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PLEASE fix 2v8 somehow

FuzzyKoala Member Posts: 13
edited August 2 in Feedback and Suggestions

I just disconnected from a game for the first time ever, out of pure frustration. The way 2v8 is coded, the killers know exactly where survivors are going to spawn. Add, on top of that, coordinated killers and ZERO matchmaking in that mode, and it creates a really frustrating situation which makes me not want to play the game.

It's so disappointing, because in the first days of 2v8, people still hadn't worked out how the code works and you get to play the game. That was only a week ago, btw. But over the last couple of days, I've loaded in in the hopes of getting some tome challenges done and some bloodpoints, only to get tunneled out (mostly by wraiths).

I know those killer players will claim they're just playing the game "in the most efficient way".

Fine. F**k 'em. Let them play efficiently with bots.

This s**t isn't fun on the survivor side.


  • Leidenschaft90
    Leidenschaft90 Member Posts: 78

    I know you don't want to hear it but that screams "skill issue". I played a lot 2v8 in soloQ and out of 10 games I escaped 8, on average. I give you that there is zero matchmaking. I have 7k hours in DbD and got matched with some survivors hiding at the edge of the map and killers who weren't able to down me once even with a partner and I met many people with default skins. Even if you do a huge mistake or a mate dies pretty fast it hasn't the same impact than in a normal 1v4 game. And somehow I love to play with roles instead of perks. It's so much more fun than the typical Meta you face all the time. Chaos Shuffle was pretty fun as well imo. Yeah, you still try to win and sometimes you sweat for it but I'm less frustrated in 2v8 than I become in 1v4. And even as a killer (I only played 5 games because of the long queue times) I was able to win 4 out of the 5 games (survivors weren't able to finish 8 gens) if I remember right. And I played all of them with a random partner I didn't know. It was pretty fun as well and not that sweaty.

  • FuzzyKoala
    FuzzyKoala Member Posts: 13

    Yeah, no kidding it screams "skill issue", which is why matchmaking is so important. You have 7k hours, I have a little over a hundred combined over an earlier console account and my current PC account. Do you think we belong in the same lobby? Because we may have been, and that's the problem. I've been queued up against a pair of P100 killers in this mode. There's no reasonable way that we would be evenly matched.

    Call of Duty recently released an internal whitepaper which showed that, when matchmaking was turned off, nearly a third of players quit the game.

    ( )

    This is how bad matchmaking kills games. 1 out of 3 players take the same stance I did - let them play against bots if it's no fun for the rest of us. One quote from that whitepaper is "Blowouts result in players leaving the game which adversely affects the player pool." Prioritizing queue times over matchmaking was a stupid decision.

    2v8 was fun until killers worked out the coding and managed to "break" that portion of the game. It was fun during the free weekend when I was matched against similarly new players. When you get double-teamed in the first 10 seconds of the game, it's not fun. When killers look at your pathing and playstyle and determine that you're the weak link to tunnel out, it's not fun.

    That was my experience yesterday over multiple games. Load in, within the first 10 seconds both killers shows up to double team. And then they cross the map to the cages to tunnel out the weak links. My matches were over in about 2 minutes, and even with 400% bonus, I was leaving matches with next to no BPs.

    And none of this is helped by the stealth playstyle being eliminated from 2v8 because every killer has aura reading nearly all the time. I think if they turned on matchmaking and randomized the spawns, it would've stopped that insta-tunnel experience.

    DBD can be such a grind before you get a decent collection of perks to play with, and I just wanted to farm some bloodpoints so I could play with more perks later. I'm not done playing DBD, but I I'm done with 2v8 survivor. Not even 400% is worth this. And I'm not the only one. Last night I was playing survivor and we had to wait for other survivors to join the queue (which had been instant 2 days ago), so other players must be leaving too.

    DPYROAXIS Member Posts: 15

    I see your side but iit's about adaptation. Every player has a set skill set, no special perks. Doesn't matter if you play a fresh character vs a P100 you can't play the same way as a 1 vs 4 game. I do agree with the aura reading tho, I have been hit by aura reading and I am pretty sure I was at least 40 metres from the gen. I saw their pink aura look about then come for me from a distance and I was behind a wall so no direct line of sight.