It was an easy 3k. This will happen pretty much any time everyone is not on comms.

    Another time, same day, a blight tunneled me out of the game. Didn't really do much aside from cleanse some hex and have one good chase. And from then on, they hit me immediately off hook and then lethal rushed me again before I got a chance to get anywhere else. Trash teammates just farming me right in front of the killer did not help either but still.

    I don't care if these strategies are "necessary" to win. They're bad, they're not fun, and it's very telling that the game needs adjusting.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    Well I mean that's the point of the Deadlock+No Way Out Build. You can simply feign that you are playing normally long enough that it no longer becomes possible to have more than 1 person escape. Also if the first down is quick enough, you don't even need to fake it.

    The raw gen time is 5*90s, or minimum 450s, this can be extended further by hooking the 2nd Survivor near a partial gen, or 0-89s extra added, for an average of 45s, now up to 495s. Deadlock adds an extra 25*4s, for 100s extra, and sets us to 595s. Finally with No Way Out, it will add minimum 36s from 2 hooks. That brings us to our final total timer of 631s.

    From 631s, 3 Survivors get to work the first hook uninterrupted for 90-120s each, depending on if they genb4fren or check for a rescue. That subtracts an average 105s*3 for 315s from the total timer down to 316s. Then the 2nd Survivor is camped over 120s, giving the last 2 Survivors 120s*2 240s (assuming now they learned and the Killer doesn't leave), giving us 76s remaining (36s of which is NWO). The third is now hooked against 1 Survivor, which can't rescue against a Bubba. It is either a trade, or a double kill. The only way for Survivors to beat this is by running juicy toolboxes, or hitting a metric ton of Great checks.

    This isn't even taking into account making the 3v1 a death spiral, where Bubba downs and hooks the 3rd Survivor by the time the 4th Survivor rescues the 2nd. This makes all the Survivors either die to hook stage attrition, or by having 2 on hooks at the same time and the final unable to pump gens fast enough.

    In my soloq experience, any Bubba intentionally camping gets a minimum 2k. That is like you said though, (restated my way) because people have basic human empathy and want their fellow players to enjoy the game.

    Now part of this camping strategy uses tricks like going after the 'stealthy' Survivor from Lethal Pursuer, (the one who crouches behind a rock on TR) by walking diagonally nearby until they are effectively deadzoned. Bamboozle ensures no chases (be it a failed start, or subsequent chases) take meaningful time. You also don't literally facecamp (or chokepoint camp now) from the onset, you fake it being a real match to lure in a rescuer or two, making it seem like you are only there because they are. All these tricks combined ensure a minimum 3k in 99% of matches.

  • Member Posts: 222

    It's not 5*90 seconds. Three survivors can all be working on different generators while one is being chased, which means 90 seconds to compete three generators. And I'm not even counting the time when the 4th person hasn't been found yet and could be working on a generator too!

    After those three survivors complete their generators, they can move on to others, and potentially crank out two more in another 90 seconds. Imagine, the game being over in 180 seconds! It's never quite this short though, because it takes some time to find and travel to the generators, and then there's of course slowdown perks and the killer running up to disrupt.. and then the time it takes to unhook and heal.

    Then again, I'm not accounting for speed perks like deja vu, prove thyself, and toolboxes….

    But yeah. Let's say a match could theoretically end in 200 seconds if the gens are cranked out fast enough. When they fly by that fast, it's no wonder killers think they have to camp, tunnel, and slug extensively. But, if we could not only extend the time it takes to complete generators, and also cripple the camping and tunneling strategies, overall dbd would be better off, and I think both sides would have more fun.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    It's not 5*90s - I accounted for that in the math "105s*3 for 315s" so the first camp gives the Survivors ~315 gen seconds, with an average 105 real time seconds per Surv. Deadlock delays this timer for the 25*4, and No Way Out delays this timer for the 36s (real time). I laid it all out, so did you just skim the post?

    Not accounting for the time when the 4th(/1st) person hasn't been found yet - That's what Lethal does, account for all Survivors. This only doesn't work against a full lobby of Distortion, because you can still get information from a 2 1 split as 1 person having Distortion, and the Distortion rat being with the 1 Survivor.

    3 Survs finish their gens and get to work on more - Only 2 are working gens at that point, because even the quickest gen (90s) delays another gen with Deadlock to take 115s, and the third would be on hook because the Bubba can seek out a gen completion Surv, or a Deadlocked Surv, whichever their game sense directs them towards. Again, accounted for in my math.

    Your post not accounting for gen speed boosts - Mine gave an acknowledgement: "The only way for Survivors to beat this is by running juicy toolboxes, or hitting a metric ton of Great checks.". To be fair, I didn't mention perk speed boosts, but most of them are so bad that people don't bother running them. Only BTL on a juicy toolbox is really worth the time for a single reload in this scenario. (The 2nd and 3rd reloads are good if you are combining the perk with another locker perk, or need to hide in a locker to avoid the Killer while reloading the toolbox.) Deja Vu saves ~5s per gen, so even in my estimate that only saves 25 total seconds, well within the final 76s - 36s from NWO, or 40 gen seconds left after the final camp death, leaving 15 gen seconds instead.

    If we could extend gen times Killers wouldn't feel the need to camp/tunnel - This is false. I played under the old 80s gens, and anecdotally there was far less tunneling and camping. What happens is skilled players don't care if they lose as they have nothing to prove, and unskilled players do anything they can to win because they have everything to prove. That means a realistic 2000 MMR Survivor is dying to a 1650 MMR Killer trying to rescue into a facecamping Bubba/perma T3 Myers/other instadown Killer. Eventually the actual 2000 MMR Survivor and actual 1650 MMR Killer swap MMRs to have a 1650 Surv and 2000 MMR facecamping Bubba. In addition, since methodology is ignored in MMR, only K/E, we also get Survivors artificially inflating their MMR with Meta loadouts, and lose to equal skill Killers who run non-Meta loadouts (as in my case of >74% winrate before gens are popped).

    Same issue with a Killer who camped out an extra free kill, artificially inflating their MMR, and thus fighting better and better opponents. These better opponents don't care about escaping, until they reach the tippy top of MMR, where both sides are sweating as if their Mom's life was held in the balance for the $5 Subway card they are fighting over. At that point, weak Killers and Survivors are actually going against players who understand AND use the counters to camping/tunneling/genrushing (aka genb4fren), and think they need to put more weight on the crutch and break it, resulting in more losses.

    Just like when camping 3-gen Killers complained about getting hit by the mechanic, not realizing they were crutching on 3-genning as their only means of winning. I saw people on these forums post videos kicking a gen with no gen perks while they could see the Survivor 6m away, and wondering why the Survivor got so much distance, and the gen hit the regression limit (after the 5th time of them doing the foolish kick while Survivor visible, and 3 non-foolish regression events).

    Aside not responding to a specific claim - One thing I didn't explain/account for, is travel/chase time for both sides. Some maps you can run 5s to get to another gen, or 20s. Some maps you can chain every pallet together and actually survive the first chase long enough to make the strategy useless. Sometimes a proper Lethal Pursuer play negates the Survivor's chances entirely (as you can get a double down or more and camp both or only one). These roughly equal each other in equal skilled matchups. Sometimes you get the map with bad gen spawns, and sometimes you get the god loops chained in your favor. Typically Lethal carries Killers hard if they have enough gamesense, almost more than NWO, and sometimes, you simply NEED Bamboozle to prevent a free triple vault window. Using all the tools appropriately is what made me able to consider it a 99% winrate (3k+) strategy.

  • Member Posts: 222

    I think these generalizations about how players behave at low MMR and high MMR are plucked completely out of thin air.

    And by the way, I never said that people would not camp and tunnel if gen times were extended. But my point is that these strategies ALSO need to be nerfed, in addition to making gens take longer to complete.

  • Member Posts: 522

    I doubt they'll actually do anything significant about it in the near future. The anti-camp method they have today is already massively undertuned, requiring a killer to practically be on the hook with you to trigger.

  • Member Posts: 3,376

    They just buffed DS, healing perks, iron will and baby sitter. I think they are trying.

  • Member Posts: 25
  • Member Posts: 61

    or could it be that a survivor without a brain gets caught going for the rescue cuz they think the killer is blind and they make a poor decision to go for the unhook anyway. Thx for proving that survivors don't even have a 2nd braincell to rub with their original one to produce a thought by scoffing the response as a "us vs them"

  • Member Posts: 25

    Again, an argument that makes no sense. You talk about the us vs them but somehow now is a survivor with no thougth process, but what you said tells me that the 2 braincelled being is you.

    First of all, comparing a mechanic to PREVENT TUNNELING like the endurance post unhook to actual tunneling and telling it can be abused is truly hilarious. Imagine comparing taking someone out of the game sistematically with an extra hit. I know for SURE you are a killer main trying to deviate the point and talking nonsense but it ain't gonna work. You use DS as an example but it doesn't work like that anymore, wich again contributes to the thought that when a mechanic is ABUSED like TUNNELING is, it should be changed somehow, because it is unhealthy and unfair. Be honest you thought you ate that don't you.

  • Member Posts: 61

    Again, proving that survivors are the majority that fit the single braincell that cries about everything. You see an example of a killer being near a hook and you jump up n down screaming "AHA! gotcha admitting to camping, you low down dirty bastard". If I had a dollar every time I hooked a survivor, turned around and walked 2 steps to see some scratch marks leading to a survivor hiding behind a rock, I could quit my job. Also, my example of DS was just that, an EXAMPLE, I am very aware that it does not work that way before but it still serves as an E X A M P L E, hopefully spacing it out can help you discover it. Now tunneling is NOT a mechanic, it is a strat, calling it a mechanic shows how little you know. Step aside and let people who know the game discuss things

  • Member Posts: 222

    Makes me wonder, have you even played survivor at all? The way you viciously attack "survivors" sounds like you haven't got a single clue.

    Do you know how hard it is to sneak up to something that someone is fervently guarding? It's pretty damn hard.

    I play both sides of the game, but even when I try to play survivor intelligently and not just blatantly run at the hook, trying to be stealthy only gets so far.

    Killers who shamelessly camp know exactly what they are doing, and they are hoping, or expecting, someone to come to one exact location. When this happens, and the killer is just hard proxy camping, the best that stealth ever really gets you is a free hit for the killer AFTER the unhook, whereas "not having a 2nd braincell" means the survivor going for the rescue gets hit before the rescue, and then it's just a completely losing trade.

  • Member Posts: 25

    POV: You don't have reading comprehension. Its blatantly obvious how you try to avoid the main issue and talk about something else, like we were discussing that. Maybe try reading the first post and then read what you posted and see if that has anything to do with what we are discussing.

  • Member Posts: 25

    Its pointless to explain, the ''us vs them'' narrative they complained about is exactly what they is fueling and their arguments makes no sense since they want to bring a totally different conversation to avoid the main issue.

    Thanks for understanding the point and explaining it ❤️

  • Member Posts: 61

    I do play survivor, that's how I got survivor achievements and tome challenges done. When I do play survivor, the times I come across a killer being a jerk is very rare, wanna know what the issue is when I play survivor? Other survivors being dumb. If a killer is blatantly camping and you're hiding looking for a window to save, you're doing exactly what they want, nothing progressing the game cuz you hiding looking for an opening to save. If a killer is blatantly camping, do gens.

    @Ivantxugp_ I'm not avoiding the main issue, I explained it in my first post of this thread, and BHVR can NOT do anything about camping and tunneling cuz if they did, it will be exploited by players.If they increase the range and build up of the anti-facecamp, survivors never have to go for saves because it will practically build up no matter what the killer does. Pause hook progress while killer is near, again survivors never have to go for the hook save because while it is paused the other survivors can do all gens and open the gates and then go for the possible save. Tell ya what, give me YOUR solution for camping and tunneling and I'll pick it apart.

  • Member Posts: 663

    If a killer is camping and I must just do gens, they get a draw just for babysitting the hook. Noed and they can get 3 even 4k.

    I'll go for unhook with camping tier 3 Myers as them having an add on doesn't justify their win.

  • Member Posts: 305

    Some of the best updated counters to Slugging/Tunneling are all locked under premium DLC characters
    Babysitter- DLC Stranger things
    Buckle up- Ash Williams DLC
    DS - Another DLC character

  • Member Posts: 663

    Normal. Companies create problems then sell solutions for said problems.

  • Member Posts: 855

    All perks should be unlockable for free, characters should be payed. Otherwise it's p2w

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