Why hiding prestige in lobby is terrible desicion

Cause this another huge buff for cheaters and bully squads. At least before they need to hide they p100 character and if its only 1 p100 you know who should get tunneled first. Anyway another survivor sided update from survivor sided development. I did not even surprise why its only survivors perks getting buffed and camping became much harder (for securing second stage and not like hard camping). By the way many complain that killers target p100 survivors. Well 90% P100 survivors are bully/cheaters or just rude individuals so this change actually protect the most toxic part of community.
You realize a bully squad could be consisted of 4 p0 survivors correct?
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Mostly of them are p100 and if killer see p100 he can dodge but now nothing will stop them bullying festival
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Ah, now we get to the real reasons people were against this, which is that the meta game information the killer has access to in the lobby is too much.
Sounds like a perfectly good reason to get rid of the prestige in the lobby to me.
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a p100 does not necessarily have more skill than a p3 - I have plenty of high prestiges, does my skill change if I play a new character who's P3? No it doesn't.
Tunnelling out players and dodging lobbies purely because they have a high prestige character isn't something we wish to see happen - hence why hiding prestige was such a highly requested feature because players have become tired of not being able to play their favourite character who they've dedicated a lot of bloodpoints to.
Our Development team does not "pick sides" - they look at the game overall and see what areas need improvement.
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Assuming P100 surv = bully is a relatively sad thought.
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A p100 is effectively a lvled up skin. A bully could simply have a p0 character and play with that to try and bully. Please refer to Mandy above.
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Mostly p 100 that i face have head on/flashbang or background player/flashlight. And i also mention that more than bully this huge buff for cheaters for obvious reason
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"Bully Squads" - have nothing to do with Prestige. Sure, they might play on one character, but not everyone having a P100-Survivor wants to bully a Killer and not everyone having a low Prestige-Survivor is someone who does not bully at all.
Prestige is meaningless. You will face the same player, regardless if they use their P100-Ace or their P6-Lara.
When it comes to Cheaters, the argument is even more pointless. Cheaters usually use brand-new accounts, which are low prestige. And they are Anon anyway. You will not be able to spot a Cheater from just looking at the Lobby.
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Have seen p100 with less than 800 hours. I play mostly around p30 or less and have 4500 hours in soloQ.
Prestige level is not a good indicator of skill.
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And why don't make it as option? I want to show my prestige in lobby, so why I can't? Just make it option in settings.
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The point being made is this theoretical bully squad could be using Survivors they're only P3 instead of their P100 main.
Just because you have aP100 character doesn't mean they're the only one you're allowed to play.
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They did a random sampling when they tested this like a year ago. The system isn't going to work if people choose to hide or not.
That was blatantly obvious with all of the "I'm going to dodge people harder who feel like they have something to hide" talk after that test.
Hiding all prestige in the lobby is the way to go. If you want to show off your prestige achievement, you can do that at the end game just fine.
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Unless you believe P100 = cheater, there is no way to tell if someone is cheating by looking at their prestige level.
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Isn't the point of "prestige" to show off to other players? What's the point of having it if no one can see it.. 🤔
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Thank you!
The OP literally confirmed what we’ve all been complaining about for months which is that if we play our favorite character, the killers target and tunnel us out.6 -
Many cheaters getting find at least on steam if they have only 10-20 hours in game and still have p100 character wich is huge red flag and now the can do it for free
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You can see it in endgame screen just fine. Showing off in pregame lobby isn’t necessary.
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Does this mean that survivors will no longer be able to see the prestiges from their surv mates? There is nothing in the patch notes that says this only applies to killers
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Your entire post is the exact reason why this is happening. Basically admitting that you want P100s shown so you can tunnel them out is exactly what people have complained about and the devs said they don’t want. Congrats.
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Many people triggered about p100 part but again its a half a problem - the main part is cheaters
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No offense but this is one of the reasons why this change is so good. This notion some people have that P100 survivors must be a bully squad of some kind.
Getting dodged just because I am a P100 Dwight. The killer probably thinking I am going to taunt them all match.
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Noy every p100 is part of bully squad but all members of bully squad is p100
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..... factual false
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They will see it. At the end, on the results screen.
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That's if you can check their hours. It's likely either you're not on the same platform or they private their profile.
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This post is a huge L take. You should have more confidence in your skills
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Why not make it optional? Personally I never noticed killers targeting me being P100. I do like to show my prestige to others.
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So, if they can hide ranks in pre game, show in post game, why can't they show us in post game who was SWF? Sounds like it's a very simple toggle, right?
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Assuming P100s were bullies is why prestiges needed to be hidden in the first place. Players were dodging lobbies that got MMR matched to them because they assumed the other side was scarier than they actually were. And that meant the queue would then throw a random killer to the team next and it causes matchmaking to break down.
And on the other side, survivors would dodge low prestige teammates because they assumed they were bad players. I saw it, I did it myself when I saw P0 default survivors. Recently heard the tales of a Switch player who came to PC and ran a P0 Dwight for a while and got dodged more than half the time, and yeah. That's not something DBD wants to incentivize.
Showing prestige in the pregame lobby was always a bad idea and I'm glad we're finally doing away with it.
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Thank you so much. 🙏🏻 This change is very appreciated for the game's health.
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Prestige, frankly, doesn't mean crap. Besides, killers still get far more information than survivors do. Killers will still get to know who they're facing and what items they're bringing in, if any, allowing them to plan accordingly, while survivors still have zero clue who the killer is, let alone their name.
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Because killers will know that if a survivor is choosing to hide their prestige, they're most likely a P100, so they'll just get harassed or lobby dodged anyway. Making it optional is a bad idea.
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In a game where people would tell you to uninstall the game/unalive yourself or come directly to your Steam profile to smear their mockery in the comments whenever you make a mistake or lose? Lmao.
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It's to protect the most fragile among us, who don't need to be catered to at all. If they put half as much energy into balancing well...
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dw like last time they will remove and add it back like last time basically making it a waste update
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I don't agree.
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This just isn’t true. Most bulky squads stay low levels. They don’t expose their high levels generally.
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“Our Development team does not "pick sides" - they look at the game overall and see what areas need improvement.”
You’ve said this a 100 times. I wish people would just understand it. The development team is so much more reasonable than what people give them credit for.7 -
Not to mention all the evidence compiled in Patch Notes which go back years now. Anybody with a modicum of sentience can briefly check through them to see how the team attend to both sides overall in the long term.
"Us vs. Them" is just playground antics now.
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I think 2v8 has already allowed us to experience this in action. As a survivor (can't remember about killer, queue times lol) you don't see the others' prestige level at all until the match results, and that's kinda alright. Sure I'll still be judging a survivor based on their cosmetics, but least it's just that and not their level as well 😅
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I think it's mostly new players, acting like they understand the game, when in reality they don't know anything about the game's history.
It's usually some post like: "In my 14 years playing this game, I can say that this game has never been more imbalanced". Followed by them calling the other side inbred or whatever, and proceeding to go cry in a corner (this part is speculation).
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When the Prestige thing was rolled out, I remember that I was scared of P20 players or any lobby with 2+P9s. But I quickly learned that dedication to a character doesn't equal skill, at all, and most P100 players went down just as easy as a P3 player.
There is a thing, though, about those fabled bully squads and a full lobby of P100s. You don't usually find that in the wilds and as a random, for P100s usually mean a dedicated SWF that means business and I have never had a chill game against such a group and yes, I occasionally dodged them. But alas, this new change is probably for the better and the P-level of a character is the least problematic thing this game has.
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This change is kinda amusing because amount of game hours via Steam is a far more better indicator of when to lobby dodge.
Someone can have a P1 Claudette but if they're rocking 8k hours in DBD, that's a sign that matchmaking is borked.
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I think their goal is to greatly reduce the amount of dodging. And most players are not in Steam.
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They can put as much effort as they like into balancing but it doesn't mean squat if killers are lobby dodging.
I'm actually amazed there is so much division amongst the playerbase when it comes to this. We all agree matchmaking barely works, we all agree baby killers shouldn't be going against experienced survivors, and baby survivors shouldn't be going against experienced killers, and now we have a solution that may improve on all that, and people are unhappy. The only people I can imagine who would genuinely be unhappy are those killers who purposely seek out weaker opponents for a power trip.
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I don't think anyone imagines lobby dodging will be completely eliminated. I think as long as they reduce the amount that it happens it may be enough to improve matchmaking to a higher degree.
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I hope they have some sort of data that told them that there's a higher % of dodging when a high Prestige character is in the lobby, otherwise it would just seem like they implemented this change because some people were complaining about lobby dodging because they were P100 ( I recall a few threads talking about this on the forums) which makes it hilarious.
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BHVR did a beta test a while back where some players couldn't see prestiges in the pre-game lobby. So yes, there is actual data.
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It's because players were quitting or dodging lobbies because they felt intimidated by seeing a p100, even though prestige has nothing to do with skill, there is no reason to show the prestige in lobbies, if you're going to get a 'bully' squad, or if someone is going to get tunneled, chances are it is probably going to happen anyway. Players shouldn't be discouraged to play the game and they see p100s and think "damn these players are good", it's just a number, and all it did was cause more issues than not.
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I've gotten to the stage that if a P100 appears, they're more likely to throw the game with some seriously questionables plays, rather than be of much use. You're right in saying Prestige has little to do with skill.
When I play Killer, I treat the P100s as any other Survivor, and - although a few did live up to the rep - most were like any other. There's no need to feel intimidated, and certainly not enough of a reason to lobby dodge.
What I am looking forward to are the genuine, highly-skilled, high-Prestige Survivors donning the default outfits to catch out Killer's who'd normally dodge. :D