2v8 exposed how badly designed the game actually is

One of the main reasons I think 2v8 is so chill is because it's not focused on kills. Killers can chase without worrying about killing someone early, and Survivors don't have to worry about getting tunneled.

But what will new players think once this new mode is out, and they have to play 1v4? It's pretty much all 2v8 isn't: sweaty and kill-focused rather than focusing on hooks.

This mode proved that the game can be fun when the main objective is just downing and hooking. But I have my doubts that BHVR will be capable enough to rework the 1v4 mode in a way that makes it as enjoyable as 2v8.


  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,238

    I stand by what i've always said. 4v1 needs a ranked mode and a casual mode that has heavy protections against "sweaty" gameplay.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    It only works like that simply because the mode is new, the more time passes, the more people know, and the more sweaty it will be

    2v8 will still be sweaty and kill focused if we starts to play for win

  • PreorderBonus
    PreorderBonus Member Posts: 250

    Yeah, I really like cages over hooks now. They discourage slugging, tunneling, and it helps both the killer and the survivors. Not to mention that they're impossible to camp. I think if the devs adapted the game to cages instead of hooks it would be more enjoyable for everyone.

  • smokinggosling
    smokinggosling Member Posts: 55
    edited July 27

    ive actually had quite a few games where a survivor gets tunneled, and the killers still wipe the floor with us. your experience isnt the only one that matters, and people aren't sweaty losers for giving their genuine feedback about the mode...the devs need to hear this feedback so when 2v8 comes back again, they can make improvements and changes

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Kable13
    Kable13 Member Posts: 13

    As a killer main, (I'm actually writing this while waiting for my next match lol). It's not on the killers to escape… its on the survivors.. They need to be able to complete the gens, just like normal.. if one person can keep the killers attentions, then the rest have a job to do, while that person does their job. no matter what…. atleast 1 gen should always be getting worked on, theres 12 of em ffs lol… The game mode is actually balanced, when survivors are focused and get their work done properly, theres nothing stopping them from all escaping in less than 5 minutes of the trial starting.

    Happy Hunting.

  • smokinggosling
    smokinggosling Member Posts: 55

    i agree with you, but i didnt say its on the killers. i was just disagreeing with that person that killers tunnelling in this mode means they will lose the match every time.

    one person cant keep both of the killers attention the entire time though, chases against 2 killers dont tend to last very long in most cases, and in my experience many survivors just arent doing gens lol. again not the killers fault, just saying i can do my best to help the team, be useful and fufill my role, and it doesn't matter if my teammates arent doing the same.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    But then slugging shouldnt exist, if a killer leaves a survivor slugged, they should be able to pick themselves back up without unbreakable

  • Kable13
    Kable13 Member Posts: 13

    oh no i completely agree…. the survivors are either too scared to do gens unless they're completely out of the TR, or they just wanna derp around… like "ima healer, i wanna heal someone, but theres no one to heal, so ima just follow you around" lol…. personally… im terribad at skillchecks so i dont even try to play survivor lol.

  • smokinggosling
    smokinggosling Member Posts: 55

    lmao right, i had a jeff last night just crouch around watching me do gens, i even tried to give him my toolbox so maybe he would actually do something...he ended up leaving me to die on my first cage while the rest of my team dropped like flies lol :') part of the problem is the free weekend going on, there's a lot of new players right now…

    dont worry tho, ive played my fair share of survivor and still miss my skill checks sometimes :P

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,622

    in that case it was your fault for not hiding in a better place with objects that could protect you from the hatchets (especially considering that aura reading is a thing in this mode)… the killers in this case aren't tunneling since they were busy to do something else… not to mention that if the killers are patrolling the map and they found the same survivor multiple times it's a dumb play to ignore said survivor… you just got bad luck, happen. i'll tell you an anedocte: yesterday i was playing with a friend of mine as killers (i was a trapper while he was using billy), while he was patrolling a zone of the map he found a survivor that i previously put in the cage… was this tunneling? decisely no since we were focused on chasing survivors and defending a specific zone of the map (the remaining generators to defend were all placed in a single part of the map with the exception of a single gen that was to the other side of the map and since the billy is the only killer that could travel fast enough to check it, he went in that direction and found that guy again… generally speaking that guy was just unlucky…).

    it's literally impossible to tunnel people in this mode since the cages don't have noise notification unlike hooks

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,854


    I do not find the 2 v 8 mode at all fun as survivor, it is far too killer sided and MMR clearly being off means I am matched with survivors far below my experience level and it makes for an infuriating experience.

    I went back to playing the regular mode and instantly had a far better experience

  • dovakiinjoss12345
    dovakiinjoss12345 Member Posts: 3

    I agree. I love how it seems like MMR is non existent. I'm getting really skilled players to beginner players and it's a lot of fun. Just some good casual "fun" matches. I hope they keep 2v8 and I hope they maybe apply some of these game basics to the original matchmaking. The 1v4 can get really boring and sweaty.

  • tyantlmumagjiaonuha
    tyantlmumagjiaonuha Member Posts: 550

    I think this is a good mode to relax and play on either side without worrying about the concept of winning or losing. 1vs1 chases are not competitive at first due to the countless number of pallets, and there may be no point in aiming for 8k from the start due to the three hatches coming out.I think it's a good mode to play in. This is a limited time mode, so relax and enjoy it as if you were taking a walk.

  • joeyspeehole
    joeyspeehole Member Posts: 85

    boo! I'm sure people were excited about the telehooking during the anniversary event too.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210
    edited July 30

    2v8 just shows how fun the game can be without MMR, any matchmaking, for BOTH sides! And i think A LOT players missed that.

  • Rawrbot5k
    Rawrbot5k Member Posts: 58

    Cages spawns are predictable if you pay attention, basically the opposite side of the map to where you were downed near other survivors. The aura reading is far too strong period. I would love to hear an argument saying it isn't.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,265

    MMR does not exist because of 400%+ BP bonus for survivor. there is lack of survivor players to have MMR. as a result, it just puts all survivors onto one team regardless of how good they are. the queues need to be more even. I imagine it will happen over-time.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,622
    edited July 30

    I disagree regarding aura reading being too strong (only with nurse perhaps, but with the other killers it's perfectly fine)... But if was for me instead of aura reading i would have added automatic gen regression (a smaller ruin basekit essecially). As for tunneling people well, i still think that's merely a coincidence: between my matches both as killer and survivor i didn't saw tunneling gameplay once (happened that the same guy was catched for 2 times in a row, but It was always cause of bad positioning, bad luck or both those things...). Don't get me wrong, maybe you had the unluck of being matched aganist tryharders, but this is my personal experience until now

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,619

    It has already started to become sweaty.

    Last night I had to fight pretty hard as killer to get a draw or a close win. I had teams of organised survivors back to back.

  • Rawrbot5k
    Rawrbot5k Member Posts: 58

    I just had a match while being chased, 2 gens got done several gens got kicked and i got hatcheted. I was revealed over and over for most a solid 3 minute run. It's too much when EVERY unhooked survivor gets revealed especially when they are unhooking/healing a freshly unhooked survivor.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 842

    That's on the survivors for choosing to heal near generators

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

    I would actually be down with this for this specific game mode!

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,174

    I dont enjoy it since I think the Survivor role is just more boring compared to the Killer role. The Killer role has a lot of interesting and fun interactions with one another, and the Survivor interactions is boring.

    I dont think anyone gets excited over being able to heal others 35% faster or making Great Skill Checks grant 3% more progress; they are not bad effects, just boring effects, and I rather just play base DBD at that point.