Why does nobody play healer in 2v8?

Seriously I feel like I am the only person ever picking this class. It's not a bad class I think, you get info and buff in healing around you on on yourself and you will be healing a lot in this mode.
Healer is the weakest role and seems kind of irrelevant. I frequently see multiple survivors in non-healer roles grouping up to heal. The little buff the healer role provides is too weak to really be necessary.
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This class was my favourite. When used right, the gens could fly by because the healer was doing their job of - well - healing and rescuing, so the rest could get stuck in. I only lost one as a Healer so far.
People are probably still trying to understand the roles and how best to use them. With the Healer role, in a good group only one is really needed, whilst the rest power through, or use their Escapist abilities to keep the Killers occupied.
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Healer is way fun. It’s such a good defense class! I love how non stop healing gives the Survivor cage states more mileage.
I’m a huge fan of defense in video games and the Healer class in this mode does not disappoint.
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It doesn't surprise me, in many games healer seems to be considered the weakest role and are usually the least popular… Personally it's my favourite - seeing injured survivors? Give me those extra points
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Personally I'm doing archive challenges where the other roles are more useful. Anything chase or stun-related, I pick the Sprint Burst and WoO role, anything gen-related, especially doing gens cooperatively, I'll pick the gen role, anything survival related I'll pick Iron Will role.
Outside of that though I do think the other roles are more useful. Gen speed is always just good because it cuts down the time killers have. Sprint Burst AND Windows in one role is insane, even if you aren't good in chase, heck ESPECIALLY if you aren't good in chase, it's probably the safest one to pick to ensure you last longer. The aura-reading the other one gives is also insanely strong.
Extra healing speed is decent, and there's a LOT of healing that needs to be done in this mode, but everyone is kinda expected to rescue and heal depending on location, and so often you'll have two people turn up to unhook so healing is fast anyway. I feel like they need to up the healing bonus to 50% and/or add a buff when you unhook someone, maybe a Babysitter-like effect.
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considering they decided to give MFT to escapist there’s basically no reason to not pick escapist
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Healer would need to be around 70-100% and maybe with some extended endurance effect after unhooking. Even then I still don’t see people really gravitating to the role. It’s just so easy to find healing
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Healer should have basekit We'll Make It
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Too weak.
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Not contributing to objective, doesn't help surviving like scout or escapist, not exactly "bad" but still extremely meh compared to others
I mean, who pick the 35% healing speed instead of sprintburst with 20 second cooldown
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Do I want:
- Sprint Burst for myself and my team on a 20 sec CD, 3% haste, and windows of Opportunity; or
- Aura reading on the killer for my entire team, Iron Will, Urban Evasion, and Alert; or
- Permanent 20 roll Bardic Inspiration on Great Skill checks when repairing, nerfed visionary, nerfed Better Together; or
- Empathy, heal-only Leader effect, and a nerfed empathic connection that only shows people where you are when you're healing someone else?
Keep in mind that if you actually try to use Empathy to chase after and heal people, you can typically waste more time than saved if they run away from you. You only really get benefit by unhooking then healing (since they won't move and can act as a beacon for injured people), but otherwise your class does basically nothing. If people go for rescues despite being another role, which they often do, it makes your job even more pointless relative to others. Nevermind when people get self heal on death hook. Maybe the injured survivor auras can help find a gen or a killer, but so do Scouts and Guides.
On top of that medic has, in my opinion, the least interactive skill kit. Oh passive aura reading and healing speed that I don't have to make an effort to utilize? Cool. You could technically use Empathy to body block, which I do and like the class for, but I strongly doubt anyone else really does this.
Basically it's the class with the least interactive abilities and arguably the smallest benefits. I wish they gave Autodidact, a full-time Empathic Connection aura effect, and/or some kind of utility in their kit like Diversion.
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It came across as the weakest class to me when everyone is going for saves and healing the minor healing boost seemed not impactful. The healing needs to be on the level of Botany to really be worth it, 35% is just not good enough.
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There has been one to two healers in all my games.
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I always play Medic! Only time I won't is if there's 2 other Medics already, then ill switch to a role that's needed. I had played a game where I changed to Scout because there were 3 medics, and yet I spent the entire time unhooking and healing because none of the Medics would. They have the heal speed yet I don't know what they were doing. The Guide role is the one I see lacking the most tbh. Escapist is most popular.
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It's the role that needs everyone to understand it to actually work. If there are 2 healers they gotta be the two to do most (pretty much all) of the rescuing and healing, avoid chases and only push random gens whenever they find themselves having downtime (or disarming traps). Then the pressure from most survs always being full health is a good safety to prevent snowballing/gens slowing down. Ideally the two healers are on comms so they're not in the same area of the map.
You rarely have that, so the value is kinda limited.
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Most of the groups I've played with seem satisfied to have 1 medic. Occasionally, they want 3 but I think that's because of a challenge. I started off playing medic because I like to play healer normally, but I found it exhausting. I had a few good matches where I was able to predict where the cages would spawn and put people back in the game really quickly — but I agree, if feels less like I spend my time healing people and more like I spend it running across the map.
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People who claim it is weakest class are simply run to yellow slaves and unable to see any value in game other than their own comfort. Literally same people who claim that CoH is bad, because they can't heal themselves. Medic is easily strongest role because of how much time it saves and I always pick it. And I really hope it won't have any significantly buffs, maybe only buff 35%>50%. More than this will be heavily unbalanced, resets already are instant, when you have at least 3 medic in your team.
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Medics are the worst survivor class in solo q, because they often just waste a bunch of time. The time they save with their increased healing speed, is totally drowned out by how much time they waste running around the map, just to find out that someone else got to the injured or caged survivor first.
For reals, if you want to help heal survivors, it would be better to pick guide, so that injured survivors can run to your highlighted generator if they are struggling to find someone to heal them. 2v8 works best for survivors when the maximum number of survivors are repairing.
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Every match of mine has atleast 2 medics. It seems like scout and guide are the two people don't want to play in my matches.
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with 8 survivors, you get 600% healing if everyone focuses on healing. you don't need more healing. 600% healing is over-kill in the game. the same can be said about that guide gen class. 600% for repair speed is way over-kill. you can finish gens in record time. the fact that gen take less time is kinda weird considering that survivors are 2.5x-3x faster at doing the objective but there is not 3x as many gens. from 5 → 8 is less then 100% generator. it is like 1.7x generator to do and then when you factor in that each gen is less charges, it becomes more like 1.5x or something compare to the normal game. that is why the games are so fast for killer. on top of that, there is no generator regression perks. 100% extra for kicking gens when there is 2x as many survivors barely slows the game down. All in all, Guide & Medic are borderline useless classes. Yes they increase efficiency of the team but the total efficiency is so high that there is little reason to ever select these classes. If they made generator take longer or healing take longer in the mode, there might be real reasons to select Medic/Guide but there is little reason in current version.
Of course, extending chases and shows your teammate aura of the killer increases healing and generator efficiency. It kinda makes sense that Escapist and Scout are so powerful. extend chases/alert killer presence to the team, 4-5x survivor get to sit on generators. almost twice the amount compare to 1vs4 version of the game.
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I've noticed that too, and I play this class exclusively (except when a 2v8 tome challenge requires otherwise). Often I am the only one, sometimes there's just one other.
Personally I like the faster healing and the built-in Leader effect that also speeds up the healing speed of others. It can get you to safety more easily in end-game situations.
And let's be honest: if one of your survivor mains gets a full outfit and can pick a class that suits her perfectly, it would be a shame to not commit to the role!1 -
Hot take Excapist is way to good a class 20 second sprint burst for me and everybody around me WoO for pallets and vaults its busted af
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All that numerical stuff ignores the actual experience in game. As a Healer, I can get people back in the game to do all the gens, without other survivors swarming around. They focus on cracking the gens and making chases, whilst I keep a fast recovery.
You only need one Healer in the group, since the main focus is getting out. However, to say it's useless is just wrong. No amount of mathematics proves contrary.
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on average, healing takes around 8 seconds per health-state. 3 people healing is what, 3 health-state in 24 seconds? you heal 3x as much in what current med-kit does. there is also the fact that most maps are so big that every single killer except billy is unlikely interrupt you if you heal in the corner of the map opposite to the player being chased. too big for them to cross the distance from one end of the map to the other. wraith might get there after like 2 heals.
so yes i would definitely label as useless class. not worth picking over scout and escapist in my opinion. Guide could be worth it if they gave Guide Prove thyself and Deadline like Increased odds to get skill-check. that would be pretty good but current guide is whatever. Likely would need increase # of charges for each gen so that picking guide/generator class makes more sense.
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It's the second best class behind Escapist, but to know this stuff you'd have to be good at the game. And the people who are good at the game stick to gens instead of go for the uncage instantly every time, while someone else who isn't a healer goes for it, thus wasting the point of the healer class. I still think you're better off having 4 Escapists and 4 healers. There's no point in the gen class as long as you're efficient on gens, and there's no point in having more than 1 Scout.
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I mean, escapists can help people not get injured, rescue much faster, and ultimately save a lot more time even without your own survival aspect, same goes for guides, scout still relies on awareness of your teammates though
Strongest power in this game mode is the capability to stop others from injuring/downing, aura reading, speed boost, faster gen speed all does that, healing on the other hands have no such things
If you actually care about teams, you should play other classes, number is too small and map is too big to make the class viable
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I’m gonna be honest… healer feels almost like a detriment to the team. It doesn’t really provide enough information or ability to warrant more than one per team, and really people who role that would be better off selecting guide and sticking to gens. The best way to circumvent injuries is by pushing gens.
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map is too big to make the class viable
Literally all you needed to say. If you think this class should constantly run across the map and only heal each other, then don't blame class in your own bad game understanding.
escapist save a lot more time
This is my favourite, because 80% of time people use like this: wait for killer will start breathing in their faces and then start running. And then eat hatchet, Nurse's blink or Billy/Wraith catch them up in 5 seconds. And ONLY in cases where only one killer hunts you, because against two killers this class literally, and I mean LITERALLY, pointless.
Guide is only useful in terms of saving time if we assume that survivors group up on gens (already less effective tactic, but let's ignore it) and constantly hit great skill checks. Should I continue here? With 50% of people here barely understanding on what button they should do gens? And I can agree that in swf of full experienced people this class can be best, but in real matches, where at least half of team is not your buddys… nah, probably worst.
Scout's the only way to win time is giving wallhack on killer to teammates in chase, and he should be off gen, so I won't even start elaborate on this absolutely L take.
While Medic is guaranteed value no matter what. Yeah, definately worst class, of course. No surprises at all why most people have this opinion.0 -
The amount of time it saves without running around is nigh nonexistent, and the running around is actually detrimental to the team, there is no special complex "understanding" in simple game like this
if you are considering teammates being clueless or useless there is no such things as "strong class" because everything is just meaningless
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The amount of time it saves without running around is nigh nonexistent
Yeah, sure, of course, I will say it next time someone will spawn behind my back / in 10 meters in cage, or some teammate will run into my gen injured, or I will run to next gen and meet someone healing, what happens like at least 5 times every match. Or someone will save me out of cage and heal me faster because of my class. Sure, n o n e x i s t e n t. Considered to play this mode before have some opinion on it?
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An AoE sprint burst on a 20 second cooldown, is by far the most useful survivor class ability.
I would even say the best survivor comp is 8 escapists. Something like 6 escapists and 2 scouts also works, if the scouts are trying to prioritize generators instead of wasting time following the killers around the map.
The only good thing about Guide, is if they purposely try to go for high priority generators that need to be burst down, and hope their solo q teammates run to their highlighted generator. And high priority generators are the biggest cluster of generators, that should be broken up, so when the team is down to 1 generator, the remaining generators are spread apart a good distance.
Medics are useless, and more than 2 medics on the same team is like throwing the game.
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I play healer and i can say its because its boring class and you can't focus solely on healing or otherwise you waste too much time