2v8 is fun but...

ItismeONI Member Posts: 11
edited July 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

there need to be some real changes to happen.

Killers are in a HUGE advantage. Therefore there must be some changes to it to make this mode much more fair. If not this will be just a soft mode for killers only.

  • first change HAS to be the hooks. They need to be back. Hear me out since killers only need to stomp survivors in the ground there are several things which makes it worse for survivors. For example there are no chances to save survivors anymore. Tunneling is much more easier since there is no DS or comparable stuff to get out of a killers grip anymore. So tunneling is much easier and therefore does happen almost all the time. The toxicity is much more lifted now. It is like 2 out of 15 games you maybe can escape.
  • Team up tunneling is also something what should be prevented. Very often the killer just go after the fresh uncaged survivor both together. Not to mention that teaming up makes also looping a killer impossible. Killer which all time see eachother can just watch which way take the other killer than they just go the other way and looping is done, or just not even can be started. This wallhack for eachother need to get rid off too. That is not good since it is already not really possible to escape two killers hunting you but let the killers see each other all the time? Why?
  • Next is the classes, while survivors have fixed classes what is all fine, there need to be more and the possibility of make a indiviual build out of the abilities out of these classes. But these for killers are much better in comparision while the classes of survivors only focus on one thing really these of killers are much more balanced.
  • Maps need to be much bigger. Survivors often are like all stick together and in creates to much chaos and killers have it to easy to find them. Getting hunt by a killer everytime leads to bring them to the other survivors. There is no empty spot more or less.
  • Closing hatches is already a problem but that killers now get a notification where they are opening makes it more useless to even have them in.

I will just say my opinion. These changes would make it a better mode for both sides. Currently it is the very soft mode for killers. And maybe that can still be like that when they bring an additional 2v8 which is more balanced for both sides. I do not know, but this mode is just almost entirely for killers. And anyone who think different that is okay, I played several matches as survivor now and just can tell that the tunneling and toxicity in this mode is lifting into unviersal measurements.

Oh and not to forget I, when I play killer, like to have a fair game, I think about that survivors have to have fun too. That is why I would love in a 2v8 to have the hooks back since that give the survivors a chance to save the carried survivor or themselves if tunneled, even I do not really tunnel, but makes it difficulter since there is a second killer who can maybe help me to save the hook. That would be much more fun and competetive feeling than just stomp them into the ground and walk away. THAT IS PEAK BORING! No chance for survivors to escape or save and no tension for me if somewhere a survivor jumps out of a wall and flash me or tries and get caught by my killer mate. How it is now is EXTREMLY boring you need no care about your surroundings and so on. That is no fun at all.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • Bravobro
    Bravobro Member Posts: 167

    Chill this is a Party Mode. A Chaos Goofy fun ######### for people with fun in His live. Your Problems are more for the mmr Games.

    I played both Sides Manny Times now and the Games Go 50/50 win rate in the end. Both Sides win 9 Times. So this is way better than the normal Mode.

  • ItismeONI
    ItismeONI Member Posts: 11

    Okay first thing I am glad that your matches are that good mine are not. So even if your matches were not like that you maybe just had luck with them. Tunneling just is even more happening BECAUSE there are more survivors and killers already often tend to lose focus at 4 survivors in normal matches already when it comes to who they hunted or who just was unhooked with 8 survivors who run into each other all the time often tunneling just happens due to the chaos in this mode. That would not be the problem but often it also is intentionally. And I still am happy for you that you had so nice matches, but that is not a measurement for all the other survivors here. I think most will have huge trouble with tunneling in the matches.

    How can have more hooks and to pick up survivors while you killer teammate helps you on 8 survivors be more a nightmare than be one killer with 4 survivors with the same mechanic? But faire enough the survivors should have 10 gens to make. But yet just stomp them eliminates every chance to save yourself or others. When that would be a nightmare to you than should the normal mode a nightmare too do you not think? Because it would be litterally the same as that. In this mode just stomp the survivors makes it hilariously easy for killers sry. And for me it is not so much fun as hunt back a saved survivor or the one who saved the other together with my killer mate.

    Also there are only two hateches not three! And what makes it worth have two hatches when killers get notificated over them?`

    I do not know what matches you played though but I think you much more bump into each other here. Sure they are slightly bigger but yet it is still not good. Killers do not really need to search.

    Dude for real? It should be the normal mode just doubled everything. Not an entirely new mode to again, like every mode till now, make it very extrem soft for killers. And your respond to the hooks just proves my point. YOU can not play it normal that is why you do not want it normal, cause in normal you think it is a nightmare. Does that not proves my point that there is no interest in having a normal mode because it always have to be hilariously easy for killers? I mean for real as survivor there are no changes on the pro side NO there almost all have much more cons. I mean you can only chose classes which is fine, but it always is not balanced. All just take the runners. Killers can almost all the time see survivors and see eachother everywhere. Survivors do not! Why do the killers? Not to make it extrem easy am I not right? To see each other the whole time makes it SO easy to prevent every try to loop the killer. Does that sound any fair to you than it again proves my point that you do not want any normal mode because it is to much for you. Why has it to be so soft for killers and not normal?`If not interested in normal game modes why even play this game than? And think about it if that still will not be changed this mode will be dead soon. Why as a survivor you want to play a mode which is only for the sake of the killers?

    It is all fine no worries and I hope you will not get me disrespectful either. I just want to say that it is just too easy for killers. And I am really happy that your matches was not like mine. But I face this tunneling stuff in normal mode already and in this mode that is just too easy. I mean for real I got tunneled every single match. Without any exception. And not me alone but the others in our team as well. Sometimes that was sure not intentional but often it was. And since you can not free yourself or be saved it looks pretty much unfair in my eyes when you are tunneled out of the match at 8 gens already.

    I really hope you do not feel disrespect you. It is okay to have other views on it. I always want to find better ways. My points I made only was an idea how it could be better.

    I also had the idea that the cage stomp not entirely get rid off but switched to for example after first hook or when the survivor first got a certain thing triggered like it is with Pyramidhead. Not so easy for killers you know? I can understand that it is fun but I also want it in a normal way. That is why I said it could be made like two 2v8 modes one like this and one where it is with hooks and so on. Why just only one mode? Devs could just make it like one is the fun mode or casual and one is for ranked or so? What do you think.

    I do not think that with hooks it would be a nightmare it would be much more fun when there is a flashlight save that your killermate hunts the one who saves and you hunt the saved one you know. Like it is in this mode for me it kinda is no challenge to be honest.

    Anyway your opinion is important even though I partly do not share it it is okay and do not feel attacked or so I will not as well I promise you

  • ItismeONI
    ItismeONI Member Posts: 11

    Again that is nice to hear, but only cause it was like that in your matches that does not goes for everyone out here sry. As such as what I face, yet I think it is much often the case than these lucky games you had.

    Anyways why does it have to be always a goofy fun party mode? I mean every critic on a mode which is in fact NOT a party mode like you said but a test so they learn what is not good in their first approach to change it will be downtalked to yeah it is a party mode. It simply is not meant as a party mode. It is a test for this mode and it is VERY important to see the experiences EVERYONE is making and look what this mode need to be adjusted.

    So tell me why it comes down to yea it is a party mode? IT NEVER IS, you just make it to one because you want it like that? And sry to tell you but that is simply not a fun mode it would be much more fun to really have some sort of real challenge which it is not really. If you are really after it no one will get away. You have to make it funny that it is a fun mode. I just think it is too boring to be called a fun mode. But I see that you see it as a fun mode.

    Also I would not adress it as a problem I simply would say keep it as a mode for people who just want to have a boring chaos match for fun and made another a bit more serious mode of it which is more oriented at the normal 1v4 mode. Because not everyone just like it how it works at the moment. And when I for example play killer I want the thrill of survivors have the chance to escape, and I do not need to see my killermate all the time cause that sure makes it easier but also pretty much unfair. And I think that is just too much advantage.

    So I am pretty chill I just say it should at least been split in two version the silly boring mode and a bit more serious one.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,168
    edited July 2024

    speaking as someone who mains survivor - I don’t miss the hooks at all. I don’t ever want them back.

    Post edited by jajay119 on
  • ItismeONI
    ItismeONI Member Posts: 11

    First of all you are wrong sry. There is no such thing like immunity to camping or tunneling. I LITTERALLY WAS TUNNELED EVERY SINGLE ROUND! I have litterally seen it that I was tunneled like hell. So your immunity to tunneling is debunked. Next is the camping. Sure that does not happen when we just look at the cages which switch places if killers stay too long and that they have no need to slug and camp a downed survivor because they simply stomp them away. That is a illusion of immunity here, because how can you be immune to something the killers simply do not need anymore, cause it is ridicoulously easy to hook survivors now? I do not even need to debunk that because that even is no problem anymore since killers do not have to use it anymore but they would if it would work WE BOTH KNOW THAT!

    And yea that with the gens could be changed to 10 that is something even I do not like, yet survivors are not really in a massive advantage.

    So you already have a mode which is so hliariously easy for killers and still want new buffs? While survivors in this mode almost can do nothing to save others? Sry but I do not agree but respect your opinion. I just do not agree to it.

    It is a extrem easy mode for killers from what I saw. But I think this debate will never calm if I try it more so I keep it here.

  • ItismeONI
    ItismeONI Member Posts: 11

    Clearly you do misunderstand the concept of tunneling. Tunneling is when you as a killer go after a survivor which is freshly unhooked NO MATTER if you do it intentionally or not. And sry to tell you but when you as killer do not get when you tunnel someone you are the one who have a look on it. I do not say that both killers need to watch who the other hooked that is just too much but when I get unhooked and instantly get hunted by the same killer again is in fact a form of tunneling cause he should know he got me before. And before you come around with another pointless argument, THE SAME KILLER WHEN HE AFTER ME DID NOT HUNT ANYONE ELSE HE JUST SAW ME AND BREAK THE HUNT OF SOMEONE OR JUST GO RIGHT AFTER ME OR EVEN HIT ME WHEN I GET HEALED AFTER HE SAW ME GOT UNHOOKED! When that in your eyes is immunity to tunneling than tell me what it is what I experienced? MAGIC?

    But let me guess you just come and tell me what I said is no tunneling only to twist it how you want it to be, I know that kind of argumentation and let me tell you if you do say it like that or so I will not answer you anymore. That is no discussion that is twisting reality.

    Immunity only can happen when something is still a thing and becomes all of a sudden not working anymore. To call it an immunity while it is not even needed anymore that does not give us an immunity it just eliminates the need of it for the killers. Because if they would find a way to camp or slug in any form THEY WOULD DO IT AND THERE IS NOTHING TO MAKE US REALLY IMMUNE TO IT! If they would know how to prevent the cages from change places and still been able to camp they would to it and I am sure they will somehow find out.

    Killer litterally have 200% genregression and can try to keep survivors from gens they do not lost it. Not to mention that these slowdowns you mention also are linked to certain killers Pentimento for example, if the crowlady would be a killer for these mode FOR SURE THERE WOULD BE THE GEN SLOWDOWN. That is just currently till they maybe add the other killers. Survivors maybe got a speed perk for gens yeah but what I saw does the most not even take it with. I do not overestimate it I SAW IT! I litterally said that just two okay now 3 games out of over 20 are a escape. So what are you talking? And I mean not me alone but ALL of them or maybe two survived.

    Anyway I do not think that this mode is survivor sided if it would why does it have such a bad ratio, why more tunneling and toxicity and so on? Sure because I am the one with the misunderstanding because sure what I experience have to be false because you did not experienced it.

  • k3ijus
    k3ijus Member Posts: 279

    My entire time playing i not once saw one survivior tunneled,camped, or slugged. And ive been playing the event since it came out.

  • ElodieSimp
    ElodieSimp Member Posts: 388
    edited July 2024

    Killer has a big advantage right now, which is fine. I get it, it's hard to balance a 2v8. It really comes down to map balance that BHVR seems to refuse to do so Killer doesn't have to run miles to get into a chase and survivor doesn't have to worry about being curb stomped into the ground right out the gate.

    One thing I would of liked seeing is remove the possible slugging, I'd even be fine with testing if the killer leaves the downed survivor that they get auto-caged but with a possibility of self-unhooking (like a 30-40%).

    "Party game" "chaos mode" etc what people are calling it, after a few games you realize it's just not fun, especially playing survivor. (opinion, fun is subjective).

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    Those claiming tunnelling is not happening…. lol, just ignore them as they clearly are disingenuous. I am being tunnelled frequently off hook and it is clearly very intentional and it is sad to see in a supposedly casual fun game match.

    I do feel this mode is heavily killer sided unless the killer players are hopelessly inept and inexperienced as killers so it can make for a very frustrating experience, combined with the fact MMR is clearly off in this mode so the plays from other survivors are… questionable at best.

  • joeyspeehole
    joeyspeehole Member Posts: 185

    I was just waiting in the survivor queue for the regular game and it was a long wait for survivor. Either everyone in waiting in queue to play killer in the 2 vs 8 mode or survivors are boycotting the game.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    I've played on both sides and won more than half of my survivor matches, usually by a huge margin.

    The one I lost were mostly because of a bad team.

    Same for killer.

    Tunneling isn't possible in this game. Stumbling on a "podded" survivor is just "luck" and unless an idiot delivers him right in front of the killer he is moved away.

    The mode is fine as it is. Making it easier for either side would be giving free wins to the incompetent.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,060

    Hard disagree with the hooks, cages was a smart move in this mode.

    It does limit the killer interactions available to survivors, but with 8 players, survivors would just body block the hooks with 4 people and make hooking impossible.

    And that's not the only problem with hooks, just one of the biggest.

  • ItismeONI
    ItismeONI Member Posts: 11

    When you do not get that the person you hunt you hunted before you clearly do not care about that. Also if that happens by accident it is fine, just to say that it leaves 7 untouched is basically right but the change that you just need to hit him down again since he is still hurt and stomp him back to the cage makes it no time loss here. It is really not that hard to get.

  • ItismeONI
    ItismeONI Member Posts: 11

    I am glad you did not experienced it. Not to mention that camping and slugging is not nessesary for killers in this mode it is no wonder you did not face it. But tunneling I faced a lot. And also intentionally when they saw me got unhooked and go after me. Sry that is a form of tunneling because they do not go after the person who got me but me. If all of you say that is no tunneling FINE just do it like all do. It still is a form of tunneling.

  • ItismeONI
    ItismeONI Member Posts: 11

    Yeah you guys are right. And I saw that every time you as a user of this forum try to say that it is clearly a issue in this game you get downtalked like hell. But still I try to say what is not working and I am glad to see that there are still people who say their minds too.

    And now to the others

    Neaxolotl it is clear that you try to polarise with your statements. You do not care in listening that someone face a certain issue cause YOU do not face it and since you do not face it it can not be real right? That is why you can say your mind but please do not wonder if it is seen as bad intention of the people here. Nobody says you can not tell what you think but it seems like you just try to provoke an argument.

    Mate it is happy to read that your matches worked out that well. And it is nice. But still only you face it means not that is a measurement for everyone as such as my experiences are not like you see. Yet I still think tunneling happesn a lot and also very intentional. Or do you think only you did not cage a survivor it is no tunneling go after a survivor YOU SAW got unhooked? If not fine but than where is any need to talk on with you? Cause clearly you twist it like you want it.

    Tunneling is extremly possible in this mode. It even happen just naturally because killers do not care anymore in focus not to. They just without any thinking that makes tunneling almost all matches a basic part of this mode. Killers do not care anymore.

    And you like this mode that is fine. Look it is okay to me when they keep this mode for people like you who likes it. That is fine to me, but why not make another 2v8 mode for people who do not like it how it is? Why is that a problem for you guys? For real!

    This mode is without any doubt only for killers. And also only for these killers who 24/7 claims that the normal mode is a nightmare or to hard and so on what is funny considering the fact that it has already a 40/60 ratio in killers favor. All killers who always want more buffs on their side and all nerfs on survivor side LOVE this mode cause it is their dream they do not need to even try really they can tunnel now naturally and call it an "immunity" because they do not have to justify their toxic behaviour anymore cause it just happens and they claim it does not. So clearly this mode is your dream and just fine. Cause I do not think you really focus either. Playing without really care what really happens in the match.

    And again I am happy when your matches are good and so on and you like it I am just fine with out. But please do not make your experiences the only one care here. Know what the best way to find out which kind of this mode would been better is make a 2v8 mode WITH hooks and a normal mechanic and the one with this mechanic. In that way they just could let the playerbase decide which is better do you not think? And when NO SURVIVORS WILL PLAY IN THIS MODE NOW ANYMORE you got your answer that your experiences are not these which are the majority.

    Hard disagree to you too. Cages are not a smart move at least not right from the start. The limitation of the killer interactions ARE the problem here. There need to be any chance to help the other survivors. But since they just kick you in the ground it is no chance anymore. Not to forget that looping too is not possible since they just can flank you.

    By the way noticed any of you defenders of this mode that none of you ever said any word to my point about the looping? That is why you always try to defend the points you think you can. That is normal behaviour that you only focus on points you think you can speak against but these you have nothing to say against you just erase out of your memory. That also shows that all of the other points too only got speaken out to because you can not say anything more to the key issues. Anyway for me it shows that it is a poor try.

    And to the body blocking point you made sry to tell you but I think they already changed it that that is no thing anymore or they just could change it then. That you can not body blocking hooks. No one says that that has to be a thing then.

    Oh and thanks that you mention body blocking cause that too happens EXTREMLY often in this mode especially from the wraith players. Toxic as hell do you not think? Let me guess you do not!

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    If you know what "tunneling" means, you know it's not possible here.

    If you don't, well …

  • TheRivulet
    TheRivulet Member Posts: 40
    edited July 2024

    First of all, No

    Second of all, No

    And finally... No

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    Fundamentally with how the 2v8 rules are set up, the killers are at a massive disadvantage as gen times were shortened and gens needed to complete weren't doubled alongside everything else.

    The problem is that it's far harder for the game to match 8 survivors of equal skill when the game already struggles doing that with 4 survivors.

  • nodforkiss
    nodforkiss Member Posts: 196

    its near impossible to tunnel in this mode yet alone you getting tunneled EVERY match. you either have zero idea about what "tunneling" means or you are straight up trolling.

  • ItismeONI
    ItismeONI Member Posts: 11

    Or and hold on for a second I JUST GOT TUNNELED. Really not hard to get only cause you want to twist that it absolutly is possible. But anyway the level of delusion you guys drive shows it is not even nessesary to say anything anymore. You guys are lost cause you only want to make your opinions become true.

    I am done with congratulations all you guys are the reason this game is in a dying state

  • ItismeONI
    ItismeONI Member Posts: 11

    Okay played some more matches again as survivor. And guys when I got stomped into the cage DIRECTLY after I got out of it by the same killer, or the others too THAT IS TUNNELING. I even saw a Kate which LITTERALLY got stomped 3 times in a row by one and the same killer after she got out of cage!!!!!!!! What else than tunneling can that be in your delusional eyes. That is my prove that you only twist it how you want it to be or what would be even worse you are so far away from stay focused on what happens in your matches that you guys do not even notice when there is any form of tunneling.


  • Astorand
    Astorand Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    Maybe a class that specifies anti-camp, one that gives more endurance on unhook as well as stealth. Nothing too strong but that way it's just another option for survs to pick as a class.