Why cheat so brazenly in 2v8?

Aren’t the chances you’ll be recorded and reported doubled? Do cheaters really have so little to fear as far as consequences?
Cheaters don't really care about getting banned since they buy cheap accounts in bulk.
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The free weekend really doesn't help
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I know a guy who's been streaming himself for months now cheating and nothing is done, seriously we need to just get rid of the name and shame rule around here and let people just post the evidence outright for all to see specifically in the case of blatant hacking, if it's in the open being streamed I should be able to just post it here without fear of being banned because they're choosing to just show the world anyway.
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You can name them on the ticket to report a player.
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I had a game in 2v8 where I couldn't be picked up, I have never used hacks EVER but I looked like I did because I was floating in the air and I couldn't be sent to the cage.
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It's also proven that they can remove the Ban too in many ways…
So at this point. only way bhvr can really stop them is if they take the fortnite route and Sue them.
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Just had a match where survivors kept flleing through the wall to heal up, then would jump off the edge if the killer figured out where they went...
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I just had a match with a P100 cheater so... yeah
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They still have 1000s of accounts thx to epic games gifting the game so I doubt they care.
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If it was on Azarovs then the map is crazy bugged. You can run through the walls and over stuff. Pallets floating in mid air and invisible walls everywhere.
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Was it Azarov's? That map right now has whole tiles not correctly loading in, or sometimes not at all,