[2v8 feedback] Dear BHVR, next time, dont add the Nurse.

Jean_Cobra Member Posts: 114
edited July 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Seriously, the REAL big problem i have with this 2v8 mode is the presence of the Nurse. And not only the standard nurse, in this event, it's the nurse with 3 blinks, a big LOUNGE after a blink, a reduced fatigue who is completely hilarious, a movespeed during blink who is incredibly broken, and INSTANT information everytime she blink near of survivors.

Why you don't have add Doctor or Hag instead of her ? Don't tell me "It's because she is one of the first killers added on dbd", so why it's not Ace but Mikaela as the EIGHTH character added as survivor ?

The Nurse didn't need all these absurd buffs, she is ALREADY disproportionately op, and regardless of whether there are 8 survs or more, she overrides the game's mechanics. Several times this evening I saw Slug nurses enjoyer, but not the little slugging, it was a slug all the time, slug by slug on three chase, then take a new chase to slug the survivor behind.

Please BHVR, next time, dont add her for the futures game events.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • Legendary_deedee
    Legendary_deedee Member Posts: 65

    Nurse is quite weak in this mode. You’re delusional if you think otherwise.

  • Legendary_deedee
    Legendary_deedee Member Posts: 65

    If you get slugged that’s a skill issue.

  • Legendary_deedee
    Legendary_deedee Member Posts: 65

    She’s actually quite fine. Huntress is way more stronger than her in this mode.

  • Jean_Cobra
    Jean_Cobra Member Posts: 114
    edited July 2024

    • 3 blinks when she is near of the second killer (16 M)
    • Increases the length of Blink Attack lunges by 30%.
    • Increases the range by 30% with each successive Blink.
    • Reduces the fatigue duration of Blink by 7%.
    • Blinking within a 1-meter radius of a survivor makes them scream.
    • Reduces the fatigue of chain Blinks by 65%.
    • Increases movement speed during a chain Blink by 30%.
    • Increases the duration of the chain Blink window by 0.2 seconds.
    • Reduces the fatigue of missed special attacks by 0.5 seconds.

    Yeah, she is weak.

  • Legendary_deedee
    Legendary_deedee Member Posts: 65

    You just described quality of life add-ons. This is why you shouldn’t have an opinion.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,480
    edited July 2024

    Nurse is fine, especially with permanent wallhack or sprintburst with 20 seconds CD

    She already suffers the abysmal map mobility anyway

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,720

    She only gets a third blink when within 16m of her teammate. That is a nonfactor.

    And here you make your actual stance clear. This isn't a "I think Nurse breaks the mode," you just hate Nurse. Which is fair, you can hate Nurse. But that's not much of an argument besides Nurse being herself, something everyone already knows.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    If everyone already knows Nurse is and always has been a problem, then why wouldn't a supercharged Nurse be an even greater problem in 2v8? The 5s reveal on chase alone prevents all chance of mindgaming (which is pretty much the only counterplay to Nurse), and allows the Nurse to leave and re-enter chase to reveal again immediately.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    i find billy most oppressive in this mode because he can chase 1 survivor, injure them, maybe down them, but if he ever in contact with another killer, you immediately get 2vs1's. So it is like billy is chasing two survivors at once the entire game.

    What also really annoying about billy in this mode is how well this guy just tunnels. No joke, this guy can cage someone, drive around, finding cage person and immediately tunnel them off hook. Once you are found by 1 killer, the other killer also find you and 2vs1 you. so you just die super fast vs billy because… your getting single out and tunneled right out of the game.

    Did I also mention that healing vs billy is also really hard? Yeah. it is really hard heal vs billy. he always show up and interrupt you.

    You really wouldn't think that billy+nurse is good in this mode… but they really end up being best killers. nurse downs people, put them in cages. billy drive around, finds cages, tunnel them. if billy can't end chase, nurse show up, deletes you and that is all she wrote.

    Billy+Huntress is also strong. not as insane as nurse but yeah.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 855

    idk, maybe its for the trial last shorter than regular ones? All killers are buffed, and objectives are tweaked fo this reason. Hey, there is no hooks either

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    First, I don't hate her for no reason, I hate her because she is OP. That isn't a baseless claim, so admitting it or not is irrelevant.

    Second, she frequently 1v8s in this because the aura read features everywhere make it too easy to get hits.

    Third, selfish powers are better than selfless powers in this game mode (IME). Huntress doesn't have a (meaningful) team perk, and essentially just has a selfish perk. Nonetheless she is both fun and fair (other than 200+ ping hits). Getting a down forces someone off a gen, which is pressure on multiple Survivors (unless the 8 Survs are in comms and only 1 person goes for the rescue, which would still be 2 people worth of pressure). Also since her selfish buffs are so strong, it negates her normal lack of mobility (significantly reduced fatigue among more).

    I mean I've won every Killer match I've played (16+, ~half soloq ~half duo) other than 2 matches (also one soloq one duo). The only losses I've gotten as Killer was playing Billy (in both matches, which is more a sign of my inability to play Billy [without instadowns] with or without comms). If all the trials last shorter because Killers are winning easier than normal, then maybe Nurse shouldn't be super powered when a basekit Nurse could have had nearly the same results, and Billy is nerfed to lose Instadowns.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 855
    edited July 2024

    I doubt she would be performing the same in 8v2 if she would be her basekit.
    We are talking about the nurse. Not pro players mastering the Nurse.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    We are talking about the Nurse against players of all skill levels, which means most Nurses are more skilled than most of the Survs, especially when Nurse gets aura on entering chase to make mindgames impossible.

    Ultimately my issue is that they probably shouldn't have included Nurse in the selection of Killers, and something like Doctor/Clown/Spirit/Legion would be less frustrating (although Spirit and Legion would probably be among the more frustrating, yet still less than Nurse).

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 855

    Low skill player as Nurse is way worse than low skill player as survivor. Yes, aura reading helps, but only if one have muscle memory of blink destination.
    I remember how it was back when i was playing the Nurse. Thise was my worst hours of playing this game. Lot of trials left with not even single hit. Im not good player, but this proves the point. As Wraith i can get easy 4k with no tunneling, but this may be because of my low mmr. Yet as surv i still can outplay most Nurses i play against, and i often see Nurses that get 0 hits on teams i play with.
    And you may an anegdotal argument, so are those against the Nurse. Yet her official killrate proves my arguments.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,916

    If you look at ALL of that and go "quality of life" idk what to tell you.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    Yeah, no. Nurse is, ironically, fairly weak in 2v8.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 952

    Nurse are fine in 2v8

  • Legendary_deedee
    Legendary_deedee Member Posts: 65
    edited July 2024

    My point exactly. Huntress, Wraith, and Billy dominates this mode. Nurse feels horrible. The fact she only has 3 blinks near her teammate instead of anytime makes her basically basic nurse that has to go against 8 people instead of 4.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Nurse blink muscle memory takes far less time and effort than people are typically willing to admit. Nurse is easy, stop pretending. I don't think it took more than a single digit worth of games before I got used to the blink mechanic. Now maybe you might be talking about the next step, where the Killer decides to first blink at the corner, or risk the diagonal, but the aura reads remove the actual skill facet of Nurse here.

  • pigslittlepet
    pigslittlepet Member Posts: 483

    My opinion on nurse is confusing. As survivor I despise here with a burning passion. I loath her existence and wish nothing but her destruction.

    I have since switched to a killer main and play very little survivor. Now I think she's the strongest killer in the game and definitely didn't need the buffs she was given. Can anybody explain why they neutered Billy but buffed nurse. I don't want the devs to come after me for speaking my opinion but are you nuts?

    I hope this was a experiment that will not be brought forward when they make the mode permanent. I think nurse should be in 2v8 but the buffs were completely unnecessary and quite frankly stupid.

  • bleep275
    bleep275 Member Posts: 409

    I get a nurse once maybe in like 10 matches. But like 95% are huntress with broken hitboxes. I’d kill to see more nurse. Like god plz give me something other than a huntress. I will pay actual dollars to have a match without a huntress.

  • Milkymalk
    Milkymalk Member Posts: 221
    edited July 2024

    I find Wraith to be the most problematic killer in this mode because it is so hard to notice him cloaked with all that hubbub going on around you, plus you can't listen for heartbeat and know if he is cloaked or uncloaked. He practically always spawns directly next to me while I am doing other stuff.

  • lvcian
    lvcian Member Posts: 86

    Mastering your muscle memory doesn't mean you will stomp anyone. May I see you play against a SWF on Lery's ? Yeah, you will get stomped, that's how it was for me, but you then practice and you get better. Also, you need more than 300 hours to fully master her (still not able to stomp everybody in your games).

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Do I get permanent wallhacks like the event? Where I get 5s of Aura read whenever I enter chase, where if they didn't get hit, they lost chase, and thus refreshed the 5s aura read for entering chase. The context of these particular conversations is 2v8.

    (Now while I think Nurse is also quite easy in normals, that doesn't mean you get a 3k+hatch/4k in 99% of matches for free, simply 75%. Getting better raises that number. That fits your 'practice and you get better' part perfectly.)

  • Princesse_nico
    Princesse_nico Member Posts: 151

    Pls next time add pig

  • lvcian
    lvcian Member Posts: 86

    Survivors also get wallhacks in the event… Other killers also do…

    (Nurse isn't easy on normal, except if you play against people like you, against bots. xD)

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    First off, Survivor wallhacks aren't permanent. Secondly (and more importantly), if any Survivor and Nurse have permanent wallhacks on each other, it only helps the Nurse. Nothing the Survivor does can counter the Nurse wallhacks. Thirdly, we aren't talking about even Huntress getting wallhacks, because pro-tip, she can't shoot through walls.

    Nurse is easy and particularly easy in this mode, because nothing the Survivor does can counter a mediocre Nurse. Sprint Burst + Injury Speed Boost + 3% haste, still gets hit from a double blink. Can't go behind a wall, because aura read on chase start. I know Nurse is easy, because I have above the average kill rate.

    I win 74% of matches as Killer (maining Ghostface and other weaker killers by the way,) before the gens pop, so that isn't even accounting for when I win going for endgame plays. So if I'm a bot, then lets compare gen defense rates and see who really is a bot. If you want to use player skill, I've got math on my side that I'm at least (multiplicatively) 25% better than the balanced around average of 60%. How good are you?

  • lvcian
    lvcian Member Posts: 86
    edited August 2024

    What you're saying is true, but it's also not permanent for Nurse.

    Also, you're playing with PERKS. I play Nurse with only Lethal and Agitation, sometimes I don't even play with perks. Why ? More challenging and it helps me not rely on slowdown perks, etc. How many blink attacks do you have by the way ? I play with almost no perks yet I have 70% protected, and by the way, just because you have 74% protected doesn't mean you're good, you can literally be playing against bots that are worse than you..

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Again, the context of the perma aura read claim is 2v8. The title of the thread is [2v8 feedback]…, so the 2v8 feedback is 'Nurse with perma aura read is OP'. That is my number 1 claim.

    Playing with perks - I mean yeah you are playing with 2 perks on Nurse, and she can win with 4 meme perks or 0 perks. Me playing with full perks on Ghostface isn't even in the same ballpark as a perkless Blight or Nurse match (to be clearer, Nurse and Blight are that much easier).

    My blink attack stats - This might be relatively low, I honestly don't know, because I play ALL killers, and play my 'mains' at about tenfold for Ghosty, and fivefold for the other 'mains' (like Clown/Legion/Trapper/Myers/Dredge/Singularity/Huntress - in rough descending popularity order). (Although I play Blight everytime someone claims he isn't a free win just to disprove that claim, so I might have the most Blight games over all others.) That being said, I asked for your gen defense stats first. Google DeadByStatsEU and plug in your steam profile name (no need to log in or anything, just don't have a private steam profile. You can even unprivate the account for an hour later on, check the stats, then private it again if the profile is currently private). After you show your gen defense, I'll reveal my blink stats.

    In the meantime, in order to show that even experienced players have problems with baby Nurses, I would direct you to CoconutRTS's most recent video.

  • lvcian
    lvcian Member Posts: 86

    I know. I literally checked my profile today for my blink attacks : I have 70% protected. I used to have more, but ever since I started playing Nurse without slowdown perks, it changed.

    Nurse may be OP in the 2v8 mode, but most of her strength comes from her add-ons, which range from brown and yellow to green and IRI (with a maximum of 3 blinks). However, you need to be close to your teammate. Nurse isn't a problem in the 2v8 mode; I play against her almost every game, and most of the players aren't very good. I find Huntress to be worse. Mostly every map have messed up collision, just go in a corner, behind rock, etc, even if they have aura, because of the bad collisions, they will either not move, or blink too far away, even if the Nurse sees your aura, what if it's a bad Nurse ? She will definetely miss her blink. You playing against a god nurse in the 2v8 mode is very very rare.

    If experienced players have problems with baby Nurses, then they suck. When my SWF group plays against a baby Nurse, we always escape. The only time a baby Nurse will win against experienced players is when the players make mistakes (grouping up, not doing gens fast enough, etc.). Experienced players in SWF will always win, while experienced players in solo queue might have more trouble.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    I'll take you for your word, but in the future, a screenshot would be better practice. As far as my blink stats I stated them (hidden) in my previous comment. All the numbers that weren't '2v8', 1,240. (… number 1 claim …, … 2 perks on Nurse… , … 4 meme perks or 0 perks).

    Nurse is OP in 2v8 - Thank you, this is the meat of the discussion. If we want to talk about Nurse in normals, we can start a different thread and you can @ me. I would say you are very lucky to only get free week(end) Nurses for the most part in 2v8. The only time I remember winning against Nurse with any decent frequency (in soloq 2v8) is when she is paired with a Billy. That tells me that the weak link is the Billy, not the Nurse, as Trapper/Wraith/Huntress paired with Nurse are winning most of their matches, and Billy is the only outlier. That is my issue, is that you don't need a god Nurse, merely a good Nurse, and that is a very low bar.