I'm getting really sick of these map changes. (Rant, also can a developer respond to this).

They are horrible. Why do you guys continue to change maps that were completely fine into awful ones? We have Coldwind, Haddonfield, Yamaoka, Ormond, and a lot more. The new tiles on certain ones are so unsafe that it's actually hilarious.
Ormond now has so much junk piled in the map, so many deadzones, and it feels so bad to the point that bringing map offerings are mandatory because if you get these maps it feels so awful, and considering they increased the amount of Ormonds, Yamaokas, etc, I just don't ever want to be on them.
Haddonfield went from a good map, to the worst map for survivors, on the PTB the change to it has received a lot of negative feedback, and yet they went forward with the change and now it's miserable to be on, it's very open, small, tons of unsafe pallets, lack of windows, and some of the houses don't even have anything. It's just ridiculous how they are changing these maps into utter garbage.
I really want a response, why are you guys doing this? The map changes are so random and literally nobody asks for them, each time they turn out to be horrible and the amount of hate that they receive shows that you need to go back to the drawing board, stop changing maps PLEASE.
For the ones that already got destroyed (the ones I mentioned above), you need to rework them again into something a lot better, or revert the changes, they are terrible, and unnecessary.
You guys give us a feedback tab to post our thoughts and it's been a trend where you continue to ignore our feedback and go forward with your original plan, like what's the point of giving you feedback if your not going to use it, it's getting old and really irritating.
I'm not making the post to be disrespectful or rude in anyway, but if your going to make these changes, expect feedback, USE IT, stop going forward with your original changes and please listen to your community, it's very clear that it's not just me that hates your map reworks, pretty much everyone does.
I‘ve been saying this for a long time. You can expect all 5 Badhams to join the list of bad reworks. The problem is that they listen to map feedback, but from killers, which just makes the newer/reworked maps miserable for survivors.
What I really dislike is that most of the newer tiles aren‘t even playable, when there are even any windows or pallets. Then they also add too many shortcuts, make them too small and remove all bushes/ vegetation you could hide in.
I really dislike the direction they are going for the last year.
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Well said. Do they even consider listening to survivor feedback at this point because I doubt they do, they stripped any form of safety from the map, added tons of junk, more deadzones, unsafe tiles, nerfed any places to hide in, WHILE adding one god pallet which is the only good thing to use on the map, that's it.
The game has been going on for 8 years and the developers seem to can't balance maps right which is really concerning if they are going to continue changing maps. I really hate the direction they're going in as well.
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Most concerning thing for me is that in their Reddit AMA they seemed to say that they were happy with the Haddonfield rework, when it is one of the worst and least balanced maps now in recent memory.
I also wish when they did map reworks they would keep the old variant in rotation if it wasn't horribly broken at least. It would have at least helped balance things out in the Haddonfield situation where if someone brought an offering it would either be survivor sided or killer sided, instead of just one.
I hope they don't ruin what makes the Swamp maps fun and unique in their reworks.
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They listen to survivors if they complain enough, but not in regards of maps. They often nerf perks then, but that is the case for sides. I really don‘t like that they don‘t nerf them reasonable, instead they always gutt them. Sometimes they also nerf killers or make extremely easy counterplay for survivors. They ruined blight in my opinion and I still don‘t like what they did to Sadako (her first version was decent, fun and good).
The devs way of balancing things is weird in my opinion.
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I still hope they make a classic mode, but just keeping maps if they are not too broken would probably be better.
I hope they don't ruin what makes the Swamp maps fun and unique in their reworks.
I can already tell what they will do, they will remove most of the vegetation, move the things from the corners in the middle, make all loops terrible or remove most of them and shrink it to a very small size.
I don‘t understand how they can call haddonfield fine.
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What if.. Maps are supposed to be bad because if they were good maps then survivors would be able to loop the killer for too long.
Maybe maps need to be just good enough to cause a Survival situation.
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Agree. The new tiles they've been adding are horrendous, and they seem to have gotten fond of adding the most worthless pallets to the edge of maps - like, Z-windows are more useful than these things.
It's fair to clean up chained tiles or maps that have pallets Literally Everywhere, but in the spots where survivors should have resources… survivors are supposed to have resources, not unplayable messes masquerading as tiles.
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Yep, nearly every reworked map from the last 2 years has been ridiculously killer sided. Haddonfield is a convergence of all the map rework trends combined in the worst way. Unsafe pallets, deadzones, shrinking size, no fog, gens spawning practically on top of each other.
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Even if they were to buff killers, I believe adding a more of weird tiles definitely isn't the way to balance the game
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Absolutely agreed. Shrinking maps, creating huge dead zones and replacing established tiles like jungle gyms with new, incredibly weak "tiles" that are barely playable is the unfortunate way that BHVR is reworking maps. Haddonfield is probably the "best" (worst?) example of this trend.
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The thing is that it doesn't matter if they think it's good enough, it's the community that has to play on that map, we learn and adapt to how it is, and it's absolutely terrible, they need to change it no matter how they feel, Haddonfield in it's current state is miserable.
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The amount of haddonfield offerings I encounter formt he killer side did increase a lot. That should say enough. The map got gutted. I understand that they wanted to do something but you cannot combine shrinking map size, replacing pallets with absolute bad ones, creating dead zones from the start, removing windows (even bad ones lol) and putting openings next to EVERY vault. If the killer is somehow experienced, this map is a glnext.
I would not agree with the reworks of the Azaroth realm, these maps are still quite fine as well as the artist map. Playing on ormond also did not end in huge deadzones for me yet. But i would absoluetly agree with the coldwind maps and the red forest realm. The new tiles: lol. Rework of Cowshed maps: guaranteed deadzone somewhere with sone of the worst filler pallets in the game. Thomson house: Big but guaranteeed deadzones midmap. Torment Creek: Guaranteed Deadzone behind or next to the main. It's so funny when you use windows and don't see a single pallet spawning there, making 1/4 of the map irrelevant from the start. Forrest maps: Weird loops with weird collision, too green. Borgo is swinging between bad and ok, atm they seem to have reudced the amount of pallets again which created a huge deadzone in the middle or on the left map side in front of the main in all games for me.4 -
The developers have already stated that they want minimum 60% kill rates. They want the game to be easy for killer players and difficult/unfun for survivor players.
Making maps smaller with more useless tiles helps them achieve this goal.
Expect more of this in the future.
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The maps don't even need reworks considering how strong the average killer is now. The only truly weak killers left in the game are the pure M1 killers like Freddy, Myers with no addons, etc. Both of which will probably end up absurdly strong when they get reworked. They're just doing map reworks for the sake of it now. Like "we have this map team so we need to use them somehow" kind of logic. You can't keep dropping A tier killers while continuing to do these terrible reworks.
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What constitutes a "survival situation" though?
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One that has more risk than safety.
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How are you supposed to run the new tiles correctly?
The walls are like 2m long.
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Exaggerating a bit but I assume you agree that just dropping rocks and some trees on a map is not the way to go? A map like that would have more risk than safety. I need you to be more precise, cause as it is I still don't get what exactly you mean.
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Had a match on Ormond today and didn't notice any problematic new tiles. Which new tiles were added that are useless now? Because I didn't see any. I also didn't have any noticeable deadzones on Ormond. Map was filled pretty well with tiles and pallets. Don't see how Ormond is problematic now.
I agree that the new tiles that have been added are very questionable. I discovered new edge tiles on the borgo maps that are pretty useless, which isn't good, because they take away from the max pallet count. I found Borgo to be perfectly fine until now, so no idea why they added those tiles.
Haddonfield is also pretty killer sided, definitely a messed up rework.
But I also don't see how all of the newest map reworks have been so bad. Coldwin has received a few pretty weak tiles, but those maps still spawn enough useable and strong tiles as well in my experience. Rancid Abbatoir is the exception there, that map I would call killer sided. Mother's Dwelling is now also a really well balanced map in my experience, and Temple of Purgation generally as well, it's just a tad too small in my opinion.
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oh no. how could they ever be balancing Badham preschool or Old haddonfield infinities? most of the maps changes are addressing the most egregious loop and maps.