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2v8 is very survivor sided

Member Posts: 194
edited August 2024 in General Discussions

This feels weird to post, as typically I preach about how killer sided the game is, but 2v8 is the exception. I'm not a bad killer player, practically every game I get a 3K and let the last person go. But 2v8 is a different story... After a 20 minute queue time and finally getting into the match, by the time I find my first survivor, at least 1 generator pops. Then by the time I finish the chase, another generator pops. I can basically never commit to a chase unless the survivor is very bad, as otherwise it's just gen pop after gen pop. Pretty much a chase will last until I hit the survivor and then I'm forced to leave. All of my teammates have had the same problems as me too, only getting 3-4 hooks per match (embarrassing, I know). So far as killer I've played about 8 matches and in only one did I manage to sacrifice 7 survivors. All the others I got 1 or none.

Playing survivor in this mode is a breeze. I've played about 20 matches as survivor and I've only died in TWO. Yes and in practically every match I escaped without even being downed. The killers I face seem to have the same problem as me. They chase for about 20 seconds, then just give up.

The problem with playing killer in this mode is that you have to basically only patrol generators, as commiting to any chase longer than 20 seconds just means that 3 gens will pop. Do you agree? How have your experiences as killer been?

EDIT: Alright, it's been a while since I posted this and I've kinda changed my mind. Honestly, 2v8 is whichever team is better sided.

2 OK killers vs 8 SWF? Survivors win 9/10.

2 good killers vs 8 OK survivors? Killers win 9/10.

1 bad and good killer vs 4 bad and good survivors? I don't know, depends if the killers chase together. If so killers win.

Post edited by Tyler3 on

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  • Member Posts: 1,308
    edited July 2024

    I enjoy both sides the same, it's a fun gamemode for a few days. When I play killer some survivors escaping, so what? If you don't like it you can always go back to regular dbd.

  • Member Posts: 194

    Yeah I get what you're saying. I'm not expecting an 8K every match. Just would be a little better to sacrifice more than 1 survivor.

  • Member Posts: 194

    Yeah I guess you're right, but maybe the survivors are just a little too strong. Like I said, me and my teammate struggle to get 1 sacrifice on most rounds.

  • Member Posts: 136

    Increase gen from 8 to 10 and this mode is perfect.

  • Member Posts: 1,830
    edited July 2024

    The funny thing about this is that I loose on both sides very badly. On survivor I almost always die and we don‘t get any gens done and on killer we get half to 3/4 of the hooks, but only one or two kills.

    Usually I get consistent 3-4ks in normal matches.

    Post edited by Langweilig on
  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 336
    edited July 2024

    The gens absolutely fly in this mode. Everything was doubled except how many gens to do and theyre faster

  • Member Posts: 381

    I feel like if your game sense isn't up to par on either side then you are more than likely gonna get cooked. For killer though I think too many have used to the ole I can always turn this 1v4 game around by tunneling or camping a surv and in this mode you simply can't do it. You have to play efficient and work together. It's def not survivor sided I mean me and a random billy 8k'd at 8 gens without any form of communication, the survivors just didn't understand the assignment. Next game I get a 2k with comms, it's literally just chaos and the best performer wins. It isn't meant to be balanced for either side imo

  • Member Posts: 1,480
    edited July 2024

    It is, but it's kinda fine for two weeks because there is many survivors who knows nothing

    Probably better fix it up in next time, I suppose

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    If both side has brain, survivors will win 100% of times, just that they don't really go play for win most of the time

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    Literally exactly right. I won roughly 27 out of 30 survivor matches so far. The only matches where I lost seems like goofy or just new survivors from the free to play weekend.

  • Member Posts: 452

    You're either trolling or this is a skill issue. You struggle to get a single kill in most matches? That doesn't match up with anyone else's experience here at all. The average kill rate seems to be between 50-60%.

  • Member Posts: 10,396

    6-8 man swf is pretty unbeatable in this mode. But the amount of bad solos you see usually balances things out.

  • Member Posts: 10,396

    6-8 man swf is pretty unbeatable in this mode. But the amount of bad solos you see usually balances things out.

  • Member Posts: 452

    Maybe against nooby killers who just installed the game yesterday, so that's not a fair comparison. Have you seen any games of an 8-man SWF vs 2 high MMR elite killers on comms to make such a brazen statement?

  • Member Posts: 609

    Personally I've really struggled as survivor in this mode. There's not much room for skill expression of any kind. Looping is the only thing you can do, which is super fun, but when both killers are there which usually they are, obviously you can't loop anymore and that takes away really the only fun part survivors can do in the game mode. Gens and heals don't require skill so it's not very engaging.

    On the other hand, I love playing killer in this mode. There's never a dull moment. I've been more successfull with killer than survivor personally, but even in the matches where I wasn't, it feels good to be able to whack anything that moves. I think the reason I prefer this mode more for killer is because skill expression is abundant. Mind games are the same, and I don't have to worry about flashlights or flashbangs. Stomping to an instant hook feels really nice. And so even when I lose in this mode as killer, the game still feels full.

    When I play killer, I need to chase to have fun, when I play survivor, I need to loop to have fun. And it's really easy to take away one of those options in this mode. But still, it's nice to have the mode in the game. I got my challenges done and probably won't touch it unless it's with a friend.

  • Member Posts: 678

    This Gamemode is Survivor Sided as the whole game, but who cares to be fair. There is no MMR, so balancing aspect doesn't matter at all. Let's just have fun with you mate as Killer!

  • Member Posts: 1,480
    edited July 2024

    Because game balance have literally no effect when it comes to unique experience, I don't get why you even thought it matters for que time in pretty distinct limited event like this

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    Even in survivor queue I’m seeing quite a few repeat survivors when I queue up. It’s almost like a handful of players consistently playing the role.

  • Member Posts: 40

    This is the most survivor sided mode that i have ever seen. Gen speed is way too high. Besides that the maps are so suvivior sided that it is just rediculous. There are twice as much survivors to repair gens, but not twice as many gens have to be done. The Killer synergies are useless most of the time, because if you walk around together you dont have enough pressure. Nearly every single loop is some 20 meter god loop, sometimes even with multiple pallets right next to each other. Survivors can just run from one pallet to the next and predrop them, wasting so much of your time that it is harder for them to lose than it is to win.

  • Member Posts: 40
  • Member Posts: 2,475

    I would say if neither side is premade, it's more killer-sided. With zero MMR, you're always guaranteed to get multiple survivors who are completely new and thus go down in two seconds and probably about half the lobby who rarely do gens. This gives even bad killers plenty of time to win.

    Obviously if one side is a premade and the other isn't, then the premade will stomp. I'd imagine if both sides are a premade it's probably more survivor-sided just due to gen speeds.

    As someone who has played as solo survivor for 95% of my matches, for the first couple of days it was good, I actually won many of my matches simply because the killers were all baby killers who couldn't loop at all. Today though, I'm guessing all the new killer players have given up and the queue is mainly filled with decent killers and KWFs, making the mode unplayable for solo survs.

  • Member Posts: 5,305
    edited July 2024

    it not that survivors are not queueing up it that to many want to play the killer side if no survivors were queueing up the survivor side wouldn't be so instant to find a lobby it be taking just as long as killers lobby.

    edit case in point in the normal mode it takes longer find a match on survivor 5 min the in 8v2 mode on survivor soon as I queue up I find a lobby and in both modes killers wait time is long.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    How many hours you have? You could be in low mmr in normal mode but 2vs8 does not have mmr so you can face players of any skill level. What killers you and your teammate play? What playstyle do you spread pressure or stay together?

    My experience has been very different. My worst game was 4-5 hooks in this mode but I played badly I was just off. Most games I have won getting 6-8 kills. Mostly I play with friends but I have done some soloQ too and even that's mostly been success and debends if my mate is decent.

    Well I have won even with some baby killers but I say it's too hard to win 1vs8 in this mode if your teammate can't get anything going. One game I had 16 hooks but we still lost...

  • Member Posts: 3,759

    I can´t say so.

    Solo Q random survs i got often just run around and get downed. My escape rate is really low in this mode.

    The only times i escaped was if i got good teammates who also did gens. Rarely the case.

    A lot of unfair tag team downs and not much options from the main game mode.

  • Member Posts: 194

    I'm kinda new, I started the game some time around late November last year and probably have 500 - 1000 hours, maybe more. As survivor I can usually make it to Gold 3 before the grade reset and Silver 2 for killer. I play on console so I struggle to do things such as 360s. I'm almost always never in direct communication to my killer teammate, so I don't ever really know what they're up to. Anyway, I changed my stance on this mode recently and kinda decided this: 2v8 is whichever team is better sided.

    2 OK killers vs 8 SWF? Survivors win 9/10.

    2 good killers vs 8 OK survivors? Killers win 9/10.

    1 bad and good killer vs 4 bad and good survivors? I don't know, depends.

    2 killers that chase together vs 8 survivors of any skill level? Killers win 99% of the time. Killers that chase together remove every survivor from the match so fast you'll wonder what even happened.

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