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Can't escape anymore in 2v8?

Member Posts: 452
edited August 2024 in General Discussions

Did they change something about the MMR? Because the past few days it feels nearly impossible to escape. Another extremely killer sided event. No wonder there's a survivor shortage.

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  • Member Posts: 426

    Didn't notice any particular difference, personally. It still feels like the average player in a 2v8 lobby has like 15 total hours playtime at the game.

  • Member Posts: 808
    edited August 2024

    Still 50+ Mins wait time it is getting WORSE no improving

    If its 50/50 you failed your job its supposed to be 40/60

  • Member Posts: 10,390

    There's a survivor shortage because people want to play killer. Maybe what you said as well, but that's the main reason. And others would rather not deal with 7 potentially bad teammates when they're already sick of dealing with 3. It's really not hard to win as survivor, they see that, and so rightfully get frustrated when they never escape.

  • Member Posts: 2,704

    I am having a blast in Survivor 2v8 today. I would say I'm escaping half the time. I bought a new Dwight cosmetic and I'm playing match after match.

    If the team is going to lose, I make my goal to practice looping and waiting to drop pallets.

    I'm getting really good at doing a 360 so the killer misses their swings on me 🤭

  • Member Posts: 679

    Queue times have definitely went down to sub 10 mins as Killer so you're definitely going to get games that are closer to your MMR than what you've been getting over the last week. My killer games are definitely more difficult with regards to gen efficiency. They fly by now especially if you get a bad start. I would still say my win rate is around 70%. Survivor games feel a bit easier actually, but my solo queue MMR isn't that high so I'm probably getting matched with Killers that aren't as skilled now. Survivor feels like it's around 40-50% escape rate, including getting the hatch.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    It’s supposed to be whatever the devs want at the time. Two years ago the killrate to escape rate was 50/50. It’s unlikely to remain 60/40 forever.

  • Member Posts: 808
  • Member Posts: 3,272

    Maybe you won so much that your MMR adjusted and now you face people above your actual weightclass? Play some more to get it adjusted to your actual comfort zone.

    I mean you saw people say something similar about killers, so why would anyone be surprised it happens to survivors too?

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    We'd have fun looking at 2v8 statistics after the end I guess

  • Member Posts: 5,508

    I live smack in the middle of Europe, so that might influence my queue times. I didn't take notes as such, but always had a stop watch on my second screen running, to give me an idea of the queue times.

    The frist two days I couldn't play due to life being busy, and I think that would have been the craziest days, anyway. From then on my survivor queues were basically instant, and my killer queues were around 11:30min to 12:30min. I got once in at 2min, probably as a backfill killer, if you would beliefe that, but over all the days of the first week 11:30-12:30min queue times were very consistently.

    Now, in week two, things seem to have eased up a little, just like Mandy said. My queue times are now consistently around 4:30-6:00min, I never waited longer, but once hat another backfill game, where my wait time was 2:30min.

    Killrate and escape-wise I have even less hard data, just anecdotaly. During my first week both sides were much easier: survivors didn't know what they were doing, and if I chased a good survivor for longer then 10s I could just drop chase and find someone who would go down in less then 20s. But same on the survivors side: while the two killers were strong, many were returning killers who just wanted to see how the game felt and I legitly got matched with 200h killers, whom I personally could loop for 8 gens. I never escaped as much as I did during the first week as survivor.

    Now in week two, things tightned up: when I play killer, survivors are more savy of whats going on, there are less potatoes and most survivors just hug their gens and its not uncommon to go from say 6 gens to 2 gens in the matter of 15s, when they repair back to back. Also, there are no much more good survivors who know how to greed the abundance of pallets on the maps to the absolute max and many take protection hits. I have had a fair share of 7-8E games :V But players are very often altruistic, as most of you know, so there is always the chance to get one or two kills. I have seem double knockdowns in the exit area, with one quick stomp sending a t-bagging survivor over the map to a deadly demise in a claw cage.

    Likewise, as survivor the killers feel much more oppressive. The Huntress is the most popular one and her being paired with Wraith or Trapper is the most comon matchup, so you allways have to be mindful of hatchets. The killer wisened up to the claw cage mechanic and many now run back to the cages in order to intercept survivors there or even slug while proxy guarding the slug, to generate more pressure and attracting survivors, before stomping the slug and being instantly in the next chase with the would be savior. While my escape rates didn't tank, its now much harder to escape as a survivor then last week.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    You don't know what their metric is for balance in 2v8 I would hardly throw around the term "failed", it could be a 50/50 rate they're aiming for just to have a non competitive party mode, just because the normal game strives for a 40/60 ratio doesn't mean every aspect of any game mode needs that, they could come out with a more stealthy mode tomorrow where it's a 25/75 and there's only one left standing everytime and it would totally shatter any type of metric you have for balance but it could still be a fun mode everyone enjoyed if done properly.

  • Member Posts: 1,218

    What gens? I want that flashlight.

  • Member Posts: 5

    its nothing with mmr really, i just think people know how to play this game mode now, so now that people know how to play the game "optimally" and by that i mean killers cage a survivor and immediately book it to the other side of the map since that's how caging really works and tunnel players out. The fun of 2v8 is no more and now its just sweaty asf. Leave it to the dbd community to take the fun out of anything

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Queque times been good around 5-8 minutes on killer last few days. So seems most killers ard now somewhat experienced so matches are hardef on survivor as first days there were so many new killers and even they have learned to improve.

    Last few days have really shown this mode can be pernament without queques being any issue and that even survivors didn't get anything new really. I hope in future iteration survivors get mechanic to be able to do saves and something in chase if 2 killers are on them.

  • Member Posts: 1,165
    edited August 2024

    My Survivor games in 2 Vs 8 have become significantly harder and I hate to say this, they've also become more frustrating and a lot less fun as a result. The Killers I get are on a par with the main game now and if that's how it's going to be for the rest of the event, I'd rather be playing that instead. At least we can pip up in the main mode. One Killer who knows what they're doing is enough of a struggle for me, nevermind two.

    I preferred the variable skill levels that we were getting earlier in the event. It meant I had more of a chance to escape (or could at least stay in the trial for longer and contribute a bit more).

    On the plus side, Killer queues are now down to about 10 minutes, so at least I've had a few more chances to play some Killer games (which is still more enjoyable than the Survivor side, imho).

  • Member Posts: 436

    Are you going out of your way to get chased? As long as you have 2 to 3 survivors in your game that understand the gens need to get done, it's pretty easy to escape more often than not. It's definitely a survivor-sided mode. The survivor perks are quite OP if you have competent players.

  • Member Posts: 1,059
    edited August 2024

    I haven't kept close track, but I'd say that at least 60% of my 2v8 matches have had 5-8 escapes (I've only played as survivor - ain't gonna wait in 30 minute queues to play killer). It seems heavily survivor-sided to me. And this is with most of the players in my matches being solo queue. Sure, there are probably 1 out of 3 matches where the survivors go down instantly after being found or most of the team refuses to touch gens or the killers are very skilled and coordinating via comms, but the other 2 out of 3 matches have been very difficult for the killers.

    Will be very interested to see any kill rate stats from the devs on this game mode. Is anyone else escaping only 1/3 of their 2v8 matches? I consider myself an OK, not great, survivor player, and am escaping most of my matches. I can't believe very many players are having as rough of a time as the OP is.

  • Member Posts: 1,059

    Yes, I've seen a much higher % of useless teammates in 2v8 mode compared to normal 1v4 matches as well. So many players running for cover at the slightest hint of a heartbeat, even if the status indicators are showing other people being chased.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe 2v8 is using SBMM, so you could be a super good 5,000 hour player and be getting thrown in with people who are literally brand new to the game. Not that SBMM works for regular 1v4 mode, but at least I don't seem to be getting thrown in with brand new players as often in regular mode.

  • Member Posts: 1,059
    edited August 2024

    We haven't seen any kill rate stats for this mode yet, so how can you draw a broad conclusion that this is an "extremely killer-sided event?" I'm not a great survivor player and have escaped well more than half of my matches. You might be the only one who is having this terrible of an experience.

    Oh, and at least twice in the past few days you talked about how much fun you were having in 2v8, so it's hard to believe that now all of a sudden you find it to be so terrible

  • Member Posts: 302

    I escaped most games last night. Tonight? 2 out of ten.

  • Member Posts: 351

    Killers are catching on how the cages spawn so are getting good at hunting them down and interrupting the heal attempt or unhook itself. Giving themselves an easier down against an already injured survivor and often finding more injured survivors arriving for group heals.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    Well from what I read on here, the MMR is fairly wide in scope so effectively it would feel like it isn't on at all and that has been my experience in many matches

  • Member Posts: 69

    Pls, when you will be giving us another 2vs8 time limited mode don't put the mmr in leave it has it is rn.

  • Member Posts: 120

    What the heck are you considering "balanced"?

    And how the heck can you sit there and claim there are no shortages of survivors playing 2v8 with these queue times....

    Post the actual statistics rather than just coming in here blurting out "fake news" when everything on the player side shows evidence otherwise.

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