2V8 Proves My Point about Huntress
For some reason people said movement speed buff Huntress was way too over powered and literally unbeatable when she moved faster while holding hatchets, I present to you 2v8 Huntress who moves faster while holding hatchets. Still very much so loopable and the only thing that can be considered remotely oppressive is 10 hatchets. And the beautiful thing about it is that its not just stuck on a PTB so now everyone can see for themselves that it's not even remotely problematic. All you would have to do is get rid of the shiny pin add on so she cant move at 90%
The movement speed buff was fine and the backlash was completely blown out of proportion. Also 2v8 proves the point that Soldiers Puttee should not be an Ultra Rare and should just be basekit. End of PSA
5 add ons every match is already too much, she doesn't need 7
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A) The movement speed buff is quite significantly less than what was rolled out on the PTB. So it's not really an accurate representation of how the PTB change would've ended up.
B) Nurse can get 3 Blinks and Trapper has Sprint Burst when setting a Trap. We shouldn't necessarily be adding the buffs from 2v8 into the killer's base kits. Both sides are generally significantly stronger than what they should be in 1v4 for the fun of it.
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I don't think we should be using 2v8 to justify balance on anything in the base-game.
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2v8 is a pretty chatic mess at the moment.
I am not sure if i like it or not.
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no but it does prove that you can give killer certain buffs like trapper getting sprint burst for setting a trap and it would improve base mode version of the killer.
i would say huntress wouldn't be overpowered with those changes. It is just that they should be buffing deathslinger before buffing huntress to be 10 shot deathslinger.
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If anything 2v8 proves the opposite, that Huntress doesn't need any buffs. The only match I've lost as Huntress was with a Wraith who forgot his brain in his other pair of pants, and I've even won 2-3 matches with Trapper as my partner (while playing Huntress).
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All this does is make me MORE glad she didn't get that PTB buff pushed to live
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That movement speed buff was stupid and everyone recognised that. It one was of the few things that the community seems to agree on, somehow. It made winning at loops incredibly easy, completely caving in the Huntress' skill floor and ceiling. It should never have even made it to the PTB. Five minutes of testing would shown that, and it did when the PTB began.
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On the other hand I’ve seen 7 matches in a row where we got 6 to 8 man outs. All Huntress matches
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3% less. And nobody asked for her to move that fast, we wanted shiny pin basekit. Which as proven by 2v8 is completely fine and not broken like people said.
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Literally zero reason not too. You can actively see changes in game and play against them. It actually wouldn’t make any sense not to analyze the changes.
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Everyone agreed because big content creators told them what to think. And actually now that I mention that Spooky, Coco, True and Scott Jund said the change was very strange but nothing crazy. And I can tell you didn’t play the PTB either because literally nothing changed about her counter play at all. She still moved 22% slower than survivors instead of 33% so it didnt change anything except for make her lose a little less distance.
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Agreed Deathslinger needs more help than what he got. But I’ve talked to people on these forums who think he needs to move slower while ADS and that 92% is too fast
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i think they took huntress buff away for "unfun survivor interaction reason". not a balance one. M/S increase allows huntress zone like old instant scope deathslinger, i'd say a lot stronger because dodging deathslinger shot revolves around doing 0.2 second side-step where huntress hatchets are huge hit-boxes. it is way harder to dodge those hatchets than moving 0.2 second to side against his gun. there is like very little counter-play to huntress zoning while there was deep skill-floor to looping old deathslinger.
that is why i said that first they should return deathslinger's instant-scope skill-based zoning before implementing huntress zoning.
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I completely agree. Huntress buffs are most overreacting thing in community for last years and it still surprises me. This killer is most loopable out of all 4,4 killers even after buffs (Trickster is weaker, but looping him is not easier, I think) and at best low A tier in hands of god tier player. My own and and NL escape rate against Huntress is one of the highest across all killers. But community continue to act like we buffed Nurse and I honestly feel nothing but deep cringe reading all these "Huntress didn't need buffs", because she definately needed. Same as Shiny Pin basekit still needed. And I'm glad you are talking about it, even when community went crazy about her buffs for some reason.
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Y'all love keeping track don't you? But what about base BT and anti-camp, or in this mode which gives base Unbreakable.
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2v8 is a completely different game mode. The faster downs in 2v8 aren't such a big deal because of how many survivors there are and the low number of gens needed to be repaired. In a 1v4 though, it would be way too much. She also can't use add ons in 2v8 anyway so we can't even judge how powerful this actually is.
Nurse got buffs in 2v8 and yet she isn't dominating every game, that doesn't mean her buffs should go to the main game, she would be broken. Huntress is perfectly fine as she is right now. Not every add-on has to be base-kit.
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This should be the end of the thread right here. Nothing in 2v8 can be used to justify anything in regular games.
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You can't blame content creators for everything. The problem was there, they just showed it to more people.
One of the only things a survivor can do at a loop with low cover is bait to pallet drop and continue looping. It's high risk, as it requires a hard read, but it works if the survivor guesses correctly. It's a positive thing, as it rewards survivors for making a good read (skill expression), whilst being counterable with a hard read from the Huntress (also skill expression).
Making her that fast whilst holding hatchets made that interaction substantially weaker for survivors, and made those interactions much easier for the Huntress to win.
BHVR should never have even tried that buff out. It made Huntress feel amazing to play, but was removed because it was too strong. They gave you something that you never should have had and then took it away. The best thing would have been for them to never make that change in the first place.
It's the same thing that happened with Xeno's tail. It felt amazing to miss with the tail and just glue yourself to the survivor and basic attack anyway for a free hit. But it was horribly unbalanced and removed skill expression from both survivors and Xeno. It got removed and it made Xeno feel worse to play. No killer enjoys being slowed down when they whiff an attack, but it's part of how the game is balanced.
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I hope the devs give us the 8v2 kill rate stats when this is over because I'm positive Huntress will have the highest. I'm getting barely any distance after getting hit.
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Possibly because it's 2v8?
That would be like buffing DS to 10 seconds then deciding to nerf Trapper.
There's really no crossover.
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Basekit Unbreakable in 2v8 is acceptable but never in regular matches for several reasons.
Hooks, Flashlights & pallet saves don't exists in 2v8, which means there's really no way to stall for pickup to create lose-lose situations (Killer chases rescuers away-Survivor gets up and leaves, Killer picks up immediayely-risks getting stunned/blinded). Killers attempting slugging in the 2v8 mode almost always only do so for bming purposes as there's no way to save a downed Survivor unless the Killer leaves.
The basekit Unbreakable in 2v8 only exists to prevent bming (somewhat) because it's only active in 2nd cagestate which means any form of slugging in 2nd stage only exists to prolong the game as the Survivor would immediately die after a 2 second animation.
The 2v8 mode is a buggy and unbalanced mess happening while the normal game is already a buggy mess (game is utterly busted since Lara Croft chapter) and was never intended to be balanced anyway just like all modifiers. This mode cannot be realisticaly be used for any form of balance choices in the normal game.
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base unbreakable is only unlocked after being on death hook but it honestly wouldn't even matter if it was available form the start because insta cage-ing takes 1 second and nothing can stop it so there is absolutely no reason to slug aside from bm'ing.
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All I know is when I played Huntress, I had no problem winning. Playing against means I don't know the skill of the opponent (or if they are mentally AFK).
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She will have the highest because 1. She is picked way more than any other killer. And 2. She deals multiple damage states quickly. And there being 8 survivors gives more targets. She is stronger in this mode than 1V4 by far.
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Think about it for one second. Seriously. You can 1v1 a buffed version of the Huntress right now. You can literally take those encounters and make decisions from them 100% and disagreeing is either disingenuous or ignorance. You obviously wouldn’t analyze anything about the chase with her at all if you got caught in a bear trap. But if you get singled out by her in this game mode you can 100% tell she is not oppressive in the slightest besides hatchet count.
The DS point is a straw man.
There is no disconnect here, actually think about it.1 -
Like I said the vast majority of content creators actually agreed with me that the buffs were not problematic at all just strange but didn’t need to be reverted. Some even said they it was needed. These creators all having almost or over 10,000 hours and playing at high MMR.
And I blamed content creators because the vast majority on these forums admit they never played as or against her on the PTB since they are on console YET they made a post saying it needed to be reversed despite having no clue what they were talking about.
I would like to point out that the counter play a survivor has at low loops like crouching hatchets is literally non existent for trickster as he can easily hit your head while you are crouching. And he moves at 115% and 96% when holding knives. With zero recoil and a main event with infinite ammo.
And yes you are right, I was told by a Dev that the change got reversed not because it was too strong but because of the “feedback”
She’s the least mobile killer in the game 77% when charging (slower than walking nurse) 110% normally, and has to go to lockers to reload. Gutted by cluttered and indoor maps. No movement ability like Xeno or Hag or Spirit.
Making her 85% at base would not be overpowered at all. That’s all I’m saying.
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If you think about it for even a moment instead of outright dismissing it you would be surprised.
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It’s crazy because you would think that I (who has thousand of hours on her) or CoCoRts (who has 10,000 hours on her alone) or any other Huntress mains Would have our opinions taken seriously on the state of her kit but we are just dismissed as biased Huntress mains.
It’s a hill that I will die on and never surrender. The part that irks me the most is that some of these people who say she has fine, admit to never playing her or only occasionally playing her. Or the people who lie and say “oh I’m a Huntress main and she needs all her buffs reverted and actually needs to be nerfed!”
No one seems to understand you can like and main a character and still be unbiased towards their balance. I guess if we want to find out how a killer should be balanced we should actively avoid people who play that character a lot because they will be biased.
I’m glad to hear your thoughts on it as well. And I reference those NightLite stats a lot as well. I feel like everyone completely ignores them.
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That's like saying that because I can 1v1 a Wesker for 5 minutes, Wesker needs to be 125% and not slowdown when using his power.
Like yeah, if I'm allowed to have way more resources than would normally be allotted, no ######### it'll look better.
There have been like, two people here who have agreed with you. My contention isn't even with your crusade to get your main buffed, it's with using 2v8 as a balance indicator.