The new gamemode shows you why Survivors have a low winrate

This gamemode shows crystal clear evidence of survivors not doing the gens and how it correlates with survivors either in swf or soloq having a low winrate. It's extremely infuriating that nobody is repairing the generators besides me. Either they cleanse totems or open chests and hide. Why?
Do people find it boring to do gens? It's the only way for everyone to escape the trial. I do know that doing gens doesn't reward you a lot of points though but it's no excuse to be lazy and selfish. It's toxic and people like me who do generators should have their own personal escape route for their efforts and no, hatch doesn't count.
The main objective is to do generators. Repair. The. Generator.
It doesn't help that the very first survivor challenge in the tome is to rescue teammates from cages. Often the moment someone gets caged you have a bunch of survs sprinting over.
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Dev really needs to fix the generators, I suppose
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I've noticed in my games that at the start everyone is on gens, but when people start going down, the gens stop. Healing, Unhooking, trying to find a med-kit to heal, or just in chase. I don't think the issue is survivors not doing gens, it's when to do gens. Sometimes you need to stick through an injured state. Someitmes you need to unhook that person and run back to the gen still injured wihtout healing. Sometimes you need to let that person stay on hook a little longer to finish it off. Certain gens are more important to get done than others as well. It's not something that can be "taught" it's something you end up learning the more you play. Game sense and all that.
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That's why you can't take this game mode, and really the game, too seriously. Some people just want to mess around and are not playing to win, or if they are, they may only care 60%.
Like, it's more fun to chase killers as scout and try to engage with them a little bit than to just do gens. Besides, with a 400% bonus, I can't blame anyone for going out of their way to maximize their BP gain in any way possible. I know I am.
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This challenge is the prime suspect. No reason for it to be 4. It should be 1. Now we have this 5+ players uncaging issue.
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I am glad the topic is reality and not what I thought it would be.
This. So this.
It boggles my mind how I can be the only person sometimes on a gen out of EIGHT people. It is also insane to me how many people seem to think 3 on a gen in this mode is a waste. 3 people on a gen in this mode goes LIGHTNING quick. Even more so if you are taking advantageof the skillcheck bonuses. Good god Survivors can knock out 2 gens like 30 seconds into the match easily and yet don't.
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^ literally!!!!
It is beyond frustrating and to think that you now have the luxury of classes, seeing auras and gens that are being worked on. I think the whole "doing gens" as an objective has run its course and needs to be replaced by something that is engaging.
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I just had a game where I was the only one on gens. Trapper came to get me and I was looping him pretty long, so much that Wraith had to come and help. I juked them both and made like 10 seconds on them before they double teamed me. The whole time, seven other Survivors are fully healed and not one person was on a generator that whole time. Lol what the heck?
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I think a better question would be why should opening chests and cleansing totems - legitimate side objectives - risk throwing the game? When I started playing you could do those things without issue or affecting your chances of escape. Now there's a degree of guilt that you'll cost your team the game if you do them. It shouldn't be 'glue yourself to a gen or it's over' and yet that's how the game currently feels.
But yes, my 2v8 games have been the same. Maybe 2-3 people on a gen and the rest idk.
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Probably because if survivors can win while wasting time for those useless objectives, killers literally has zero chances against anyone who is playing serious
Those things really aren't legitimate side objectives to begin with
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it’s truly wild how few survivors are willing to repair gens at all
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Let's be honest, repairing a generator is not the most exciting thing ever, it's borderline tedious. This is why the killer role is more fun, it's active and rewarding. Looping killers is, to me, the only real fun on survivor side.
Too many people are looking at it as "just do gens, that's the real problem!". No, it's because doing gens is boring and no one really wants to do it.
"well go play another game", people do eventually and never come back.
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I was expecting people like "This event is so good" but I'm actually supirsed theirs complaints. I hate it myself cause the wait time for killer is so long i can't play and when I wanna play regular game mode I can't cause everyone's on 2v8. It's annoying
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If they do gens, they will escape almost everytime. More fun to engage the killer and go for unhooks.
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go play 1v4 then, 2v8 is the prime example of "do gens: the game"
At least you can chase in 1v4
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It takes, what, 10s to open a chest and 14s to cleanse a totem. And there's only 5 of each. Yet it's now considered essentially game throwing to do those things.
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So that's like a gen and a little more worth of time with movement all for basically no gain? yeah that's throwing without doubt, it's always been throwing, just that survivor was vastly stronger side
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It's a gen and a little more if every totem is cleansed (which it never is unless the killer has Plaything + Pentimento, which I guess needs to be nerfed since it's a guaranteed win combo causing survivors to throw?) and every chest is opened. We also literally just had a survivor chapter where 2/3 new perks involve doing these non-legitimate objectives. I'd have no issue with BHVR removing those conditions, I guess they really are killer perks in disguise?
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Pretty sure most totem perks/chests perks are actually killer perks in disguise, there is niche situation where those can shine but for majority of the game it's net negative for time efficiency
It's all obviously assuming there is no hex perks or chests perks in play, too, because those things aren't needed to perform "side objective", which is also happening quite decently in 2v8 modes
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No joke I can go AFK half the game (not proud of it but sometimes I get phone calls I have to take during a game) get back into the game do 2-3 gens and escape with the most points because people were either doing chests/totems, actively looking for the killler or just aimlessly wandering around while I was gone. I swear people just shut there brains off and don't try and then cry the game is too hard it's wild.
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This was literally me half of my rounds today as survivor in 2v8. Like how is it that there are SEVEN OTHER SURVIVORS IN THIS ROUND AND I'M STILL THE ONLY ONE DOING GENS!
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I can almost bet that most of the people that are doing everything but the gens are actually saying that the game is too easy. I think you're talking about a different type of gamer.
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Yeah I see this constantly, it is like MMR is completely off as I get team mates who don't seem to realise the killers can only chase one survivor at a time each, so you should be on gens if not being chased/saving.
Another issue is a lot of team mates go down within 5 seconds so it can feel like you are just saving back to back. I ignore all cages but the ones that pop up right next to me, as often I am the only one doing gens.
The event was never meant to be balanced and its okay for a break from the normal gameplay but the low skill hiding gen allergic team mates make it frustrating
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when you're the gen class opening a chess can be good if you find a tool box your 3% great skill check perk can melt a gen by yourself because of the increase skill check occurrences it's really ######### good
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Alternatively, it shows that many, many of the changes since the 6.1.0 patch are going exactly the wrong way.
If you want to slow down the game, you don't increase gen times, buff regression, or improve gen blocking. All that does is increase pressure on the survivors to do nothing but gens, because of you don't it's basically an automatic loss.
What it shows is that if you reduce pressure on just do gens or you die, survivors (in general) aren't going to just hit the gens and leave. Give survivors decent blood point gains base kit and reduce the pressure to "just do gens" and most survivors will voluntarily slow the game down by doing chests, rescues, challenges, or literally anything besides just staring at a progress bar.
Just about every single patch in the past two years had been putting more pressure on gens, and that's the wrong way, in general, to do that. Turns out if you reduce the required gen time per survivor and literally delete regression from the game that map pressure and player agency is enough to naturally slow down the game.
Survivors are desperate for anything else to do, but the devs keep pushing this "do gens or die" play style. Not everyone is a sweaty gen rushing SWF.
I'd actually play survivor again, and bring back my "drink on Friday night while we die" SWF group if the base game was more "party game style" again, and not the competitive slog it's become now.
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Only three hook at two gen remaining? It's a big win there, I can understand why nobody are on gen anymore
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The gamemode is actually so painful to play. Every single survivor match i'm in - with 7 other survivors - only one or two are on gens at any one time. And if they are on gens then any time they hear a terror radius they all run. It's very very frustrating. It also doesn't help that most of these survivors cant loop either. It's just a mess.
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I had someone tell me in EGC that they would find me IRL and "crush my head" and a whole lot of other things not said in English, just because I asked them why they were hiding in lockers/crouching in corners all game (mind you, with 0 hookstages), doing chests and totems and refused to heal teammates, go for hook safes literally next to them and touch gens. You can say people shouldn't take this game mode/game seriously all you want, but the reality is you will verse some of the most toxic people in this game. So whether you want to or not, some will take this game far too seriously and ruin it for everyone else whilst they are at it.
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I never said there weren't unreasonable people in the world…. of DBD. My meaning is that people will do what they want in the game, for whatever reason. A few head ons or hits on the hook is a win to some people. Who cares about escaping or a 4K/8K because "it's their game." Or maybe that person's win-condition was to be the last to be alive while completing rift challenges on the chance they get hatch because the match is hopeless. /shrug
As far as people threatening you in real life over a game- they're unreasonable. Report them.