this will balance 2v8

killswitch huntress for the remainder of the gamemode
Please no, I don't want even more Trappers.
Hearing her hum means at least one of the killers isn't Trapper. And Huntress is 10000 times more fun to play against.
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Is Huntress bugged?
No?Then the killswitch isn't needed. Dodge hatchets.
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I quit after the second day because I got so sick of playing against huntress every match. More killer variety is definitely needed if this mode is ever going to be a long term thing.
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Did you get cross snipe by one?
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I don't know about that, but it would be funny to see her hatchets be able to hit her teammate.
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Huntress do not need to be killswitch in 2v8
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Trapper is weak in the base game, bot boi does he excel as a support killer. I had the main building in the Red Forest map completely locked down, one trap around a corner got 4 different survivors. That house was a literal deathtrap, and yet was it inevitable that the survivors had to loop there.
Naughty Bear ate well that night.
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We don't do that here. We just complain until everything gets nerfed into the dirt.
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Lmfao delete huntress then we have a deal
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Delete knight.
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No 1 killer in this mode is OP. Maybe Nurse, but I haven't seen any flawless Nurse players like we see in standard.
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Why limit it to just 2v8? Remove her everywhere.
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trapper is also the bane of my existence. i already have to pay attention to so many things, please not traps on top.
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Man huntress really got y'all in the feels lol. Them hatchets hurt don't they
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I feel like players queuing up to play Huntress are at least one of the reasons why the Killer queue times are so insane. She's in nearly every trial.
I mean, 10 hatchets and near constant aura reveals… Yeah, I think BHVR might have over buffed her for this one.
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Killswitch the viable killer in already extremely survivor favored game mode, it doesn't makes sense in slightest
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Huntress isn't the problem, its everything else.
Trapper: Weak for 6 years, never got the rework he needed in favor of random buffs, 2v8 is extremely stressful for him especially when facing multiple scouts.
Hillbilly: Overnerfed for this gamemode on top of being difficult, also map dependant and sometimes outclassed by Wraith.
Nurse: High skill floor, but even with the buffs she is so uncomfortable to play for so many people that for years most meta sweatlords rather play weaker Killers like Blight or Spirit instead.
Wraith: Not necessarily much wrong with him but rather boring compared to most Killers, no access to his more fun add-ons.
It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that Huntress is by FAR the most popular character in this gamemode.
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they need to get rid of the constant in-game wallhacks. on the contrary hillbilly's chainsaw should be an instadown again. it should be concerning why huntress is more effective than both hillbilly and nurse in this mode. just the fact that there's another killer to force survivors out of cover makes her too strong.
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So survivors lose scout and ridiculous sprintburst too
The fact killers are using two killers to down a survivor, should already almost guarantee at least 6 escapes if they ACTUALLY do gens, problem is in survivors, not in killers
You can see that if you actually look at what other survivors are doing
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With getting rid of the constant in-game wallhacks, you are talking about scout right? The perk that makes Trapper unviable?
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So to reiterate, Huntress is not bugged and the real issue is overuse of aura reading?
So why isn't that the topic?4 -
that is the topic, i think you need to take a look at the title again. it has always been "this will balance 2v8" not "fix this bug"
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nope i was talking about huntress's wallhacks, but feel free to complain about scout class if you want. i dont play it myself anyways
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The title is 'This will balance 2v8" and immediately says "Killswitch Huntress" with no mention of the aura reading that you actually have a problem with.
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to survivors mains who don't have they broken 2nd change perks who want to loop the killers for all 8 gens makes sense to them.
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Wraith + Billy sticking together all match is miserable to go against though.
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Any killer combination sticking together is miserable to go against, doesn't mean they can win with that
It's just the way it works
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There are literally 5 killers to choose from, and 2 killers.
Statistically there's a 45% chance that your game has a huntress in it.
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The thing that needs to be "kill switched" is the amount of aura read. OMFG. If i get "sniped" after getting off hook because a gen gets done and i immediately go down where is the enjoyment there? Getting saved just to get immediately downed… If you don't want to call it tunneling we need a new word apparently. Every 5 seconds im revealed. This is just overpowered as hell.
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If there's statistically only a 45% chance of her being in a 2 vs 8 trial, why is she in nearly 100% of mine? I swear if two of the same Killers could be chosen in 2 Vs 8, almost every trial would be Vs 2 Huntresses.
From what I've experienced, popularity in this mode is:
- Huntress (by a long way)
- Trapper / Wraith (Trapper is slightly more popular)
- Billy
- Nurse
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My friend and i have been playing trapper/ huntress duo since it came out. Super effective 90% win rate lol
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Hahaha this made me laugh XD
Yeah, I think Huntress is the most popular killer choice. But the solution probably lies in making other killers more fun. And like I heard from a streamer, the solution to the awful killer queue times in 2v8 would probably be best fixed by making the survivor role more engaging/fun. Like, crafting things, or assembling. Adding something new and different, so it's not just doing gens.
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Given that billy is a hard support, he will likel,y be picked less, and nurse is generally perceived as harder to play.
So a 45% chance assumes they have equal pick rates.If you look at nightlight, huntress has twice the pick rate of both of these killers. So you are statistically going to see her far more often when there are only 5 killers to choose from.
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I support. Like 90% of my matches are huntress.