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Two times the game made me restart when using the blood web it saids error about the blood web

I am having the Bloodweb Error: "An error has occurred while updating your Bloodweb." on PS5. Each time, I get kicked back to the starting screen. I have closed and relaunched the game and it has not fixed the issue. I am in the US.
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Same but on PC (steam)
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same on Xbox. Glad to see it isn’t just me…after I reinstalled. lol
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same on PC (epic)
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Same issue, started just now actually (PC).
Blood web lags every time I level it up, with a random chance it crashes with the error message mentioned above in this thread, sending me back to the initial loading screen of DBD where it says "press space to continue."
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Same for switch it's every other time I use it.
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Same, on Xbox for a few hours
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same on PC (steam)
Have you guys sync cross progression before the error started? (yes)
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- Got BANNED from this issues *
Yeah same (Xbox X)
Pick any mode " I picked 2v8 "
Could be some hot patching issues?
Everything seems to work after I level up the anywhere from 5-30 sec after i get the { Error bloodweb couldn’t sync }. Seems Devs are working on something so probably another 1-2 hours before things might be up and steady
<2V8 mode> now its immediately after i redeem a level in any characters and killers "Did take a couple of levels to give me the same error
"Reg mode is doing the same error. killers and survivors"
"Seems like anything to do with currency seems to give the error. seeing reports of the archive giving similar issues."
Post edited by BIGNATE7492 on0 -
Xbox Series S
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Yeah, I'm getting it too. every time I try progress the bloodweb and spend my points I get an error and have to restart.
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Not only on console. Platform Steam, PC too. Also the same error on Archieves
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dbd just tweeted about it
Post edited by whosm1sa on0 -
i have the same problem, dont know what to do