Predatory Marketing by BHVR

I dont want a million Ads when for other games when booting up DBD thank you.
I alredy knew of the existance of frank stone game you dont need to run after me with it blasting it in my ears. Dont do this ever again…
Same goes btw by putting the purchasable characters in the character selection at random places as opposed to before where they were at the bottom, being nice and organized now its a total and utter mess. I have never seen such a bad character selection UI its gotta be the worst selection UI ever in history.
Yea I am not fan of "Hey how about you buy this?" when just starting up the game in your face first thing you will see.
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A million Ads? It's one! And you can immediately click it away. Get over it
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You mean to say "its the first one" Its obnoxious af.
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exactly, its so "IN YO FACE" but what do you expect from BHVR at this point.
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It's- AFAIK- the first side kick of the DBD Universe. Of course it gets promoted since it's linked together.
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Yeah I think I'm with this guy. It's one ad from the announcements tab just saying that the official release date for Frank Stone is whatever day. And you can, as stated, immediately get out of it. Sure the fact that it comes up automatically can be annoying, but y'know what? It makes sense because the devs wanna get us hype for the new thing
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So they gonna annoy us with pop ups with other future games made by them too? god!
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I get wanting to get us hyped. But guess what, they have social media for that. Now im not hyped at all i saw frank stone in the anniversary stream and was alredy not interested and now they shove it in my face again.
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Okay, I step out.. If one mouse click is really that annoying for you I've got nothing more to say
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Plenty of people don't use social media or have time to catch livestreams.
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its one on every start up dear.. not only 1 time.
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then promote it in the "news" section.
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It's just 1 one and it's their own game, related to the DBD universe. Also if you bothered to read you would've seen that you can select "don't show me this message again" and be done with it, instead of being so dramatic. They're a company at the end of the day, you expect them NOT to promote their own game that is another branch of DBD?
As for the skins they have already mentioned that they're going to revert some aspects.
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Some people don't have socials and some didn't watch the stream. The announcements could be the only way some people hear about the release date.
Frankly, I think you're just trying to have an excuse to be upset and want people on your side over a non-issue. Like Xyphus above me said, if this is really such a big deal to you there's no way to help you out.
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Wdym skins? i have not complained about the skins at all.
And yeah i saw the checkmark 3 times when i checked it today, and it popped up still. Thats why im a little bit angry atm.4 -
Quick heads up, there's a checkbox at the bottom of the screen that'll make it so you never see it again. If you don't want to see it anymore, we absolutely understand that and we don't want to force it on you.
As HaunterofShadows mentioned above, many people don't follow the game on social media or keep up with livestreams. We still want to let them know that there is a new game coming in the DBD universe in case it's of any interest to them.
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I JUST stated i had checkmarked it 3 times by now and it didnt remember. what????
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It's irrelevant. We paid for your game and then you decide to make an ad revenue which forces you to look at it in the first place. This is truly a one of a kind game that does that. If it was a free to play game or mobile game then I would of understand.
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It's not, other games do it all the time. Perhaps you haven't seen it yet, but it is a marketing tactic. Sometimes it goes over well and sometimes it doesn't. I don't think it's so much up to the Devs but more so the company side of BHVR.
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Then it's the type of games that I never play for a very good reason. I don't support this evil practice.
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Can we have a checkbox to bypass the mandatory chapter video too? When I double click on the DBD icon, I just want to get directly to the main menu.
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I understand where you're coming from.
What surprises me though is the fact that companies don't realise that when they use these sorts of tactics often, that 1: people will become desensitised to it. I zone out and no longer even see it, I'm just clicking until I get to the game without even actually looking. 2: it only creates frustration and instead of becoming interested in the product, people will hate it out of spite lol.
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Advertising = evil ?
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This, please! I don't remember seeing the ad that's talked about here (maybe I hid it right away?), but having a loud start up movie auto play right away has annoyed me for so long!
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I wouldn't mind getting this kind of awareness ad when it's released, but being asked to preorder it was a bit gauche. I wouldn't have really raised an eyebrow except for it feels DBD has gotten much more marketing-forward this past year or two; the FOMO cosmetics, the UI turning everything into the store, putting weekly freebies in the store so that people come and look, etc.
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Please oh please oh please. I like watching the chapter video the first time, and then it's just a mandatory timewaster and extra click screen I have to wait for. (As memetic as it was to be called POOR by Vecna or be told that it wasn't programmed to harm the crew every time I booted up DBD…)
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yeah maybe if it was alredy released i wouldve seen it in a diffrent light also. I personally dont get the need for fomo cosmetics either, like they can make money off of cosmetics no matter what, if people like the cosmetics they will buy them eventually.
I for example have a monthly limit i put on myself to spend for games. When bhvr comes around with cosmetics but they are only available for a period of time, it depends if my limit aint reached yet wheter im buying them or not, if the cosmetics are not available next month and i had'nt bought them yet, bad luck i guess. Fomo doesnt work well on cosmetics i believe, it shows these marketing strategysts dont understand gamers in the slightest lol. I guess it will even get some people to not buy anything out of spite.
The UI is downright bad, ruining the character selection and hiding custimizations tab for no reason, it was completely fine before.Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
I only had one ad for TCOFS and it hasn't popped up again since that first time. It didn't bother me at all but if you're repeatedly getting it then yeah that would be annoying.
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Some people get so angry at the most trivial things. Like how is it predatory to advertise a game briefly on a loading screen that's made by BHVR & actually has a direct link to DBD, but as a single player horror game?
Get a grip of yourself 😂
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Jeez I didn't think it was that big of an issue, I just clicked to not see it again and that was that.
I despise advertising with a passion but I cant begrudge them a single notification I can choose to never see again regarding one of their own upcoming games.
Now if it was a pop up for insurance, a VPN or G Fuel etc… then I would definitely be VERY angry
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Its predatory to keep giving me the pop up even though i have put the checkmark. How can you not understand such a basic thing?
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oh so nice you can choose to not see it again, thanks for rubbing it in my face. I cant, it keeps showing up every time i boot.
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Some of you are completely overreacting. Using terms like "evil" and "predatory" to describe BHVR showing you a trailer for one of their upcoming projects. There are a lot of evil and predatory things in the world, this is not one of them.
You erode the meaning of those words when you constantly use them like this.
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GUYS CHILL it's ONE pop up and you simply have to press ONE button to remove it which takes ONE second. Are your attention spans so short that a one second pop up feels like a long time??
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People liek to convieniently ignore that im over and over again explaining it happens EVERY time i boot up. and YES i check marked it and still its not remembering it.
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It is pretty Trashy to force it every start up on your players, once is more than enough.
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How else do you expect them to advertise new things? Not everyone has access to social media...
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well do it once but not on every new start up
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Okay but the announcement tab only comes up when something new is out, which is like once a week. Are you talking about that or the video that plays for the new chapter every time?
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im talking about the COFST window. it pops up EVERY time even though i checkmarked it to not show again. And this is the 4th time i have to write this down at some point i'll believe people ignore it on purpose.
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Some of yall really need to get a grip… It shows up once for like a second. It's not that serious lol. It's a small advert, not a threat to life for christ sake.
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It shows up every damn time i boot the game
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Lmao I don't think you should step outside then, there is advertisements everywhere. It's like going to the store to get some bread and saying the store is evil for advertising some cola at the entrance. The image I have in my head is when you go outside....head looking at the floor, hands over your eyes muttering crazily "must not see evil adverts" Don't open your eyes and expose yourself to this evil! This post truly made me laugh 😂
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It's not supposed to. I don't think you're getting that.
For everyone else, it was a one time pop up that they cleared in two seconds and never had to deal with again. This is a you problem, and is why people are saying you are overreacting.
Have you ever edited the config files for the game at all, to uncap your framerate or anything similar? If so, that may be your problem.
For months, I would get the notification about the new prestige system every single time I booted the game, and none of my keybinds or audio changes would persist between sessions.
The problem was my config file was set to read only, something I had done to unlock my frame cap and subsequently forgot about.
Check to see if you share this problem.
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Its really not that big of a deal. Its dbd related. Why wouldn't they want to showcase this especially if people arent on social media. For MOST of us its one click to say we dont want to see it again. Yall act like your getting hit with non stop ad after ad after ad. Like lets be for real. It takes you 1 click to make it never pop up again unless its "Bugged" which can and does happen. Lord….
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There's nothing predatory about BHVR marketing their new game in there other game that the new game is canonically related to.
As far BHVR's new focus on the marketplace I kinda get it, most of the original characters are dirt cheap now so the real money is from cosmetics and in all fairness adding the feature to preview different mix and matched sets is pretty considerate of them. If BHVR really wanted to be scumbags and be predatory they could have not added that and forced people to buy each individual outfit if they wanted to see different combinations.
The game may break a lot and the balance may be questionable at times but I never really thought outside of the Pinhead NFT fiasco BHVR had bad business practices especially compared to many other companies.
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Not everyone is active on social media. I don't have a twitter account or facebook account, so I usually get updates on the game straight from steam. It actually takes me a while to find patchnotes anywhere if they didn't mention them on steam.
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Did the checkmark to not see the ad ever get worked out by chance? Every time I open the game on ps4/ps5, it pops up with a full-screen ad that I checkmark everytime to not see again, yet it doesn't matter. It's rather annoying saying I don't want to see it again just for it to show up regardless.