the 2v8 we wanted vs the 2v8 we are getting. My Opinion

Jay_K Member Posts: 478
edited July 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

When behaviour announced that a 2v8 mode was coming I think everyone was very excited. Finally a way to play killer with a friend and a way to just have pure chaos in a match.
Myself I was thinking up crazy combos of killers that would be really fun to try out not to mention all the combos that 8 survivors could do.

I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking all that would be done was a bigger variation of maps and more gens/totems and that's it. same perks, same killer pool and survivor pool and just pure chaos. This was demonstrated in a youtube video by Kyto and looked a ton of fun. I won't link the vid here but you can simply youtube it if you haven't seen it.

Having 2v8 done in this fashion would have been utter chaos and that's great. Chaos is fun, Chaos is random and Chaos is never the same. Even if getting to pick your perks leads to broken gameplay make it 2v8 Chaos Shuffle. All Random All the Time.

What we are getting is nothing like this. Its stripped down so much its not even true DBD anymore.
Double the survivors….not double the gens.
No perks meaning no cool combos or strategies can be formed
Only 5 killers to choose from so all the fun killer combo's go out of the window.
No altruism meaning gens just get slammed and that's it. There is no messing with killers or wanting to take chase because you just can't be saved anymore.
What do we get instead of the above? Classes. Classes that are going to be the same every single match. no strategy or skill involved in this what so ever. Survivors will know exactly what they need to do against each killer because it never changes.

Personally I will play 2v8 mode purely to do the tome for the rift fragments but that's it. From both killer and survivor side I don't feel like this mode is going to be very fun as such due to the stripped down version of the game and feel its going to be a gen rush for survivors and a tunnel to get a couple of kills as killer.

Who knows i could be wrong and this could be a very fun mode we will have to wait and see but based on the information we have I personally don't feel like this is going to be a great game mode and we could have gotten something so much better.

Post edited by Jay_K on


  • Kuris
    Kuris Member Posts: 228

    This is clearly just a first iteration and trial. If there is enough feedback from the ongoing trial that this is clearly not what people want, then hopefully by the next iterations arrival we have started to convince them to change their mind.

  • PreorderBonus
    PreorderBonus Member Posts: 347

    This is just the first iteration of the mode. It will be available temporarily and then disabled so that they can look at the stats, gauge feedback, and make changes for the next time it's added. If they were to release the mode with everything unlocked, it could be possible for a group of killers to use a broken combo that is unwinnable for the survivors, or for survivors to use a combo of perks that make them impossible to catch in a chase.

  • Jay_K
    Jay_K Member Posts: 478

    Sure this is the first iteration but from the gameplay we have seen judgement can be made on how it will play out. Again I hope im wrong and this is a really fun gamemode.
    As for the possibility of broken combos should everything be available, of course there would be. So an easy way to fix this is random perk mode for 2v8. Stops any op perk strategies forming or overly toxic gameplay (8 players running full head on builds bullying for example)

    Once this game mode has come and gone at the very least they need to enable every killer so that everyone can play the killers they want to play. This time round is gonna be the same due of killers or killers dodging every solo que lobby that has a trapper XD

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 1,153
    edited July 2024

    To be honest, I think there's something to be said for limiting the mode to 5 Killers in the first iteration.

    Take Legion in the Lights Out mode. I was way too easy for Legion to find Survivors with their power and they also have some very dark cosmetics, making it near impossible to see them coming. Legion sucked all the fun out of that mode, imho.

    What might be a "fun" combo to Killers could be hell to face for Survivors. In a worst case scenario, players might quickly figure out the best performing duo and that's all Survivors would ever face from that point onward. It would be just like how Lights Out quickly became all Bubbas (since he's very quiet) and Legions.