What's your take on people who spam BM and...

When you tunnel/camp/slug or tbag spam/flashlight click spam back they rage massively in endgame chat? Do you think it's deserved? Do you think they're in the right or wrong? Do you feel you're in the right or wrong? Just curious how the community feels about this.
Example 1: Person tbags after every pallet and vault. If you try to leave them they run after you and spam flashlight clicks. They make a bad play and you down them then tunnel them out. They rage at how toxic you are in the endgame chat to tunnel them out and how bad of a player you are.\
Example 2: You get downed as a survivor. The killer walks back and forth behind your downed body. Then they pick you up and hook you then hit you on hook a few times. When they unhook you they attempt to tunnel you and you outplay them at each vault/pallet and you tbag them for their earlier BM.
I only BM of someone else started it. Treat others how you'd like to be treated and clearly for some people they like being treated like a dick
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The only thing they want is to fuel their ego. I often find that these types of players are the biggest detriment to their team if all they do is cry for you to pay attention to them all match.
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If people tbag. i'ma tunnel that one =D
All is fair in love and war =D.
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While I don't get the appeal of doing it in the first place myself and don't care when people try it on me, it's just plain pathetic when someone dishes it out but can't take it.
At best it's just simple hypocrisy, at worst it's the DBD brain rot version where they've convinced themsevles it's okay and actually super righteous when their role does it because.. reasons, but not okay when their opponent(s) do it!!
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I started tolerating Killers who BM more than I tolerate survivors who BM (no matter who I'm playing). Maybe, because I see them doing it more. Also most of the bunch who t-bags at the exit gate got carried by other survivors who bodyblocked, unhooked them and healed them — and yet they do their baboon dance as if they did it all on their own.
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I don't really mind any kind of BMing. Flashlight clicking, teabagging, pointing, hitting on hook, shaking heads. None of that really impacts my game. While I don't love tunneling it is a strategy that works so there's often no reason not to do it. Doing the most efficient strategy isn't BM.
The only things I actually consider to be truly BMing behaviour are a few people hiding so they cannot be found, and a killer slugging for no reason other than to bleed someone out. Things that just prevent you from really being able to play. And of course really nasty things in the end game chat.
I actually like if I'm being cheeky with a killer and teabagging or clicking or whatever when they down me and shake their head or give me a hit or two on hook. It feels like a friendly rivalry.
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An Eye For An Eye,
A Tooth For a Tooth,
BMing Begets BMing.
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It’s whatever. It usually just makes me laugh.
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bming always makes me laugh the only time it really pisses me off is when people slug bleed out bm
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I've never BMd in my life but have had it done plenty of times to me. I just assume it's a child playing and move on. I don't do anything or say anything.
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I don't really care about it to be honest, let people have their fun however they see fit as long as it doesn't break any game rules or end in threats what's the harm? It can only do me harm and make me mad if I allow myself to be weak minded and let it get to me, so I just laugh it off or get them back with their own medicine,
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if someone i tunneled is still typing in egc, especially after a long game, it just makes me laugh and idc about what they have to say atp
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It's just a bunch of childish cowards.
BM comes 90% from people in an advantageous position like the killer that downed/hooked someone or the survivor tbagging safely behind a dropped pallet/in the exit.
They do it to feel superior in a situation where they don't have to fear any consequences for their unsocial behavior.
My go-to strategy is ignoring them ("them" being survivors in my case, because I was a killer only player).
Don't give them the attention they seek. And if they are running after you trying everything to get the attention daddy never gave them? Even better they are truly useless for their team and you can kill them after you are done with the rest.
With the added satisfaction if they rage/mald salt in after game chat because their plan didn't work on you.
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At no point is raging over BM in DbD worth it or deserved.
I usually don't care if someone BMs. Often, I see it as a sign of "Chase me! Chase me!" which means I'm chasing the wrong person and I need to go target the gen jockeys.
Sometimes I see the BM as just a bit of the game. If they teabag I might nod when I down them, but no matter what I just hook them and go on with the match. I don't tunnel for it: tunneling would give them extra attention, and some part of them would be gloating about how they got under my skin.
I find the BMing survivors in 2v8 hilarious: they teabag or use their flashlight at a pallet and then they're suddenly on the ground because the second killer came up behind them. Beautiful.
I only teabag or flashlight click as survivor if I'm trying to distract the killer to help a teammate or I'm surrendering or something.
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I only BM if they were toxic and tried to tunnel but failed and even then not until I get to exit Gates. In matches I do spam crouch normally but it is meant as a friendly thing not to be like laughing at people or being disrespectful hence why I do it in the open without pallets around
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If someone BM's me when I'm playing killer, I just don't give them hatch or let them escape if I have won. If I'm not in a position of winning, I just go next. I don't think it's worth getting upset over personally.
As survivor, I never BM. I just play and do my best to escape
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I mean, people who BM are already acting immature. I'm not surprised when they continue to be immature.
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Getting BM'd on doesn't really bother me at all and most of the time the person doing it isn't very good either. I usually return a little BM back for fun and it's all harmless.
Do watch out for the skilled BM user who's doing it to keep your attention off weak links though. I've seen killers lose matches cause of them.
When the BM'ers rage afterwards that's the best part. Seeing someone get so upset over something that doesn't matter is hilarious to me. It's like when you see a little kid freaking out over something simple like their block tower fell. Same exact energy and just as funny.
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But it's still a jerk move, right?
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I've a couple of personal rules... First of all i'll start to play mean (tunnel and camp) if survivors won't leave me no choices in that matter (generators fly, abuse of 2nd chance perks in order to waste my time, finishing generators while i'm next to them, etc etc)… i'll start to be toxic (nodding) if you bring map offerings and toolboxes with bnp or medkits with styptic agent/anti hemorrage syringe (at this point you are playing to make my game more miserabile as possible so don't act surprised if i'll play accordingly to this)... Special treatment for people that are toxic for no reason from the beginning and use all the stuff that i mentioned before (i'll let them bleed on the ground/hit on the hook and i'll enjoy their salt in the end game chat)
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I generally try to ignore BM. Though, I will always remember a particularly bizarre incident.
There was a clown whom I accidentally 360'd. After doing so, they downed me, hit me on hook, and went on to get the 4k. They were on cross play and subsequently found my Steam profile and left a comment calling me a "toxic POS."
After further conversation: they claimed I was toxic to cross players, caught me doing so multiple times, refused to elaborate further, and blocked me.
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There is very little in this game that actually bothers me, most of the I get irritated by something it is my own damn fault lol, don't blame others for how they play, play in a way you enjoy and what makes you happy, bottom line, get let pixels on a screen upset you because some person 2000 miles away did something in a game, there are things that can be considered BM, floor humping, hitting on hook, tbagging, clicking etc whatever, it's how you interpret it. Personally, doesn't bother me
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I always tbag and do troll move, it's just funny and i play to have fun. I really don't care lol, we are playing a videogame you should not get offended by a tbag
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In my experience the worst players are the ones who tbagg.
I never go out of my way to bm unless the other player started it
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I guess you won't get offended if a guy who beat you in chess slaps you in the face then.
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Lol, how is this remotely the same thing?
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I almost never BM, not even as a response to BM. If I do, I'm probably tired and wanted some chill matches and the enemy player just decided to be an ass and got me in a bad mood.
However, if you're being toxic, don't expect pity from me if you get absolutely wrecked or out-BM'd. I will call you out in end game chat, and I do not care if you're on my team or not. It's not the first time I've been hyping up the killer when I've noticed another survivor being a toxic piece of 💩.
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How it's not the same thing? He is just having fun, what's the harm?
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I'm not even arguin this is ridiculous. bye.
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I ignore BM, they're little wusses who want attention and I am not their dance monkey. I don't go out of my way to start things and I don't ever BM for no reason. I just don't like to.
However… if you really want my attention that much, and you BM and you're not very good… then I might BM you back briefly. Very briefly. Like, ONE humptech or hook hit or a couple bags, never a ton of it. If you annoy me badly enough, maybe I'll give a cheeky response back, but it's not my usual.
If you BM and then DC or get salty in the EGC though? I laugh, really hard, because you could dish it but ultimately not take it.
I'm a nice person, 95% of the time. Please don't test my patience by trying to turn me into that 5% of the time.
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I rarely stoop to their level because it's more classy to not acknowledge it and just see it as a game, rather than getting overly emotional because somebody teabagged or hit on the hook.
It is funny when someone like that gets riled up afterwards, and I admit on the very rare occasion they do contact me it's usually a bad idea on their part as they'll always lose - same with anyone else who tries to vocalize their anger against someone who clearly has the morale highground.
These people are always looking for something. Maybe they had a bad day and are taking it out. Perhaps they want an argument. Sometimes, they just want to feel some weak sense of supremacy. It's all for nought though, because it never takes the root problem away. They are always stuck with it - a weakness, made more clear.
Ultimately, just move on. No point in giving any sense of satisfaction, because that at best makes them feel acknowledged; at worst sweetens the perfect dessert, whilst both you and them piss in your dessert.
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I usually only BM as a survivor as bait to keep the killer on me if either they look like they're getting sick of chasing me and I want them to keep wasting time on me, or if a nearby objective is almost done and it's critical I keep them occupied for at least a few more seconds.