I'm really enjoying 2v8

The killer que aside, it's a very fun and hectic game mode (In a the best possible way)
I'm honestly dreading the day this game mode is taken from us, this is the most fun I have had in DBD for a while…
The chance to play killer role with my friend is something I have always wanted… However, I sincerely hope eventually I can play as the killers I paid for - like Chucky for eg.
If this is made a permanent game mode I would play it more often, providing its still being worked on overtime.
What are your honest thoughts about this?
I agree with you that this game mode is so much fun. So much chaos and everyone just enjoying the gamemode… just a fun, casual experience I haven't felt since like 2017. And honestly, as a killer main since 2016, I'm not really bothered by the long queueing times (… we've had far worse queueing times at some point lol).
But I have to be really honest here, I think a 2v8 pema mode will have negative effects on this game on the long run:
First, it wouldn't be "special" anymore. And once that happens, people will do everything possible to keep "their fun" up. People will start to sweat again, comp scenes will establish again and 2v8 becomes unenjoyable. Also, I don't think that the player base is sufficient to support a 2v8 on top of a 1v4 mode. As far as I heard, killers are already experiencing longer queueing times in 4v1 due to 2v8.
I believe there needs to be a fine line of balance reagarding what the community wants and what is good for the game… I thought about having this mode as an anual or half-annual event with changing killer rosters.
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They could at the very least implement it permanently into Custom games, so one can play Killer with a friend against bots for example.
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yeah I’m dreading regular again too. I’ve done a few 1v4 matches and I just wasn’t enjoying it as much. Didn’t even want to but I had a challenger I couldn’t do in 2v8. It was miserable. Like this is the casual mode I need to escape the “otz says tunneling and camping is the best strategy, so I live by that code and if you disagree you’re an entitled survivor.” Crowd
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If anything, this mode casts light on all the flaws of the base game, where the most efficient strategies are often the most unfun and aggravating experiences for the other side.
Can't help but wonder if this mode is also kind of a sneaky testing ground for changes that are being considered for the base 1v4 mode.
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Need a lot of tweaks.
Takes away a lot of what makes DbD good and longlasting.
Simplified fast action gamemode with very limited options and some unfair situations.
I guess this would get boring pretty fast.
Also already not enough players for it.
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It's actually making me play Huntress better, a killer I typically avoided because I'm not one for axe-throwing mechanics in games already. With all the targets playing wildly different it's helping me decide how to throw and when to throw. I know she's tuned differently than in 1v4, but the foundation is always what I had trouble with when it came to huntress in the first place. I may actually try playing her more than I do Deathslinger when I decide to run ranged again.