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Favorite Surv/Killer

Is there a killer or survivor that you go absolutely feral for? Like, not in an "they're so hot way" but like, I genuinely love them so much that I can't stop playing them and buy every new skin that comes out. Like, I'd die for Claudette and wish that there were more unknown players. I love the unknown, suck playing as him, but absolutely LOVE his gameplay. How bout y'all?

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  • Member Posts: 7,161

    Dweet. I own everything that is purchasable for him.

    Same for Michael.

  • Member Posts: 9,436


    Ghostface, Pig and Dredge, the latter may only be because all of Dredge's skins are fire.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    The fact that I'm a massive Silent Hill fan makes it understandable that my favourite survivor and killer are Cheryl Mason and The Executioner.

    It helps that there are a good number of survivor skins for Cheryl that lets me choose from a number of characters from the franchise. I still would like an Eddie though (and no - as good the Iron Maiden skins are, those Eddies won't do as a substitute).

  • Member Posts: 637

    Dwight and Jeff are my ‘soloQ’ characters! Also if I ever see or suspect a baby dweet in lobby, I’m gonna go all out to protect him!

    ..sadly I lack the skills to do so effectively

  • Member Posts: 637

    yay! My main is Lisa! But I’ll always switch to Maria if I see a James lol

  • Member Posts: 637

    I do like facing a jump scare Myers I have to say! Gives me the closest feeling to my ideal experience for the game

  • Member Posts: 345

    I absolutely love Carmina (the Artist). Her backstory, her design, her thoughts expressed on her paintings. The is such an interesting and tragic character that I have a soft spot for her even though I've switched to PH and more mobile Killers right now.

    I rarely play survivors now, but Haddie is definitely my favorite and probably the only reason why I still play as a survivor. She has a cool design and her backstory has that Stephen King vibe to it: her abilities and how they affected her life, her coining names for anomalies she experiences because nobody can explain them to her, the way Entity felt apocalyptic through her perspective. Also, the way she got her response to her life-long question about her parents is very chilling.

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    Definitely The Huntress! I bought every single cosmetic for her one day randomly because how much I liked her. I own every single cosmetic EXCEPT for the Night Owl skin that released in a rift almost 2 years ago that still hasn't been made available to buy yet. Although when the Hooked On You skin released for her I bought it immediately and have never taken it off ever since! That's my favorite by far.

  • Member Posts: 822
    edited July 2024

    Pretty much all the silent hill survivors

    And pyramid head

    I own every single cosmetic piece for both

  • Member Posts: 1,336

    Cheryl used to be it back when the cosmetic glitch was a thing. Sorry, but those Jean skirts are fugly

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Claudette is the correct answer.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    Jeff is easy pick for survivors.

    Killers are more complicated:

    For skins I would say Skully.

    Otherwise probably Oni.

  • Member Posts: 637

    Oni’s kimono cosmetic is probably the coolest in the whole game! It not only looks fantastic, but absolutely fits the character thematically too!

  • Member Posts: 37

    Kate was my go to for a while, but I switched to Mikaela and now it's Sable (She's perfect imo)
    I love Lara, I think she's a fantastic addition to the game… Although the downside of licensed characters is you can't expect them to get many outfits in future, if ever.

    Killer wise… Tiffany (Chucky Legendary skin) I love her character - Bride of Chucky is one of my favourite movies.

  • Member Posts: 123

    Survivors: Dweet, Gabriel, and Mikaela.

    Killers: Doctor and Dredge

  • Member Posts: 2,191
    edited August 2024

    The Plague

    I sometimes wonder if I am controlling her, or if she’s controlling me 🦠💀

    Post edited by HerInfernalMajesty on
  • Member Posts: 918

    I'm attracted to the least appreciated and played characters, at least on survivor. So I have a soft spot for Gabriel, Haddie, and Renato. Although Renato has gotten popular lately.

    For Killer Hag and Clown. Although most clowns play like a wet butt.

  • Member Posts: 23
    edited August 2024

    every time i see a quentin or teddy bear trapper my heart fills with joy :-) so cute!!! i also have a soft spot for any killer/survivor my friends normally play 🫶

  • Member Posts: 8,298

    Sable, for survivor- though before she came out it would've been Claudette too, for original survivors, so I feel a kinship with you there!

    For killer, I don't buy skins for the most part and I admittedly don't even play her that much, but conceptually and narratively I adore Susie from the Legion, especially after their comic. Skull Merchant is also on that list for the same reasons + because I really like playing against her most of the time, and when playing killer myself I love Clown and Trapper- if I don't know what else I want to do but I know I want to play killer, it's Clown, every time.

  • Member Posts: 9

    Ghost face, saw the films and was the first killer I bought. I just like the character. the ability, the mori, everything. The only thing I dislike is the blighted skin being bright as hell, like how am I meant to stealth with this?

  • Member Posts: 297

    Nemesis, but everything else Resident Evil. I was absolutely delighted when it came to DBD. I was hooked on the game around the time blight was released, which made the birkin skin all the more special.

    I also strictly play RE characters as survivor. It's S.T.A.R.S Jill for me thank you.

    Also, RPD sucks but I can't help but love it anyway.

  • Member Posts: 194

    For survivor: My main is 100% Lara Croft. Always will be. I can't think of anyone they could add to the game that would make me replace her. I pretty much bought all of her cosmetics within the first few days of her releasing, but I'm sure I'll get them all eventually. I also play as Leon and Nancy a lot and before Lara came out, they were both my mains. Occasionally I'll play as Ellen and Jill/Claire. Not that I really ever play as them, but I have such a soft spot for Ada and Sable! They're always so cute and if I'm killer I just have to let them go! 🥺

    For killer: I main quite a few killers but if somebody asked me who my real main was I'd probably say The Xenomorph. So far I've bought the Alien Queen outfit for them, but I think I'll probably get a couple more. I also love The Demogorgon, but whenever I play as them I always get super sweaty survivor lobbies and I always lose 😔. I'll also often play as Nemesis and The Onryo and more occasionally Ghostface. I used to play as The Blight a lot and bought his William Birkin outfit but since they changed his collision I find him too frustrating to play. Whenever I get a baby killer I feel so bad for them so I always let them escape through the hatch! 🥰☺😍

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Is it the licenced japanese style one? If so I love that put don't want to use that much money on it. I already have the minotaurus.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Feng ming is best survivor but I like mostly just using the bunny and don't have that many skins. But once the new skin is available for shards I buy it immediatelly.

    I also like sable now a lot but Ionly buy my favourite ones.

    Wraith probably has some of my favourite skins on killer I probably buy some more of them.

  • Member Posts: 3,254

    Trickster and trapper leave a satisfying taste whenever I get a long shot with the dagger/trap.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    I don't much mind huntress but were-elk skin is in my opinion game's best ever killer skin so that even I had to buy it and play were-elk. He has really nice mori.

  • Member Posts: 4,863

    Susie Legion…..

    She is LITERALLY me

    i mean i haven't murdered anyone before but STILL

  • Member Posts: 155

    Xenomorph is my favorite (im one of the 3 xenomorph mains in the world probably), Pyramid head (honestly same) and Nemesis. For survivors, my favorite is Alessa. I love the Alien IP (probably my favorite IP overall) and Silent Hill. For Nemesis, i am no fan of RE as a whole but i really loved RE3 and Nemesis himself, so he's a bit behind the two others.

  • Member Posts: 1,552

    Amanda is my girl.

  • Member Posts: 637
  • Member Posts: 11,763

    My favorite characters have always been Claudette and Freddy, but surprisingly I think Sable did manage to replace Claudette as my favorite survivor.

  • Member Posts: 69

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