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2v8 Is Garbage

Member Posts: 119

It's unbalanced, way too survivor sided, and frankly not fun as killer. Why BHVR thought this was a good idea is beyond me - this has to be the least thought out game mode I've ever played in a game before.


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  • Member Posts: 119

    It's not even chaotic - there's zero fun to be had regardless of what side you're on. This game mode is dog crap.

  • Member Posts: 4,655

    Played a few games with @Xernoton and have to say, that those games where some of the most fun I had in dbd for a very very long time.

    The tag team stuff we did was like the clips you see on youtube, im not kidding. After a few games, we found out a combionatioon that was not only fun but also pretty strong. Wraith + Nurse.

    While im bad at Nurse (havent played her for over half a year) I did perform pretty well in chase. @Xernoton gave me the info I needed while scouting the map.

    We only lost a few games, where I played pretty badly. But thats fine, it was still a blast to play.

    Only complaint I have is the long queue. It took like 10-20 min to find a lobby.

  • Member Posts: 1,480
    edited July 2024

    There is no "chaos" when the result is pretty much guaranteed, it's a same expected game every time

    To make a game chaotic, it MUST be balanced to be unpredictable, unbalanced mess is so boring and predictable

  • Member Posts: 260

    The incredible pallet density is the problem.

    I had a great time playing as Huntress and Nurse, but playing Trapper or Wraith was an exercise in extreme frustration, even playing with a friend. Unless I doubled up on a survivor with my ally as them, whoever I was chasing could just run from pallet to pallet and camp it and there's basically nothing I could do about it. God forbid they actually know how to loop and make use of the fact a single loop can have two pallets in it.

    Hillbilly was kind of a middle ground between the two. Survivors can't just camp pallets against him but the pallet density is still unpleasant.

    Also Wraith's team benefit seems totally pointless in this mode with the current selection of killers. Making your ally undetectable isn't much of a benefit when Huntress has her lullaby, Hillbilly's chainsaw is incredibly noisy, and Nurse teleports and screeches. Only Trapper seems to benefit from it.

  • Member Posts: 185

    Would you have preferred 4 vs 2? Is that the general reason for the discomfort?

  • Member Posts: 597
    edited July 2024

    I've had a completely opposite experience as you, 2v8 just brought me back to DBD from a 2+ month long break actually, and I've been enjoying it so much as it is so refreshing to play Survivor with a "Class System" and roles like (Medic, Scout, Guide, etc.) really love that part of it, I just wish more of the Killers were available to choose from, but playing together as a Team with a Killer is also fun and requires some coordination!

    Idk, I've enjoyed it so much that I am finally enjoying DBD again, it has been refreshing. I even logged into the Forums for the first time in nearly 6+ months now just so I can see what other people are saying about the 2v8 mode, and I was very shocked to read your post just now which is why I decided to comment.

    Personally, I'm really happy that DBD made this game mode and finally actually let us play it! I wish it was staying around for longer than just only 14 days to be honest!

    EDIT: My only Concern is that the Killer Que literally takes around 20+min to pop for me so that is a whole lot of sitting around and waiting for a match, I wish more Survivors were interested in playing the game mode so that Killer ques wouldn't be so long, although I suppose it must be much easier to find 2 Killers than it is to find 8 Survivors unfortunately lol

  • Member Posts: 597
    edited July 2024

    My first attempt in this game mode I picked Wraith and my pug teammate played Nurse, omg lol it was so much fun and so crazy haha, we actually managed to kill all of the Survivors successfully, there was only 1 gen leftover at the end, but we still got them all!

    I agree that the Que times for Killer are unfortunately a problem though, even with 400% bonus BP on the Survivor side…

  • Member Posts: 1,307

    I enjoy every bit of of it as killer and survivor. Gamemodes are supposed to be fun, not balanced. This is probably the first time I remember myself wanting to play dbd after finishing work.

  • Member Posts: 185
  • Member Posts: 79

    I disagree. The only thing that was kinda bad but to be expected was the long q-times as killer (10-20 mins, midnight EU)

    I had a really fun time. Played 4 games ( 2 killer/2 survivor)

    First game i was playing wraith…imo he is decent. I was paired with a really good huntress. In the beginning i gave her a lil bit of stealth and then we split up. Played a bit of hit and run for the first 5 minutes and got pallets out of the way…after that the map was kinda empty for the survivors and we killed them of…we let the the last suvivor a sable go :) ( survs did 7 gens )

    Second game i was playing as nurse and again got paired with another really good huntress. This game was kinda a steamroll after my muscle memory came back…last survivor didn't survive :( …bad bad thirsty huntress /s

    My first game as suvivor was as feng min ( didn't even know what class she is)…..6 survivors died in like 5-8 minutes wich was kinda funny…The trapper and the wraith had to work to get the sable and me in the end…i could outplay them for almost a minute but then i got gooned( wich was really funny)…..unfortunately a bug came up that i couldn't get saved as i was on my second hook.

    After that i played one game as Jill (scout)….3 other people used the scout class and we had vision on the huntress and the billy basically the whole game….it was really strong and we managed to get 4 out.

    Imo this mode is good already and has a lot of potential to be really really good. The only thing I'm not sure about if the q-times are gonna be in a reasonable for killer

  • Member Posts: 135

    At least the generators should be increased from 8 to 10.

    Gen was finished so fast in this mode.

  • Member Posts: 707

    Gen increase won't be enough when gens are done like in 20 - 30 seconds. If you try to stay near your team mate and work ''together'' a pack of 4 survivors will do gens in almost no time.

    Killers need extra perks and some form of gen regression. The idea of the mode is to gank one survivor with a killer team mate but unfortunately you end up punished for ''fun'' play with 2 or 3 gens being done.

    Just so you know, if you are staying away from your team mate then half of your perks don't work. This means survivors have 3 solid perks plus self heal x 8 where killers have 2x2 plus 2 + 2 when they are close to each other. It's not even remotely close in terms of fairness.

  • Member Posts: 35
    edited July 2024

    Speaking of things that were not thought out, this entire post doesn't make a lick of sense, I hope you understand that you don't even offer any resolutions or make any effort to even try and make a valid argument, just complain, complain, complain with no foundation to stand on.

  • Member Posts: 3,937
    edited July 2024

    Despite this, the queue times for killer are insane... I know I'm having fun as killer when I actually get in...

    Going on holiday soon so I'll miss most of the event 😢

    I hope it gets extended.

    With all that said I wish Trapper had a little more help... mostly I wish the speed boost he grants was global, so that while I'm setting up, I'm still somewhat helping my teammate exert pressure...

    The 200% regression when kicking gens is nice, though a built in surveillance wouldn't hurt... my time on Trapper is valuable...

  • Member Posts: 808

    Yeah the mode is horribly unbalanced

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    Yeah it is chaos.

    So from playing a bit more I have found it can go either way depending on both game RNG and matchmaking RNG. Apparently there is no MMR in this mode and it really is obvious with some of the team mates I am getting. Some games there are 8 survivors with one on a gen… so the outcome is inevitable. Or I get lucky and get good players who hump gens constantly and it goes the other way.

    No way this is balanced but that is okay too

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Only bad thing is I have to wait almost 20 mins in killer queque but other than that im having fun. Most games I have won with my friend.

    In future I only hope they add items and some add ons so bp I earn is useful and not for just gaining new prestiges.

  • Member Posts: 156

    If you dont like it, dont play it. A lot of people is having fun with this mode. You can still play regular mode and sweat how much you want there, slugging, camping, tunelling as much as you want 🙏

  • Member Posts: 678

    It is Survivor Sided, but it doesn't matter, because MMR doesn't exist and even when 1 side is losing - both sides have fun.

    People that say this Gamemode is garbage are just weird and they will never find happiness in their life… Sorry.

  • Member Posts: 347

    The mode is fine; it's just chaotic fun and not meant to be taken seriously. I'm glad it is temporary, though. There's almost no variety, and I'm sure it will get old very quickly. Hopefully, next time it comes around, we'll get more killers, classes, and maps.

    Right now, it's also heavily affected by the players. Everyone is running Escapist or Guide (one medic if we're lucky), with eight survivors but not a single one on generators after the first two pop. No one is going for the save or repairing because they're thinking, "Eh, I'm sure someone else is going to do it." I've also had survivors running around, dropping every pallet, or straight up refusing to do anything.

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    It's not Survivor or Killer sided, imho. It's way too chaotic to say either way. I do think two competent Killers can tip the balance in their favour, however.

    For what it's worth, I still end up dying in most of my Survivor games and of the 3 Killer games that I've been able to play so far, 2 were an 8K and one was a 4K. The skill levels of my teammates and opponents have been very variable. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, just an observation. I've even been able to loop Killers successfully and keep them busy in some of my games, which normally doesn't happen very often.

  • Member Posts: 338

    I think the mode is pretty chaotic but OK. The lack of variety will mean I just do the event tome challenges and go back to main mode where I try and use lots of different perks and builds and see what I can do with them, which keeps DBD fresh for me.

    Still doing modes like this from time to time will keep the game alive and as seen by the numbers yesterday, bring more players back to the game. Even if it's not your cup of tea, anyone with half a brain can see this sort of thing is good for DBD as a whole and I fully support it.

  • Member Posts: 193

    Bro it's some of the most fun I've had in DBD since Chaos Shuffle, and I played two different games that ended in 8Ks last night. I was on survivor side

  • Member Posts: 50

    I know it's a skill issue since I'm way better at killer than survivor, but I haven't won once as survivor and have won nearly every match as killer so far. Granted, I don't care about winning in this mode since it's purely just chaotic and goofy fun

  • Member Posts: 8

    2v8 is complete garbage and amplifies the worst of survivor and killer behaviour in game.

  • Member Posts: 73

    Let's have even more chaos!

    Add more Killers.

    Let the BHVR artists run wild with some new skyboxes (so things like scratchmarks aren't affected): flocks of Dwights flapping their arms and flying across the sky, etc.

    Add some special chests with flashbangs and fireworks.

    Add a jump pad that Survivors or Killers can temporarily activate that will launch them into the sky!

    Add something that can be activated to temporarily change from the map lighting from day to night.

    Keep going big! Lean into the potential silliness!

    Oh, and add musical chests that will grant Survivors Bardic Inspiration.

  • Member Posts: 162

    I found it to be strangely balanced and extremely fun on every side, I believe all of the stuff like the passives makes this game mode the best one yet.

  • Member Posts: 3,379

    Then don't play it. Simple. However, there are millions of us that will keep playing it.

  • Member Posts: 1,061

    Meanwhile there are people going for killer streaks where in 10+ matches only 1 gen got finished at most per match:

    No mode in which Nurse is available will ever be survivor-sided. It's crazy that Nurse, who was always going to be the strongest killer for obvious reasons, gets a long list of buffs for this mode, while also both benefitting the most from the constant aura reveals and being affected the least by the increased number of pallets.

    Without Nurse in the mode I would agree that its basic format favours survivors, although even then two competent/good killer players teaming up would handedly win most of their matches against the chaotic survivor groups consisting of mostly mediocre-at-best players that 90+% of lobbies always are with this game's player pool and matchmaking.

  • Member Posts: 10,289

    When the survivors don't give a hit every 5 seconds, they're pretty strong.

  • Member Posts: 10,289

    But I have had fun. Not with killer, mind you, because I haven't had the chance to play it yet. But they could really be into something with this game mode.

  • Member Posts: 452

    Killer mains mad because the kill rate is close to 50% in a game mode, which is the definition of balanced.

  • Member Posts: 113

    It's zero fun to me. I'm a survivor main and the thing I hate most in this game is getting paired with bad survivors. Being paired with double the amount of bad survivors is maddening.

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