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Red area glitch worse than I thought

bobo0216 Member Posts: 4
edited July 30 in Bug Reporting



Public lobby with one friend. killer, me and one other survivor on Pc, 4th survivor and my friend on console, friend is on xbox specifically.

So me and a friend noticed that on this map (haven't tested the other maps that the red squares can be found on) you can walk around the outside of the map. The exit gates were already open and we could have left but we stayed and decided to test if we could get to the exist from outside, we did and we escaped. We went into another match I brought an offering to take us to Azarovs and we beelined to a red area to test, I did more testing myself while my friend stayed still to get crows to see if the killer (nurse) would stop the game so we could test this but its hard to talk cross platform with random people you've never met before and will probably never meet again. We got their attention but they just left us till we were the last two survivors. I figured out that if you fall off the edge decently far from the red area you get sent back to where you spawned in on the map. Or at least that's where I was being sent to. Eventually the nurse blinked into the exit area behind the gate with us and it was figured out that we could still be interacted with by the killer like normal so nothing weird about that part. We were unable to leave the map by going to the area the killer gets blocked from but the killer could not get past the spikes that I presume blocked them. I fell off the edge on purpose and then I did the remaining generators while the Nurse watched me as I presume they figured that since they cant hook us if we were locked in the exit area and we could just go past the spikes without leaving there wasn't anything either side could do without gens being done or me and my friend both going back in the map. I understand that this was technically exploiting a glitch but me and my friend did not play like we did in order to unfairly win, we did it so that we would have evidence to show in a report like this but my friend forgot to record it so we only have screenshots and the logs I grabbed. After I did the gens the nurse opened the exit gate I went to and gameplay proceeded normally from there where I left, my friend also left the area but did so before I could spectate them so i dont know how exactly they left.

these images are from the beginning of the match when we first got to the gate.

That gap by the lower right side of the gate can have a flashlight shone through it meaning it could blind a killer which could be abused if done in a specific way.

Anyways here is the log file:

The PC survivor in end of game chat (cloudsmight) claimed to have reported but didn't specify who they reported other than me. I am including this little tidbit in this report like I told them I would because they claim to have video and when I asked if the video they had contained the end of game chat where I explained my actions to them they said it did not and that it wouldn't be put it their reporting of me. I just want to make it known that I am aware that what I was doing was the exploitation of a glitch/bug but I only did it for the purpose of making this larger problem about this glitch that doesn't seem to be cared about by devs known. I don't care if anything I earned from this match is taken away as it isn't much and I could always play a legitimate game to get those rewards where Ill get better ones too. But its not worth it if this is something that can be done. If this issue isn't fixed or at least but the maps on pause soon, I hope the player base gets madder then it already is. Issues like this are game breaking and yet this is seen as a minor issue (I am assuming that because its been known about for two weeks and nothing has been done). I paid money for a game and it should be a realistic expectation that the game works as intended.

Post edited by Rizzo on
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