2vs8 Killer wait too long

I Like the new Mode a Lot, but the time you need to find a Lobby is way too long.
We know all the Problem to manny Killer. Not enough survivor.
This is a Party Mode, nothing serious, why they fill Not the holes with Bots? IT Takes 14 min+ to find a Match. This is way worse than have every second Match filld with Bots.
You'll have more than every second match filled with bots with the rate killer queues are going for this mode.
Besides, it's a PVP game, we don't want to play with or against bots from the start in online matches.
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Nobody wants to play as survivors for what feels like pretty obvious reasons. There's just not a ton for survivors to actually do. The unique aspect of this event is getting a second killer to help you but 4 survivors, 8 survivors, 500 survivors, it makes no real difference in the gameplay for survivors.
It's what I said when the mode was announced and people swore it needed to be permanent; the mode isn't going to gain any legs or traction if no survivors want to play it and right now, even with a 400% BP bonus, there's just no real reason to play as survivor once you have your Tome done.
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The Point is, the normal Mode 4vs1drain Out. But the new Mode is a dream for Killer too Play with a friend. If they fill the holes with Bots in the 2vs8 they don't need the +400percent bloodpoints to find survivor. And all the sourvivor can Play what they want.
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It's worse than too long.
45 minutes ago I went into a lobby after a 15 minutes wait, then I got disconnected from the lobby.
I've yet to join another lobby and I won't as I've just lost my patience.
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We are not lacking survivors per say. Its because killers finally get to team up. People that don't normally play killer that are survivor mains get to finally play killer because they have a friend that is a killer main they can play with. The mode is just very popular as we all knew it would be. I say GOOD! It will be permanent.
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That IS the Spirit! The Mode is a Goofy fun Thing we need it permanent, but we need a fix for the que time for the Long way. What do you think will the Bots a healty Thing or Not?
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I suppose we'll see soon enough since neither of us have access to the data so we don't know what the hiccups are but I'd be shocked if survivors didn't just straight up abandon this mode once the Tomes/Novelty of the mode wears off.
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I don't see why not. A bot here and there wont hurt if its needed. I also think as more killers are available it will help in some way. I think also if they make it so survivors can be a little more risky that will help too.
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worst part is that even 1v4 killer queues are awfull right now because of this. Honestly i might just not play this game at all for the next 2 weeks .
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as survivor the mode is extremely underwhelming and unbalanced, the killers seem to have permanent aura reading, and th hatch sound is still bugged.....
As killer, 20 minutes to get in a match is ridiculous and I dont have the patience to try thay bs
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I havent Play dbdl constand for the Last two years. This Mode Bring me Back and IAM Not alone.this Mode is the best Thing dbdl hat make in the Last years.
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Because of this game mode it's also made Killer queue time even longer for the regular game, the game mode has decreased the amount of survivors playing as a whole, this is one of the reasons why I don't like new games, not enough players to keep everything up in queue times with the MMR system.
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honestly what i'm saying as well…
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The mode is a massive hit too que times for regular and 2v8. I can't play any kind of killer because 2v8 has too many killers and nobody is playing 1v4. This mode is making DBD unplayable and probably will until the mode ends. Can't wait for this to end
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furthermore, 2v8 mode is good and actually fun at times. But it just reminds me of how random survivors are still terrible at any sorts of teamworking together, like teamwork is better when playing with another random killer from my experience than 7 other people, that's insane already. Then when I go into a 1v4 match the skill level is differed massively due to the lack of players and the MMR system that the lobby gets instantly destroyed from it being new or low MMR players, or they die on hook or leave. Such a state the game is in..
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the mode is awesome and the 8 killer matches i played were an absolute blast . However i refuse to wait 25+ minutes in queue for a single match.
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They need to go crazy with the survivor incentive. Without offerings, 400% isnt enough. Either let us use survivor only offerings, or make it 800%
During the event it was 600 ( 5x cakes were common and the 100% incentive )
Even 800 I would only think about it. I think they should make an offering that expires after this event ends, 100% survivor envelopes. Make it the only usable offering.
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they could make it 100,000% and i wouldn't play survivor. I got all the bps i will ever need allready so that's not gonna cut it.
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Awesome, a 15 minute wait only to have a teammate killer play for about one minute and then go AFK the rest of the match…
This entire mode is a cluster F and I will be very pleased once it goes into the garbage bin where it belong. I'll do the bare minimum to get whatever prize I'll get for doing Page 2 of the Tome and then wash my hands of this stupid mode forever.
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Yeah even when people were saying ‘I want 2v8’ I immediately thought “Not going to happen because the game isn’t balance to handle two killers chasing and there would be nothing interesting for survivors”. I was pretty damned stunned when they announced it about sure enough it had all base design problems I thought it would. Admittedly nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be if only because there’s certain features that should be in the base game anyway in this but meh…
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BHVR can't even balance the maps, let alone balance the game mechanics. 2v8 is just a hail mary to get people in to buy cosmetics/dlc's at this point. They knew it wouldn't work but it gets people into the game and even if 1% buy from the shop, it's a win for them.
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So fortnite does yet they got 40 bots in a match adding 2-3 bots to help make queue time faster is not that big a deal you making it to be.
Would you rather Devs scrap gamemodes and never bring them back?
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I don't want to get stuck with bots as a survivor. They are useless when in a terror radius which is very frequent in this mode. Id rather have a player regardless of skill because they have the ability to do what they want. Not follow a generic code of how they should act if in a terror radius or injured etc.
If they add bots then make the killers only opt into wanting bots and thus only go against bots. If the fun of it is suppose to be playing with your friend then they still are getting that aspect of it. But dont force survivors to have to play with bots.
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They could make it so survivor earn 1 million bp per match + whatever they earned during the match and there still wouldn't be enough survivors willing to play that mode.
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I know this is a little off topic, but i heard someone mention "balancing the maps." I wish the would put a vaulting point somewhere on the balcony of that big house ….and not vaulting into the house, but off over the railing.
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And there is the Problem. Killer wants Play with His friends too, but the only Thing you See are the normal swf.
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The survivors already have to be burdened with a bot when someone leaves. If you replace multiple people with bots that can be manipulated by the killers. You will only see less survivors and more bots as time goes on till all you are doing is playing against bots.