How do we feel about a "Take the Easy way out" mechanic for downed survivors?

I've thought about this for a while but I'd like to hear any downsides I'm not seeing... How would you feel if the game allowed a downed survivor to take an earlier leave than the 4 minutes (?) On the ground after they have been slugged? I think that would help with games where it feels like the survivors are holding on to another's ankles and dragging them underwater with them. I would say the context to activation could be:
1. Potentially only available if you're 1 of 2 survivors left in the game or if all survivors are downed.
2. Only available after maybe 2 minutes on the ground so the last survivor up doesn't have to survive for a full 4 minutes with a potential end game set up where most pallets have already been dropped.
3. Opens up more tactical game play for survivors so you allow the individual to at least feel more empowered as it's a race to survive that 2 minutes or so then find hatch. Makes both killer and survivor equally anxious as they have a shorter time until the game odds shift if the downed survivor drops.
4. Can count as a kill for killer but now you don't get to just rejoice as you run around the map letting survivors bleed out for 4 minutes.
Any adverse side effects?
Why does it have to be killer sided? With that it makes slugging even more strong
Basekit Unbreakable is the way, for 2 survivors left in the game, and when all survivors are dying or on the hook
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This would only be a good option, in my opinion, if we are down to the LAST Survivor. I don't see any reason the last remaining slugged Survivor in the game shouldn't be able to accelerate the bleed out. However, none of this 1-2 nonsense. Just because you want to give up doesn't mean the other Survivor doesn't want their chance to look for hatch. Nor do you automatically know if they have something that would let them get back up.
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Why does the hatch have to be so survivor sided?
In order to get the 4k, the killer has to win 3 times.
- They have to stop the survivors and get them down to the last one (a win)
- They have to find the hatch first (a win)
- They have to find the survivor before they open the last gate (a win)
Why does a killer have to win so many times in order to "win"?
Better solution to this whole problem is.
- Automatically give crows to a survivor if they don't progress the game (touch a gen, a totem, an objective etc.) for 90 seconds.
- When the last survivor remains, the survivor and the killer are teleported to a small 1v1 zone.
- Thing like that one halloween event where there was a portal to the extra area.
- The killer's power is disabled
- The killer's perks are disabled
- The survivor's perks are disabled
- The killer's movement is set to 115% regardless of who they are
- Bloodlust is disabled.
- And if the survivor lasts some amount of time that makes sense for the area, the survivor escapes. If the survivor is downed before that timer, the killer moris them.
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Because a 4K is an ultimate win that shouldn't happen a lot.
But, I agree. Let's remove Hatch and let the Kill Rates skyrocket.
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I edited the comment with what i think the better solution would be, that is far more fair than hatch for everyone. Let the best player win.
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I like it but would make it even more simple. Anytime you’re on the floor you can accelerate your bleed-out. Simple as that. That way Survivors can decide to hold out for hope or they can give up early but hurt their team in the process because they’re being impatient. That way the Survivors take full complete responsibility and accountability for their altruistic vs selfish decisions.
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This idea has been suggested regularly since the game came out. Having to wait out the full 4-minute timer is absurd and probably the top 3 survivor complaint along with tunneling and camping.
Especially adding a "give up" button after 2 minutes, seems like such an obvious solution, I've seen it suggested by so many people, including Swrt a few weeks ago (a streamer) who said BHVR will implement it by 2030, I made that exact same joke on this forum a few years ago.
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I don't think we are thinking of the same thing. In my idea it is down to 2 survivors and one is on the ground while the other is up in the situation where the killer leaves you slugged to go find the other person. The downed survivor dies early so the other survivor can find hatch. It's an altruistic OPTION if they think the up survivor won't be able to get them back up and instead will just cause all 4 survivors to die instead of 3. You don't have to do it if your game calls for waiting and playing it out.
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Rudjohns said everything I need to. This is my biggest downside. I say it every time the idea is suggested.
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Sorry, I would just like to clarify that when I said "1 of 2 survivors in the game" that was for situations in which one is slugged and the other now has to wait out or be chased for 4+ minutes in a potential end game map set up with less pallets. This isnt concrete but the idea was that if 3 or 4 are alive with 1 person up, it didnt necessarily need to be an option given. There are information perks that give your position away so surviving that 4 minutes is extremely daunting. Not sure if that was communicated well.
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I'd have to give a big fat NO on that one. We clearly were not thinking the same thing. I don't have a problem with someone on the ground taking themselves out so as not to have to wait to bleed out (particularly if the Killer is being a jerk or simply can't find you), but I have a BIG problem with you taking yourself out to give the other person the hatch. No, just no. The Killer has just as much right to try and earn hooks and points as the Survivors and you looking for a way to short that Player is not right.
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I don't understand what's the problem with 4 minutes really, it's not like most slugged survivors gonna go afk and put a crow for faster hooking anyway
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Uh yes that may be true however they are not and should not be guaranteed kills simply because the game thinks survivors should all be tied together with chains. So you think it's fair the killer can play to the games obviously blaring stale section in which a survivor is tasked with looping for an additional 4+ minutes because the game can't punish killers for leaving a survivor on the ground for that long? It's completely OK to you that someone's game is effectively over but they have to sit in the game an additional 4 minutes so you (the killer) get a few more blood points? 4k's and 4 outs for survivors should not be easy to get.
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Yes. That is the game. Those are the risks that Role takes on. The Killer has different ones. I'm perfectly ok with someone being on the ground for four minutes (I'm been a wiggle worm myself a time or two). You roll the dice and you take your chances. If you sit on the ground until you bleed out that is fault primarily of yourself and your teammates. You got downed. They failed to pick you up. The Killer just did his/her job. I find it annoying just like you do, but I don't blame the Killer for something I am equally (if not more) responsible. I joined the lobby. I played the game.
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Sure, put it in. Anything to speed up the boring part of the game where you're walking around the map, picking up survivors and waiting for self unhooks when there aren't any more second chance perks left and everyone is slugged or hooked. Maybe it should be a self sacrifice though instead of a self bleedout, to help killers with pips and achievements and stuff.