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Hardened not working properly with Scene Partner

Member Posts: 3

The new Lara Croft perk 'Hardened' is not working properly with Nicolas Cage's perk 'Scene Partner'. As per the description of Scene Partner, whenever you are in the killer's terror radius and look at the killer, you will scream and reveal the killer's aura for 5 seconds. You may also produce additional screams afterwards which would extend the aura reading by 2 seconds for each additional scream.

However, Hardened suppresses the scream, and should instead give you 5 seconds of aura reading without the screaming effect, and potentially additional aura reading if there were additional screams triggered by Scene Partner. Currently, when Hardened is active and with Scene Partner equipped, the survivor will simply not scream, without providing any aura reading.

I had tried Scene Partner with Calm Spirit when Nicolas Cage was released, and not getting any aura in that instance made sense, as the aura reading would be granted after screaming as a result of Scene Partner. In this case, Hardened would be the perk providing aura reading, not Scene Partner, so 5 or more seconds of aura reading should be granted upon the scream being suppressed.

I am currently playing on PC through Steam.

3 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

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  • Member Posts: 9,702

    This isn't a bug. Scene Partner doesn't trigger if you have an effect that blocks your ability to scream. Since the perk never triggers, Hardened never triggers as a result.

  • Member Posts: 264

    yeah i tried something simmilar with calm spirit, nothing just happens as intented.

  • Member Posts: 1,596

    But Scene partner does not trigger BECAUSE Hardened suppresses it. And wenn Hardened suppresses a scream, you see the aura. It just doesn't add up.

    If the perks stay the way they are, Hardened should at least get its description adjusted to "suppress KILLER INFLICTED screams". The scream effect of Dramaturgy does also not work with Hardened, so ..

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    No screams are being suppressed. Scene Partner checks if the survivor is capable of screaming before it activates. Since it doesn't activate, no scream happens for hardened to block it.

    This is the same reason why Calm Spirit and Scene Partner don't allow the survivor to see the killer's aura without screaming.

  • Member Posts: 2,092

    This is not stated in Scene Partner's description, and the scream IS suppressed. That's exactly what the word "suppress" means. The descriptions need to be changed or the perks need to work together. One or the other. I tested this out myself, in the end, neither perk works and I'm sure anyone else who tried this would be confused as well. ONE of the perks should work, because both are stated in their description in a way that would mean ONE of them would at least work. If a scream isn't suppressed, scene partner should show the killer's aura. If a scream IS suppressed(like it is with this perk combo), Hardened should work.

    Likely what you say is true, that the game checks to see if you can scream, and if you can't, the perk just doesn't activate any of it's abilities at all, making it completely useless, to prevent Calm Spirit from working, but Calm Spirit ONLY suppresses screams, so it makes sense that it wouldn't work together, if the screaming is what triggers the aura read, but the aura read from HARDENED should trigger in the case of Hardened, because both have aura reading, and there is only one other way to trigger yourself to scream, being Dramaturgy(and I've heard the aura read also doesn't work from that), making Hardened a useless perk unless the KILLER brings specific things. Hardened has a difficult enough time getting triggered to begin with, needing one of 5 totems to not be cleansed, and for you to find it, as well as 1 of 3(?) chests to not be opened in the same match. It at least requires enough setup for this perk combo to be allowed, especially considering without it, there's no build you can really put Hardened in.

  • Member Posts: 9,702
    edited July 2024

    It's worked like this since Calm Spirit. If Scene Partner didn't require you to be able to scream then you could use Calm Spirit to block the screaming and still see the aura from the perk.

    Calm Spirit and an activated Hardened simply prevent Scene Partner from being able to activate in the first place.

    Also Hardened will block screams from being hit or hooked so it doesn't require the killer to bring certain things to get some value from it.

  • Member Posts: 2,092

    The scream from Scene Partner being required to see the aura, is plausible, not stated, but plausible. The only way to figure that out is to run them together yourself and test. That said, the scream being prevented, is that scream being suppressed. Meaning HARDENED should show the aura. Being hit or hooked doesn't give any relative information. You get no value out of either of those.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    The perk doesn't activate at all when you have something blocking your ability to scream. It's been like this since Calm Spirit.

  • Member Posts: 2,092

    And it isn't documented in it's description. You can make the excuse for Calm Spirit not activating, because it's only job is literally to suppress screams. Hardened, however does not only suppress screams, but activates it's own aura reading. That would make this a bug, until either the description changes or something is changed.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    You can't make an excuse for Calm Spirit, because it works the same for both scream blocking perks. The perk does not activate due to the other perks being equipped so there's no scream to block for Hardened's aura reading.

  • Member Posts: 2,092

    You could, because one could assume that the reason it doesn't work with calm spirit is because the scream is blocked, signifying that the scream, is the trigger for the aura read. Hardened prevents the scream AND gives aura reading, therefore, it has no such excuse. Point being, this is the case of either a bug, or something not being documented in a perk description, and I think it's more the case of it being a bug, because it's just not reasonable to not have a description signifying it won't work with a perk that could ONLY have a valuable use with 2 survivor perks, otherwise making it entirely rely on the killer's loadout. If Hardened prevents the scream, Hardened should show auras. If the scream isn't prevented, Scene Partner should work. Neither of these is the case and there's no REASONABLE explanation, given the descriptions of both perks, that the half of one perk that actually works doesn't trigger it's secondary effect.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    Scene Partner is disabled when you have an effect that prevents screams active. It's been like this since the perk came out and perk tried it with Calm Spirit.

    Hardened is simply not preventing a scream, it's disabling a perk.

  • Member Posts: 2,092

    Hardened IS preventing the scream. If Hardened wasn't equipped, the character would scream. That means, by definition, Hardened is preventing the scream. A perk is not meant to be "disabled" unless there are stated conditions for it to be disabled. That means it's a bug. Also, after seeing the top of this page, it was forwarded to the team, so it looks like someone thinks something's up.

  • Member Posts: 264
    edited August 2024

    Hardened DOES trigger with a Dramaturgy scream, so shoud Scene Partner aswell, imo

    Edit: tested it and nope, just nothing happens.

    Post edited by Karth on

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