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Oh god billys on the roadmap again.

supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,495

I expect some updates to how often he overdrives and they might tone down the curve again. Hopefully they also look at those overdrive addons because all of them are memeworthy.


  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,495
    edited August 2

    Personally I wouldn't be to mad lol. I wanted a meme addon to remove it entirely because I just liked original billys flow. Not having it every 2 seconds would be fine for me. They just also need to address how halarious some of the addons are like dissipation rate. And how strong lopro is.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,697

    I'm expecting a minor nerf, he can definitely afford it. Lopro needs to go for sure.

    Definitely agree they should change/rework those overdrive-decay addons, they're all worthless since you can stop it from decaying by just charging the chainsaw briefly.

    I don't want them to nerf his curving though. Just make overdrive a little less common and that's probably enough, maybe 40m terror radius would be fair too.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,708

    I think they'll prolly tune down the overdrive as it is kinda insane but I hope they keep the turning. I'd also be fine for higher cooldown on misses/hits.

    Honestly as long as they don't do anything too major I think Billy will be fine regardless.

  • ays12151
    ays12151 Member Posts: 678

    I think Overdrive mechanic is completely fine. One thing that needs a nerf on Hillbilly it's his intial turn rate - it's 1 second - previously it was 0.75 seconds, so they should bring it back to 0.75 seconds and he would require much more skill on the loops and he wouldn't be that oppresive.

    I really don't want Overdrive nerf, because I don't like Engravings. With nerfed Overdrive, Engravings may be a must have Add-On sometimes.

  • Dumbtecher
    Dumbtecher Member Posts: 32
    edited August 2

    He just needs some minor balancing nerfs because he’s currently overtuned.

    • Revert the initial turn rate to .75sec
    • Remove cooldown bonus from overdrive
    • Make overdrive slightly harder to get (potentially add toggle feature similar to trickster that decays if not activated in time)
    • Rework lopro
    • Adjust weaker addons accordingly

    Just some off the dome suggestions. Emphasis on the turn rate being reverted though.

  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 1,027

    They just need to get rid of lopro chains and revert his inicial turn rate back to 0,75s

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 836

    I hope they keep the turn rate as well. It might not make much of a difference, but take it too far and I would hate for him to feel clunky to use again.

  • Yippiekiyah
    Yippiekiyah Member Posts: 478

    They really aren't changing many killer perks at all considering i could think of at least 30 bad perks off the top of my head.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,062

    Yep. I'm expecting a nerf. Really, everyone on the middle column I expect to be nerfed, even though they don't need it. I do expect Plague and Cenobite to be buffed though.

  • Marioneo
    Marioneo Member Posts: 808

    I will say he does get overdrive every other dash so it does warrant a increased requirement.

    He does not need an terror radius increase you hear his saw close RUN

  • ClarityOfWill
    ClarityOfWill Member Posts: 205

    I will be astounded if it isn’t a nerf, but since it most likely is and as a Billy main I’d like to get a few points of feedback in early.

    The overdrive system was a mistake. I said this during a podcast that occurred between several prominent billy players at the time it would potentially cause a lot of issues and stand by that statement. Conceptually it’s cool as hell, but from a gameplay balance perspective it just causes unneeded complexity. Personally, I’d remove OverDrive entirely, but that probably isn’t going to happen sadly.

    • We have a subcomponent of Billy’s power that automatically builds based on usage rather than as a reward. The result is that spamming your power is the optimally way to get the OD to trigger. Changing this to be on successful downs or something else doesn’t solve this either since now you end up creating a “win harder” scenario on an instadown power.
    • No control on when it activates. Having OD kick in mid curve or even traversal and screwing up a well-intended play doesn’t feel good. It’s frustrating, especially when you’ve built up a skill set with managing Billy’s power, only to now you must try to factor in the “RNG” part of his power. Changing this to manual activation would help, but it makes it much stronger on a killer who is already in a strong spot. Again, it’s complexity that now must be balanced for.
    • Gives addon strength as part of the basekit, but in a way that isn’t consistent. It’s not like the changes for Doc’s power where you can nerf the addons because the basekit has been statically changed to account for it (or insert other killers where similar principals have been applied). Because this was split over a 10% basekit change, the OD mechanic and the combining of both engravings (also a mistake imo), it becomes must harder to try and accommodate when balancing. Under “old” billy, it was straightforward, you had base speed, yellow engraving and green engraving. Now we have Base, Iri + OD activation window.

    The turn rate change was also stupid (not helped by certain content creators spreading a narrative that was extremely misleading regarding curving). This should be reverted to 0.75. 1 second was extremely generous considering how drastically it lowered his skill ceiling.

    Further nerf to tmix and if we’re going to keep OD then nerf the recovery in that too. On an instadown power, the recovery window is what allows the survivor to make reasonable distance and reposition away. Anything changing this severely affects the ability to punish Billy properly for screwing up. He was always strong at zoning, even during his weaker period, buffing this to the extent it has been was a mistake.

    Honestly, this is probably an unpopular one, but revert the engravings change back to yellow and green. The base kit change would have allowed for a single engraving to be used with one of the other addons which is still more than strong enough. Combining both was always going to mean that billy had to sacrifice nothing to retain the strength of speed while also gaining additional functionality from another addon. We already have so many OD related addons that we could easily afford to scrap one.

    If we did this, we probably wouldn’t need to reinvent the wheel when it comes to lopro since the addon was fine before the buffs.

    As someone else said, buff the weaker addons.

  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 1,027

    Yes? they nerfed chucky scamper because it was free and gave free hits, lopro chains does the same thing.

  • Sarrif
    Sarrif Member Posts: 192

    Hopefully a nerf, he's busted af right now.